THE WORLD IN 2030 #1 : My Humble Thoughts

in Steem Entrepreneurs2 years ago

Do you sit down to ask yourself, what will the world look like in 8 years, fascinating thoughts right? Every day, the world evolves from what we used to know. The changes are quite visible and clear, technologies are taking the place of humans in companies, eateries, restaurants, schools, and even places of worship. Other sectors in the world keep revolving. Having abstractly looked at the world in a few years to come, below are my thoughts:

Will the world be at peace or will World War III have ravaged the globe?

Human sincere efforts to bring peace to the world have failed on many occasions and will continue to fail for several reasons, don’t get me wrong, it is not my wish, it’s just my thoughts.

I once read in one ancient book that it is not in mankind’s place to direct his steps that is why some hard-working leaders, even those with the best motives at heart, can’t devise a lasting solution for the root causes of war. We are living in a world where prevailing attitudes make peace difficult. However, the world won’t be in peace, things will get worse, but not worse to the point of world war III.

What new technologies will have appeared? Will common illnesses have been cured?

In my opinion, Science can only take us far when it comes to good health. Drug abuse, air pollution, high blood pressure, obesity, and new viruses —all risk factors for disease—are increasing. Many people are dying from an array of noncommunicable diseases, such as cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, and cancer. Recent years have witnessed the unpredictable outbreaks of such dangerous epidemics as the Lassa fever, Ebola virus, the Zika virus, and even Corona Virus. The bottom line is that Sickness is out of the control of humans, and the end of it seems to be nowhere in sight, not even in 2030. The cure for Corona Virus would be released before 2030.

Education and mode of education in the future will experience a huge turnover from what it is currently. One of the ultimate goals of innovative men is to make the world a better place for everybody. Let’s make a simple illustration, in the past or the days of our previous generation, people had to migrate to a different place to be taught a particular course. Hitherto, currently, one can obtain education from one’s comfort zone, abroad programs aren’t exceptions, this is how far we have gone.

Albeit this is happening presently, what do we think will happen in the future? Some examples are the physical school environment, there will be changes, and there might probably be no more classrooms featuring heavy doors, windows, and even desks in rows facing a blackboard. Outdated textbooks and school decorations will be gone. School buildings will be comfortable and serene for users.

In the nearest future, schools will have top-notch and necessary engineering equipment so students can use their hands to manipulate items and come up with innovations, what a finesse it shall be.

Schools will be filled with new technologies like the extended reality (XR/AR), and the 2030 version of a personal computing device for each student to engage with. There shall be no more enrollment for extramural classes as technology will take over every concerned faction. A system will be introduced known as the ADAPTIVE LEARNING SYSTEM, In 2030, adaptive learning software will replace direct instruction.

Adaptive learning software is a computer program that uses AI to move students up and down through a grade level’s content based on student performance on assessment questions. Adaptive learning techniques are faster and even more efficient than even the best teachers.

In a very simplified term, teachers will no more be the core givers of content anymore, but the AI machines, at this point the studies for a day, may not take half of the day, the students would have time to explore their interests on projects as well as other fun things. So, the work of the teachers will be to act as motivators cum guidance to students.

Now let me put you through something that might interest you, do you know that this adaptive learning software is already in place for the future? It’s already on the minds of our great inventors, imagine a world where we have freckle, Khan academy, and IXL learning, it would be fun right? Educationally, this is to tell you that the world in 2030 will drastically change.

There will be more advanced technologies, imagine all educational materials and all forms of information authorities come in form of apps and gadgets, awesome!!

Will we all be happier and healthier, live longer, and be wealthier?

I would say that it is possible to live happier, healthier, longer, and truly wealthier but one needs to be connected with a purpose.

In a nutshell, I will say, Left to its own very devices, this wide world could very likely face a global catastrophe in 2030, but I strongly, it won’t happen that way.


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Thank for your entry in the World in 2030 contest.

Thank you very much Sir🙏😊.

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