in CampusConnect2 years ago

Hello Good day everyone,

8 days ago, I posted the series 1 of the above topic! Today I will be engaging you with the Series 2 of the same topic as titled above! Data is a very useful asset in business organizations. And the only way these data can communicate to each other is through the "Network".

The last time, I stopped at Time sharing as one of the data Communication and applications of network. Today I will start with Local Area Networks (LAN). So get ready let's ride on!

Local Area Networks (LANs)

Local Area Networks connect computers, terminals and other devices that are located in nearby offices and buildings — for instance, several buildings in your school. The distinctive characteristics of LAN is that systems are linked by direct cables, rather than via telecommunication lines. There are basically three types of LAN system configuration: they are the star configuration, ring configuration, and bus configuration.

a) Star Configuration:

The star network is frequently used to connect one or more small computers to a large host Computer that co-ordinates the messages between nodes. If one node becomes inoperable. It is simply bypassed. This technique is used by banks, the reliability of the CPU is most critical.


Star Configuration


b) Ring configuration:

A ring network connects in a circle of point-to-point connections, with no central host Computer, such as a series desktop computers in an office. Each node handles its own applications and also shares resources over the entire network. If one node is inoperative, the other nodes are still able to maintain contact with one another.


Ring Configuration


c) Bus Configuration:

A bus configuration provides a truly interactive network, in which each node can access not only the host Computer, but also every other node.

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Bus Configuration

LANs are very popular because they allow data files to be shared by all microcomputers in the network. They also provide flexibility in sharing work-loads as each microcomputer in a network can do the same work. Also, LAN can be linked to other networks and services such as E-mail network and Wide Area Network.

An application of LAN in a school environment, for example, is that the school need only buy network version of software and add licenses as necessary rather than buying one copy of software for each computer. Also with a LAN, there's no need for each computer to have it's own printer, one or two printers can be shared over the network.

Wide Area Network (WAN)

Wide Area Network use modems, microwave relays and satellites to reach users over a long distances around the world. A WAN is similar to a LAN in concept, but the differences are:

  • the geographical area covered by the network.

  • WANs will send data over telecommunications links, and so will need modems or Microwave relays or satellites. LANs in contrast will use direct cables only for transmitting data.

  • WAN will often use a larger computer as a file server.

Wide Area Networks are used for international links such as in Electronic Mail, Internet and banking services.

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Local Area Network (LAN)


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Wide Area Network (WAN)


Electronic Mail: Electronic Mail is a data communication innovation that allows users to transmit copies of a document or messages to one or more locations in a matter of minutes or even seconds.

Internet Services: The internet is a massive network of computers which can offer users access to vast quantities of information and easy global communication. There are resources available on the internet for almost every field of interest. The World Wide Web (WWW) is the most versatile tool available on the internet. It consists of pages that can contain text and graphics (and even sound and video). These pages can be linked to other pages by means of hypertext links, i.e. you are directed from one page to another and you can keep moving deeper until you find the information you require.

Banking Services: Some banks use data communications to offer customers electronic banking services at their homes via a terminal or personal computer equipped with a modem. For example, you dial into the service and enter an identification code; if code is accepted, you can find out your balance, pay bills, e.t.c. The data communication is also used in Electronic Fund transfer, which allows banks across nations to transfer funds electronically. This involves a direct link between the computers of the banks involved in a transaction, which takes place instantaneously, with no paper work being generated at all.


LANs and WANs are two main types of networks in data communication. Local Area Network can be seen in universities, offices, colleges, e.t.c. While Wide Area Network, sometimes called telecommunications network is seen in the internet, LANs connected together e.g. banks with different braches in the nation, e.t.c.

Thank you very much for being here till the end, I appreciate alot!! Hope you Learnt something new today? And please if you have any question, kindly drop it in the comment section below. Thanks and God bless!!!


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 2 years ago 

This is a great post. I have liked technology since day 1. Amongst all, I like the Star Network. And the ring is mostly at disadvantaged. Which I don’t like about it

 2 years ago 

Yes star topology is the common network Universities use! Are you on GitHub?

 2 years ago 

I wish to learn more about it. I don’t have much knowledge

 2 years ago 

Ok. Chat me up on my discord channel

 2 years ago 

I can’t find it though

 2 years ago 

That's my discord channel

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much for this article. You just refreshed my memory on LAN and WAN . Hoping for the next series. Keep been creative.

 2 years ago 
 2 years ago 

Yes bro . I have gone through it already. You are truly doing a nice job

 2 years ago 

It's my pleasure... Keep visiting my blog for steem price updates everyday!

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