The essence of Mobile apps in our devices (Club5050)

in CampusConnect2 years ago (edited)



Mobile apps are important parts of Ur mobile phones and without them, the devices will just be ordinary pieces of electronic devices that cannot be used for anything. They wouldn't even be worth acquiring because it's literally of no use when bought.

These are software applications installed on our devices that are charged with special functions ranging from personal, professional, leisure or entertainment. They're sectioned in a way that each of the apps is exclusive to the service it provides.

Mobile apps are easy to operate, readily available information, products, services and processes are being made accessible through the use of these mobile apps. The updated version of the world is gotten through these mobile apps especially social media as more and more people use this platform to deliver relevant information to a wide range of people.

The goodness of this is that mobile phones are easy to come by. There are a thousand and one mobile phones that suit different pocket sizes and are convenient to use. Expensive and cheap ones are available and they provide the same services but on a different level the difference is glaring but then it serves its function.

For those devices that accommodate mobile apps, it's worthy to know that there are inbuilt applications put there to enable the phone to function properly. With time users download more from Google Play Store according to individual needs. Those inbuilt applications cannot be deleted and whether it's of use to you or not they will be there. Any further attempt to delete the inbuilt applications will lead to the crashing of the phone rendering it inoperable.

Mobile Apps and its types

Mobile Apps is a software application made to function on mobile device such as a phone, tablet, or smartwatch. They run specially these devices and any attempt to transfer it to an unrecognised application will render the app useless to the device.

Categorically mobile apps are divided into two;

  • Inbuilt or System apps
  • Downloadable apps

While the system apps are designed with the devices and cannot be deleted, downloadable apps are gotten from gotten from Google Play Store to suite users needs. These ones can be easily deleted and replaced.

However, there are different types of of mobile applications which can be sectioned below; News, Games, Entertainment, Transport, Foods, Health, Finance, Business, Crypto, Lifestyle and many more.

I would like to suggest some applications under these categories.

  • News

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  • Games

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  • Entertainment

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  • Transport

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  • Foods

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  • Health

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  • Finance

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  • Business

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  • Crypto

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Importance of mobile apps

The importance of mobile apps cannot be overlooked some of which are:

  • They provide resourceful information for individuals to access in accordance to real times.

  • All the applications are stored and accessible on simple mobile devices. There is no need to worry about carrying heavy appliances like laptops.

  • It serves as a reliable channel of communication between International firms, local organisations, news channels and their individual clients.

  • They facilitate sending of information using emails or MSM or even phone calls though it's often rare.

  • It helps to improve the quality of service provided through the use of the review board provided by the mobile app companies.

Advantages and Disadvantages of mobile apps


  • The entire management of the organisation is efficiently management through effective internal and external communication from the staff and users.

  • Increases the demand for its use if the app can solve a major problem or play a major role in the society such as social media apps.

  • Its designed to manage and respond immediately to requests made by users on its platform without the need to visit the tech company.

  • Google Play Store makes these applications easily accessible. What is required by the users is access to Internet to be able to download it.

  • They serve as a way of communicating to the world and vice versa.


  • Its an easy prey to hackers and invasion of privacy at the expense of the user.

  • It is exclusive to the function its designed to provide. Any other function overrides the application.

  • Some of these important apps can come in quite expensive to purchase which can make a lot of users loose interest in the app.

  • There is hardly any form of privacy while using this app as its provider compels you to sign user agreement before using it some of which contains clauses that are not favourable.


Mobile apps provide a vast majority of opportunities some of which people make a living from. It faces constant challenges due to it being easily accessible and therefore it is advisable to constantly update your password and relevant data to more secure sites.

Thank you for reading.

 2 years ago 

Hello dear thanks for sharing this important topic with us here, truly the important of mobile app in our phones can't be overemphasize. Continue to be active in our community we love and appreciate your effort 💕



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 2 years ago 

Hi at @beckie96830 thanks for sharing this lesson a enlightening us on the various areas our mobiles apps can be used

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