The diary game//Sunday 19th June, 2022: Happy Father's Day and A day out at Dominio Pizza/Coldstone (25% beneficiary set to Null)

in CampusConnect2 years ago


Today is a Sunday and an international day to remember because it's the only Father's Day.


A day set aside to appreciate all the fathers and father figures in our lives. It's not easy taking up such a sensitive role and maintaining it all the rest of their lives.

It also remembers fathers, dead or alive, who in one way or the other didn't have the opportunity to play such a role but intended to if given the opportunity.

A good father is a key to a happy home, a good family, and unity among others. A good father is a blessed man.

No one is perfect, man or woman, choosing to be good despite your imperfections shows that you're responsible and value human life.

Activities of the day

I woke up by 5:45 am to say a short prayer before heading to the kitchen to do a quick clean-up and washing machines of dishes.

My younger sister chose to leave the plates in the sink before going to church. Since I had plenty of time on my hand, I helped clear the dishes that weren't up to ten.

I boiled water due to the cold weather we've been having for weeks. The weather is so cold that we have not been able to use the Air Conditioner in weeks.


My clothes had already been ironed and set aside to be worn. My showering and freshening up took less than 20 minutes and by 8:10 am, I was set to leave for church.

The Mass started at 8:35 am and closed at 9:55 am. It's children's Mass so not much announcement. We waited with the children till the other Mass which started at 8 am ended.

The reason is simple: If the children are dismissed before their parents they could follow a stranger home and become prey to kidnapping.

So far, we've not had any serious cases of missing children. The few we had were children who followed their neighbors home or just roamed around in the church compound.

Effective measures have been put in place to curtail such occurrences and over time we have not had any cases of missing children.

After Mass, I got home, changed into home clothes, and got to the kitchen to prepare brunch for my siblings and me. On the menu were Irish potatoes and egg sauce.

My brunch

It was quite tiring cause I had to fry a lot. My younger brother is a fan of Irish potatoes and egg sauce. I made his favorite.

Took some rest before heading back to the kitchen to prepare a salad while my sister prepared Jollof rice with goat meat.

I had an appointment by 3 pm so I had to finish up what I was doing with my sister. Good a thing mine was just to prepare the salad.

Luckily, I finished up on time and prepared to go to Dominos Pizza and Coldstone. It was a father's day outing as I would tag it.

We chatted for a while till in the evening when I begged to take my leave. I was coming from far and didn't want to waste time on the road.

I didn't get to taste the rice before leaving and my journey to Dominos Pizza/Coldstone left me with a full stomach.

Did I forget to mention that I took some pictures after the outing with my friend? We took it right before I left for home. The pictures are distributed across the write-up.


When I got home, I just took salad and ate, showered and chatted with my friends till sleep time of which I prayed before doing so.


 2 years ago 

@beckie96830, Thanks for sharing with us on @campusconnect , Continue sharing your quality contents with us here we love and appreciate your effort ,Thanks



 2 years ago 

Powerful woman on steemit I sight you. That Fried potato chips and eggs is just longing my throat now, but shaa it's well. Your day was really filled with joy and happiness. Thanks for sharing with us!!

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