The diary game for 07/06/2024 // Today I made a cake for everyone in the house

in Steem Entrepreneurs20 days ago

Assalamu Alaikum

Today I woke up at six in the morning. I woke up and brushed myself and went for a walk outside as usual. I saw the sun rising in the eastern horizon. Sunlight is spreading around. After the darkness of the night, it is morning. After walking outside I made breakfast. Then everyone in the house had breakfast together. After breakfast there was a goat farm next to our house. I went to the goat farm. There were some pet ducks at home from the farm. I left them at home. Those ducks walked towards the pond. In the yard, I saw a chicken from the neighbor's house walking around in our yard. It was 11 o'clock in the morning while. I was working on these. So I came to the kitchen and cooked for lunch.



It took about 1 pm to cook. Today is Friday, Holy Friday. My father quickly finished his bath and went to the mosque to offer prayers. I finished my bath and bathed my kids. I prepared food on the table for my father. He will come and have lunch after praying. Today my children will have lunch together with his grandfather. Was waiting for him. So I was waiting too. Malamuri walla was calling outside the house at noon. Shall I take Malamuri? I asked him to stop and took 1 kg wrap. While going to pick up the clothes, I saw a grandfather from the neighboring village walking along the road. I greeted him. Grandfather said where are you going? Grandfather said he was going to give medicine to their land house. I came home with clothes. I came home and had lunch. After lunch I rested for a while.


Afternoon turned into afternoon. I didn't sleep at noon today. Then I went to the back of the house. I planted some pineapple trees behind the house. The pineapples on the pineapple tree are still very small. I tended those trees a little. Then I came home. In the afternoon I made some pithas and made tea. Then we all ate together. After waking up, my boys and girls got fresh and went outside to play after breakfast. In the meantime, I thought of taking some selfies.


The evening came. Before evening, I watered the flowers in my garden as usual. Then I walked for a while. Then I came home. I will cook for the night. It was almost 9 pm to cook the night. Dinner was eaten by 10 o'clock. My daughter Aifah and my son Wafi also had dinner. Then I went to bed with my son and daughter.


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