These Prolonged Strikes by arinzegod12

in CampusConnect2 years ago (edited)

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The strike action which began 14th February has entered its Sixth month with no sign of being called off anytime, the Federal Government have reiterated its inability to come to terms with the demands of ASUU, as both sides can't reach an agreement.

Despite Two weeks ultimatum issued to the Minister of Education Adamu Adamu by President Muhammadu Buhari nothing seems to have come out of it, they are just empty words thrown into the air. A lot of students in Federal Government and some State Universities are at home, suffering the brunt of the incompetence and unseriousness of the government to resolve this issue.

The Government has claimed it has no money to meet ASUU's demand but yet has gone on borrowing spree with nothing to show for, this myopic handling of the situation is very dangerous to the future of this nation as more and more students are losing interest in academics and focusing on other areas. It is really sad to see this keep going on, I am a student and seeing my mates graduate troubles me a lot. The academic future of this country is in a valley of shadow of Misery and ineptitude.

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Now what are the demands of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU)

i. Honouring the 2009 Agreement.

ii. Reviewing the condition of Service of lecturers every Five Years.

iii. Revitalization of Public Universities

iv. Adoption of UTAS a pay roll system as opposed to IPPIS

These are the demands of ASUU which the government have refused to sign off on stating financial restrains but this same government purchased 1.4 billion naira worth of SUV vehicles for a foreign country, this shows you where there interest is.

This week the Attorney General of the Federation Malami claimed Nigeria recovered 3.4billion dollars of stolen funds within 14months, one can't help but ask where are the funds and why can't they be used in restructuring our education system to a high standard.

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The effects of the strike Action

i. This is a catastrophic situation, if we understand the importance of education and the very crucial role it plays in community and human development we will see that this nation is working against her future.

Currently a lot of undergraduates are at home,many with nothing to do and you know what they say about and idle mind being the devils workshop.

The insecurity issues we are at an imploding level, they system keeping young students busy have been suspended, a lot of them will result to crime.

ii. Economic activities within this universities have been hampered greatly, the cyoer cafes in school, the taxi drivers, the food restaurants are out of business because there are no students to pay for their services, this also spills into the community these universities are located and slows down economic growth. I repeat we are threading a very dangerous part.

iii. The Public Universities are beginning to lose credibility and these things will shun more and more people away from these universities, a course of Four or Five years will take Six or Seven years to finish as opportunities in the labour market are missed due to prolonged delay.

iv. Massive brain drain as more and young people move out of the country in search of a better life, this has reduces the work force of the country and such is unhealthy for a nation whose economy is in shambles.

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What can students do to mitigate this strike action

i. Students should engage in skill acquisition, there are a lot of things one may not learn in school and looking at the unemployment level of this country, white collar jobs are not guaranteed. So skill acquisition is very important as it will not only keep you busy but it is a period of self development.

ii. Students can still insert themselves in the labour market by getting petty jobs like working as a sales person etc. These jobs comes with salaries or wages they are not much but saving up or investing can go a long way to help. Do you also know that as an undergraduate you can teach in a primary or nursery school.

iii. Students can also use this opportunity to nurture their God giving talent, engage in healthy activities that have been hampered by school activities. A period like this is a time for self discovery, a time to do things we have passion for.

iv. Students can help out their parents in their work place while they wait for the strike action to be called off.

The point is this keep yourself busy and active for a an Idle mind is the Devils Workshop.

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The strike action is not doing this country any good both academically and economically rather it is a catalyst for destruction, it is unhealthy for the growth of our nation, however the youths must not give in to temptations that comes with situations like this, we have to make good use of this situation and not give up hope.

We must take our destiny into our own hands by voting out people who have put us in this condition and the time is now.

In Ghana we had a similar strike that took almost 3 months, it has distrupted the entire academic calendar. I think the government should try and address the worries of these associations to prevent them from embarking on any strike action.
 2 years ago 

There has never been an academic session without strike in Nigeria. This has been a very old occurrence and the government is not eager to solve the issue once and for all. The academic system in Nigeria is in shambles.

I pray we will get good and visionary future leaders who would rewrite these wrongs

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