Campus Connect Weekly Contest - Week 17 - Challenges As A Student On Your Campus by @angela-o

in CampusConnect3 years ago (edited)

Greetings Student of this lovely community.
I am glad to be participating in this Contest.

Angela 20211208_142059.jpg

As Student we all might have passed through different challenges, and I know must challenges will serve as a lesson to most of us. I had this challenges of associating myself with people or should I say u enjoyed my own company.
Well this really affected me because in the University one has to mingle with other colleagues so as to know what is going on in the department, and my lack of association really drew me backwards in my academic performance.
I remembered coming to school by 11am only for me to find out that I have missed two lectures already most times I have to run from my house to the venue for test only for the test to have ended. I can remember a situation where I entered a wrong venue and got embarrassed at the end, this was my ordeal.
I learnt that we had class very early that was around 7am I had no idea where the lectures would hold, I did not have any of my colleagues number to ask for directions so I went straight to a hall and met some student inside immediately I sat down the lecturer came inside and he started teaching,
I wasn't understanding what he was saying so I decided to ask the person sitting next to me and she told me that she's in her first year but in microbiology 🙆
That was when I found out that I had spent 30 minutes in the wrong class or should I say attending the wrong lecture.
I became frustrated I stood up I was about walking out of the lecture Hall when the lecturer shouted at me and I halted he asked why I was moving around constituting nuisance in his class I tried explaining to him that I mistakenly entered the class thinking this was where my own lecture was holding.
I was expecting him to direct me since I was a fresher but instead he started raining abuses on me and also called me an short engine because of my height jeeez the whole class roared into laughter I was standing still with teardrop falling from my eyes.
at that point I regretted coming to the school where i had started facing so many challenges
Till date the students who were present that day could recognise me I was nicknamed "short engine" and the name is still following me even till now.
Since then I started associating with friends and I have been enjoying school without any complains.


 3 years ago 

short engine? Lol

Sorry about the I'll treatment you got as fresher. Those were to make you and not to mar you

Awwwwwcch 😂 am laughing tho.
Yes I learnt and am used to it.
Thanks for reading

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