My Impression of Participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Contest - Season 1

in Steem Entrepreneurs2 years ago

Image Source

The reason why I chose the picture of a mountain to be my image source is because a mountain is a challenge. It is challenging to construct houses on a mountain, it is challenging to construct a road and it is challenging to even climb it. So everything about a mountain is a challenge.

Linking that to the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 1, it wasn't an easy task. To participate, I had to put in heart, mind, body and sleep😅. When this challenge was announced by steemitblog, I couldn't really rap my head around it. But when I read and understood, I was like wow it sounds like so much work. When season 1 began, one the first day which was Monday of week 1, I started seeing entries in the 7 different communities. I was like wow 😲, so much quality contents and good topics to write on.

From the way I saw it it sounded like too much work for me. I mean all the information I had to gather, some contests even had things I haven't done so it meant to partake, I had to do these things. So I decided that I will just observe the first week. As I was observing, I saw as people were getting rewards 🤨 from the big curators. I will like okay maybe I should partake in this stuff.

So on Sunday which was the last day of the week 1, I partook in the Steem Entrepreneurs Review your Business Contest. I choose this one because I run my own small business as a student so the pictures and all the information I needed was readily available. When I posted the stuff I had no rewards from that 😅. I didn't give up others were getting so I will also get one day I said to myself.

Week 2 came and I fired up with my first contest on Monday in the Steem Foods community. The favorite chef in your family contest. On that same Monday after a few hours I got a vote from curator 2. OMG!!!!! It was a huge motivation booster 😹. I said that of possible as from today I will do all the contests. And that is how I started participating from week 2 to week 4. But I didn't do all though. Normally for someone who did all the contests for all the 7 weeks, it has to be 28 entries but I had just 14.

WeekNumber of Entries
Week 11
Week 24
Week 35
Week 44


The steemit engagement challenge season 1 took up alot of my time. For the 3 weeks I participated actively, I slept at at least 12 am everyday I had to drop an entry. I am a student so during the day I am in school while at night that's when I post coupled with the fact that I had to be active on other communities. For efforts, just to type a post can take me up to and hour and thirty minutes. Anytime I had to drop and entry everywhere need to be quiet because there is alot of information in my head 😹. So I can say this challenge was more serious that fun for me.

Some contests had me to think far and others had me thinking near. I had to ask questions from people just to be able to get different ideas when participating. Then the fact that we had to make just one entry per day for me was exciting but stressful. Exciting that after dropping your entry, you cannot wait for the next day especially if your post was voted. Stressful because when you are free you can only drop one post.

The experience was good though, it was a whole adrenaline rush. It has also helped me to move my SP up because I powered up all the rewards I got from the engagement challenge weeks. I can't wait to see what season 2 looks like.

At this juncture I want to give my own personal awards of various contests. This awards is from my own personal mind. Mind you is not a monetary award but an acknowledgement. I will do it in no particular order of weeks or communities. They are just in categories.

1) The Contest I Had the Most Fun With


This was the Colombia original contest were we were to creat a design for Mr Steemit by drawing for paper art of graphic designing. I had so much fun with it because I don't know how to draw. It took me two hours to come out with everything I drew 😹. But still it didn't look great. It was still fun though. I would draw and laugh at my drawings but still had fun drawing it.

2) The Contest I Found Most Educative


This one is the Steem Women Club Contest on what we do for our personal development. It was so educative for me because I got to see a lot of what people do to improve themselves. This made me add alot to my bucket list of personal improvements. The entries from others were very fun and educative to read. So this one stuck with me because I learned alot.

3) Most Challenging Contest


The steemit Pakistan defend the statements contest was the most challenging contest for me. First it got alot of people confused of whether they should accept or reject the statements but later on we discovered we were to speak for the statements. I saw people struggling to accept things we normally disagree with 😹. It was a big struggle for me too. I had to tap into my upper to try and see the light at the end of the statements 😅. This contest was a tough one.

4) Most Creative Contest


I found the Colombia original creat your original story contest as my most creative. I am not used to writing my own stories so this one had me sitting and thinking. Yes the contest was to have fun but we all want to win right. So I had to think of something unique with twists and turns that will have someone reading to the end. So I had to improvise alot of creativity to get my story straight and catchy. I really enjoyed participating in this one.

5) Contest that took me out of my comfort zone


This contest 😅. I don't even want to go into the details of what this contest made me do. The steem Entrepreneurs culinary contest entailed us to go to a restaurant and give a review about certain things. So I don't like eating out normally but I had to go out to this great restaurant and eat. Then when it came to taking pictures, there were alot of stares since I had to snap some parts of the restaurant. How uncomfortable 😹. I just had to ignore the stares. The engagement Challenge was at hand and I need the pictures. This one really took me out of my comfort zone because as an indoor person I had to leave my house and get stared my people 😅.


If I continue your eyes will go weary of reading 😅 because I can go on and on and on. The engagement challenge was fun to be honest. I have learned, I have laughed, made friends and increased in SP. This initiative by the Steemit Team is one to salute them for. But I get Season 2 please be good to us😅. Even though I am already waiting, I can't wait for season 2.

With all joy, I invite @fombae, @fonjougiresse and my own personal friend @cocomuff @deepak94 to join this contest.

Thanks for reading and stay blessed!!

25% to @null

 2 years ago 

Welcome and thank you @wase1234 for participating in the "Your impression of participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 1" Contest.

Awesome ! and make sure to stay engaged with relevant comments and connect with steemit users around the world.

Team verification results :
Verified userYES
#club status#club75
Support #burnsteem25YES
Voting CSI10.9

Keep up your good work, best regards and good luck !

 2 years ago 

Very well explained post i must say your writing style is awesome.
And thank you for inviting me I’ll definitely take part in this contest.

Best wishes

 2 years ago 

Oh thank you 🥰
I would love to read from you as well

 2 years ago 

Soon I'll share

Hahaha you started the engagement challenge as a doubting Thomas ehhh... No wonder you waited until 1week past before you could join others in the challenge contest

However, your reason of waiting until the 2week isn't bad though since you were actually confused on how to go about participating in the contest especially those contests that where difficult since you weren't familiar with them

But am happy you started the 2nd week and pick up very well until you were able to participate in a total of 14 contests which was an average number of the total contests.

I'm also glad at the end of the challenge, you learned alot of things which is awesome because I think the purpose of the engagement was for people to learn so many things while participating

 2 years ago 

Yes ooo I learned alot
I wish I could have participated more though
Next time I will be brave and take the bulk by its horns come season 2 😁

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