Steemit Engagement Challenge S9W6 : Hard Work or Smart Work ?

in Steem Entrepreneurslast year


I was immediately intrigued when I opened the platform and found this contest. It didn't take long, I immediately opened a new page to write my opinion according to the topic of the challenge. why am i so interested? Because in the midst of such rapid technological developments, it turns out that there are still a lot of hard working people out there. Even so hard to make their health disturbed.

In fact, if they are willing to spend just a little time to plan what things need to be done, how much time is available, what tools can be used to accelerate the achievement of results or outputs, they will not suffer that much. But that's a choice. Maybe for those who still choose to work hard, think smart work is not too challenging or less exciting.


So according to my understanding the difference between the two is quite simple. As simple as my explanation in the first paragraph. Hard work is work done by relying on energy and requires a longer time. Work without the support of careful planning, without the support of sufficient tools and even without the support of a competent team.

On the other hand, smart work is work that always begins with good planning, time analysis and selecting the right tools needed and choosing a team with great competence.


Work hard and work smart, which one is better to boost productivity?

Of course smart work will be better and produce according to projections. Because apart from planning and analysis, smart work can also be supported by the right tools or devices.

Currently we all work by prioritizing smart work. Predominantly our choice in that direction. Even though you can't let go of working hard at all, maybe the percentage is very small. An example is when we compiled the voter list for the 2024 election.


After we received the data from PPS and PPK, we immediately formed a team, gave directions, made schedules and prepared the necessary technological devices. Make sure everything goes as desired. As a result, we were able to complete more than 130 thousand voter data clean from duplicates, invalid data or data that did not meet the requirements.


I have joined this platform since June 19 2017. This means that on June 17 next month, it will be six years already. I don't know how many million words I've written here, I've put out so many ideas and thoughts. all provide invaluable positive energy. Because of that, to be honest I am very happy to find this platform. Many times I even thanked my best friend @ayijufridar for inviting me to create an account that day.

For the hard work of the Steemit Team, I can't thank you enough.

I invite my colleagues @sazaliza @munaa and @abufarras to contribute to this challenge.

Zainal Bakri

 last year 

Thank you brother @zainalbakri for your active participation and the enthusiasm you showed in the Contest : Hard Work or Smart Work. Your dedication and effort in increasing engagement with other contestants is greatly appreciated.

Your hard work and smart work has resulted in great engagement and increased content quality on this platform. We hope that this spirit will continue to radiate in every step you take in the future.

Status club#club100
Verified userYES
Tag #steemexclusiveYES
Support #burnsteem25YES
CSI voting10.5 ( 7.69 % self, 78 upvotes, 54 accounts, last 7d )
Scores9.4 /10
Verification date
May 24, 2023

Determination of Club Status :

Kind regards,
Steem Entrepreneurs Team

 last year 

Terima kasih juga yang tidak terhingga bg atas gagasannya dalam tantangan kali ini

 last year 

Wah, mantap ini ketua, semoga kerja-kerja cerdas di bidang kepemiluan benar-benar berhasil dengan baik serta sukses pada akhirnya...

 last year 

Alhamdulillah. Sejauh ini berjalan seperti yang kita rencanakan. Semoga ke depan juga Allah mudahkan

 last year 

this is lagak, no comment again. Jalesveva Jayamahe... Jalesu Bhumyamca Jayamahe... Jalesmaya Jayamahe

 last year 

Omak, na @abuarkan lago di sinoe. Jak ta peugot postingan lom bacut-bacut....

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Nyankeuh. 2 thon sige deuh geuh

 last year 

Cukup parah nyoe ka hadir panglima wilayah meudelat Ulee Kareng

 last year 

Super sekali, semoga sukses dikontes tantangan kerja cerdas kali ini 😊👍

 last year 

Terima kasih bg. Neu cie ikot sige kalinyoe. Kadang meu keuneng dan troh paus

 last year 

Oke siap, akan coba peruntungan ikot tantangan.

 last year 

Saya ingat, setelah mengetahui tentang platform Steemit dari @muammar, saya mengajak orang-orang terdekat untuk membuat akun. Persis seperti penyebaran agama, mulanya orang terdekatm baru lingkaran kedua.

Ternyata orang terdekat hanya @zainalbakri yang berhasil di-syahadatkan dengan Steemit, selebihnya memilih jalan murtad, meski belakangan mereka bersyahadat juga dengan Steemit setelah melihat keuntungan saya masa itu. Ternyata mereka tergoda dengan harta, sebab sekarang sudah kembali meninggalkan Steemit. Tinggalkan kita melanjutkan perjuangan kata demi kata.

 last year 

Cukup mendalam. Hahaha

 last year 

Jangan terlalu dalam juga, tidak bisa berenang bisa tenggelam. Rusak kita!

 last year 

jd ingat di imam waktu di Jogja, berenang di kolam renang hotel dengan aneka gaya.


 last year 

Kerja cerdas memang memudahkan kita dalam melakukan aktivitas untuk menghasilkan produktivitas kerja yang optimal. Namun dari segi kata sifat kerja keras memiliki makna karakter seseorang yang bersungguh-sungguh dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaannya, tak mengenal.putus asa dan tekun.

Publikasi yang menarik dan menginspirasi dari bang @zainalbakri
Semoga beruntung di kontes ini

 last year 

Namun dari segi kata sifat kerja keras memiliki makna karakter seseorang yang bersungguh-sungguh dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaannya, tak mengenal.putus asa dan tekun.

tepat sekali dan saya sangat sepakat.

 last year 

Have a nice day..sir

 last year 

sama-sama madam.

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