Campus connect week 6| New features you would like to see on steemit by ammyy

in CampusConnect3 years ago


Hello everyone in this amazing community.
As we all know steemit is an amazing platform that have helped thousands of lives by doing what they love in form of blogging and in extra getting paid for it in terms of high quality content.

Today,I will be stating out new features I would love to see on steemit and my reasons.

1.QUALITY POST CALCULATOR:on steemit getting a good vote will also attract alot of hardwork by creating high or good quality content, having a quality post calculator can solve some of the problems people encounter on steemit and questions that needs to be answered like.
~why did my post not get any vote?
This quality post calculator will show the users where they stand,this way the user is aware of their fault and will see to it to improve better.
Also post with the quality rate of 50% are qualified to be voted this way people don't just spend time on a post and end up not getting vote adding to it not knowing were they made mistake and how to improve.
The quality post calculator will also motivate users to put more efforts in making post to attract votes.

2.STEEMIT APPLICATION:When I first heard about steemit I was expecting someone to tell me to download the app but actually it was a website based platform. Steemit having an application will differentiate them from other platform that way their uniqueness will increase and it will be easier for users to log in.

3.A GAMING APPLICATION:Not everyone is good at making contents but there is an advantage for them to be good at playing games. If steemit could develope a gaming application were steem,steem dollars and tron are set as price it will increase the users in the platform. A lot of people play games to earn and it's a major attention to get the public. I am looking forward to this features the most because sometimes when I run out of content I can always play games and earn.

4.SUPPORT PROGRAM FOR EACH COUNTRY: A weekly support program should be given to countries which can be called curators visit,where all the Curators from steemcurator01 to booming try as much as possible to vote the country's steemians For example if nigeria get the weekly Curators visit All the nigerians are entitled to get voted.
This way users will be encouraged to produce more content because who will want to miss such opportunity.

5.STEEMIT DIRECT MESSAGE: sometimes I wish I can chat with people I love so much on steemit than passing through other social media. If steemit can provide a chat room for us it would be amazing and more Interactive.
Steemit chat room
Steemit radio station
Steemit video room

6.JOB APPLICATION: apart from creating good contents,a job vacancy can also be given to some people. I know there are alot of hidden works behind steemit we don't see. Can't even imagine going through alot of post everyday on my own,so what if there was a job vacancy that way if you are not good at content creation you can apply for a job on steemit.
For example.
Rating of post (steem grader).
He/she will be Incharge of rating post by following the rules and regulations provided in rating a post.

I would love steemit platform to be beyond blogging and creating content. That way we can get the public attention and when the platform have difference source of block chain usage it will increase the value of the cryptocurrency involved.

These are some of the new features I would love to see on steemit.
Thank you for reading

 3 years ago 

You have greats point especially about creating a mobile app for steem and steem direct messages.

Thank you for joining this contest.

Thank you

Your points are very valid, hopefully with time Steemit will get to that point.

Thank you very much and I pray so too

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