Challenges faced by Nigerian Students on campus. 50% to campusconnect

in CampusConnect3 years ago


A qualitative mind and a sound environment enhances learning.

The above quote is absolutely true. See when it comes to quantatitve and qualitaive learning the state of the mind, body and soul is absolutely important.

No wonder our counter part, schooling abroad perform academic wonders. The reason is because the system over there encourages quantativative and qualitative learning. They make learning condusive and absolutely top notch for them, that I envy.

University students in Nigeria, face so many challenges which tends to affect their academic and personal life.
Students in the University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN), are not left out in the canker worm that has eaten deep into our academic system.

In todays, article as well as contest, I will write on the various challenges faced by students in my campus, University of Nigeria Nsukka as well as the University system in Nigeria as a whole.
Seat back and read and please don't forget to use the comment section to share your views too.



Yes, this is a normal situation in every university but in UNN the workload seems to be a bit much. students are given mighty workloads in a short amount of time which leads to stress, fatigue, sickness and even depression which we all know may lead to suicide in fact a good percentage of suicide amongst university students is caused by the excessive workloads they have to carry.


This one is a very common problem in Nigerian universities, students spend massive amount of money per semester on textbooks and other unecessary dues which are made mandatory by the University board. Lecturers don't seem to help matters either because they would write their own textbooks and materials and make it a must that students buy it from them. Some even go as far as threatening to fail students if they don't buy the textbooks directly from them.


This one is personally annoying and irritating and is common in public universities. departments give admissions to hundreds of students without checking the capacity their lecture halls can contain which naturally leads to overcrowding, imagine a scenario where a hall which was initially meant to contain about 100 people has over 200 people inside, suffocation would be the order of the day and many students won't attend lectures because of this and to make matters worse lecturers would take attendance of the students present.


Last but definitely not least is the unavailability of some equipments in departments, some departments lack the necessary equipments which is very bad because some courses require practical demonstrations but due to the unavailability of the materials lecturers have no choice but to explain some of them to students which will lead to students not understanding that particular course.

While there are numerous problems facing Nigerian University students, I have been able to stress nothing but a few. I hope however that it would be looked upon by the appropriate authority reading this.

Thanks for reading..!

 3 years ago 

Hello @christian002 thank you for joining in this contest and telling us some of the challenges faced by Nigerian students. We appreciate you continue to be active in our community. And you know what? You can convert the small SBD in your wallet to Steem and power up in order to support the #club5050 project. Continue to be active in our community we appreciate you 💕

 3 years ago 

I couldn't agree less with you especially about overcrowded classes.

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