Our Nurses, Our Future. The economic power of care

in Steem Entrepreneurs4 months ago


International nurse day is a day set apart to celebrate the efforts of this angelic creatures which helps in saving lives. The day for this celebration is 12th of May annually. We all know that after the doctor, the next hierarchy is the nurse. When the doctor is not around, the nurse takes over the responsibility of attending to patients and people in dire need for medical attention. This day is also to remind them that their efforts is not in vain rather it's a help to our generation and huge investment for the future.

When and why is International Nurses Day celebrated?

Whenever I see any nurse, I see an epitome of care and love. In my heart, I perceived them to be the goddess of love. According to the Greek mythology, we know Athena to be the goddess of love but in the contemporary world, they are the upgraded Athena. Their white uniform which signifies purity is a key value of their care and love.


What do you think about the nurse in your heart?

In a situation like COVID 19, we all know how severe was that situation but I would have volunteered to serve as a nurse. Despite it's severity, we should know that the main aim is on the betterment of human lives. The pandemic has threatened the lives of human beings. To prevent loss of multiple lives, I have to contribute my quota to curb the pandemic.


If you get a chance to serve the community as a nurse in a situation like Covid-19, would you do it?

I had a good encounter with a nurse long time. Here is the narrations. Approximately 8 years ago, I had an accident on my way to school. My vive principal had to call my parents who rushed me to the hospital. The hospital name's is Utibeima Medical Center.

On admission, a nurse came by to administer first aid to the wounds on my legs and hands. She was calm and caring. Anytime, the treatment has the potential to hurt a bit, she will tell me to stay strong. After the first aid, the doctor came by and gave me drips which was supposed to last few hours.

Throughout my stay in that bed, that particular nurse occasionally came by and asked my welfare. That act was out of tender care and love. I'll ever remember that act.

A fallacy was stated that Nurse are angels sent to help mankind, how true is it?

I invite @bossj23, @eagle4 and @usoro01 to this contest.

Have you ever taken health care from a nurse in a hospital? If so, how was your experience?