Deciding on what to eat on campus by@acedluffy

in CampusConnect3 years ago (edited)

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It's me again. Just here to talk about deciding what to eat on campus, for me , it's really choosing what to eat in general.

I'm sure most of you will agree with me that choosing what to eat at any time is really hard , be it in the morning, afternoon or even in the evening. like how am I supposed to choose from all these varieties of food in just a day because if I don't choose properly I will face the hard consequences of my actions on my stomach and my account balance, like you actually have to think real hard on how to balance the food and your money,if not you will be dealing with both hunger and Sapa(poverty). What I mean by both hunger and Sapa, let me give you an example on these like let me use myself if I had like 500 hundred to use for a day to decide on what I will eat,they are like three intervals everyone's eats a day that is morning, afternoon and evening right. So me I will just choose which interval or period I will not eat at maybe afternoon, so in the morning instead of me to buy proper food like rice or beans I choose to buy like bread and biscuits to eat you know not really that bad yet just morning food and keep in mind I'm not going to be eating in the afternoon too and I just have like 500 hundred for the day ,in the evening or night this is when the magic happens because right now am very hungry like mad and instead of me to go and buy like proper food again I choose to buy like snacks again these is where I choose to be a failure and a mumu because I know if I had bought like proper food it will have satisfied me properly and the 500 hundred will still be remaining, but instead I choose to be foolish and will be punished by hunger later that day and Sapa.

For real choosing or deciding what to eat on campus is really a hard thing for me because if you don't get it right you will be faced with the consequences and not only that there are different varieties of food to choose or buy from and you will start asking yourself should I choose these one or the other one and you might even end up not eating at all because you couldn't decide on what to eat.

I'm sure some people are why don't I just cook or something but like firstly I don't really know how to cook like that, like I'm lazy most times , it's time wasting and in general don't really like cooking and I'm sure most people will agree with me on this. I just prefer buying food instead. These issue should be one of like the biggest issues facing students on campus for a very long time.

 3 years ago 

Hello @acedluffy always source any image that is not yours, it's not acceptable to carry image from the internet without citing the source. And you seem to copy from here 👇

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