STEEM ENTREPRENEUR WORKSHOP - Reports of the Workshop Activities that We have Done on 26 September 2021.

in Steem Entrepreneurs3 years ago (edited)

Peachpuff Brush Stroke Photography Logo (4).png

Good evening Steemians friends. Tonight I am making a report on the "Steem Entrepreneur Workshop" activity that we have held on Sunday, 26 September 2021 in Lhokseumawe City. This event ran very smoothly and successfully even though on that day the weather situation in Lhokseumawe City was in a state of heavy rain. Alhamdulillah, the event went smoothly and was a success.

Venue Location and Time of Workshop Events

Steem Entrepreneur.jpeg

Preparation of workshop activities


Sticking Banners and organizing the room

Modul Entrepreneur Workshop1.jpg

Modul Entrepreneur Workshop2.jpg

Preparing the Presentation Module, which I have made 25 Slides

Steem Entrepreneur.jpeg

Around 2 PM Workshop activities began, with several agendas that we have arranged. 1. Opening of the event, 2. Explanation of Entrepreneurship and motivation, 3. Explanation of Steem Entrepreneur, 4. Discussion and introduction of participants. 5. Group photo session.




As Steem Entrepreneur Moderator I trying to make a presentation to explain to the workshop participants about the importance of doing entrepreneurship for economic growth, and how to start a business, tips for achieving success in doing business. I also explain about the meaning of motivation and how motivation arises so that enthusiasm arises to achieve success in entrepreneurship. I also explained about ways to promote Business and PromoSteem on the Steemit Platform.

Steem Entrepreneur.jpeg


@harferri is giving motivation to achieve success in Steemit



@subkiusman explains about the tricks to achieve success in entrepreneurship.

@harferri as the leader of the Steem Entrepreneur community tries to explain the motivation to keep the spirit in creating interesting content on the Steemit platform and he also tells about his experience for 5 years joining Steemit and how to achieve success in activities in Steemit.

@subkiusman as Steem Entrepreneur Moderator also tries to explain about the tricks to achieve success in entrepreneurship and ways to do PromoSteem in entrepreneurship.


Three Finger Greetings from the Steem Entrepreneur Community to Participants. Thank you to the participants for attending the Steem Entrepreneur Workshop


Participants Who Attended this Workshop

5.@f2i5Aceh Utara
8.@bangmimiAceh Utara
9.@abelanar11Aceh Utara
10.@teukumuhasAceh Utara
11.@alvin-steemAceh Utara
12.@aril.hatakeAceh Utara
13.@fajrulakmal99Aceh Utara
14.@moerAceh Utara
15.@jcornerAceh Utara
16.@yusnaidiAceh Utara
19.@faisalpitonAceh Utara
22.@nrulAceh Utara
24.@fikar22Aceh Utara
26.@akmal1Aceh Utara



Report Details of Expenses for Workshop activities

NoDescriptionThe amount of costs
1.Workshop Room RentalRp 250 K or 2.5 SBD
2.Making a Banner WorkshopRp 150 K K or 1.5 SBD
3.Cost for Food & DrinkRp 1280 K or 12.8 SBD
4.Operational Costs and othersRp 220 K or 2.2 SBD
5.TOTAL COSTRp 1900 K or 19 SBD

Total Expenditures for Steem Entrepreneur Workshop Activities are : Rp. 1.900.000,- or 19 SBD
(estimated Exchange Rate 1 SBD = Rp.100 K)

The costs for this event were donated by :
1. @steemkindness : 10 SBD
2. @harferri : 3 SBD
3. @tucsond : 3 SBD
4. @subkiusman : 3 SBD


Discussion Activities and Photo Gallery


Photo Together with Workshop participants


Photo Young Entrepreneur Steemian


Photo Young Steemian Business Woman


Photo @waterjoe introduced himself and encouraged the participants. Thanks You for making a Video Workshop


Photo @bangmimi introduced himself.


Photo Young Steemian Business Woman


Photo @klen.civil introduced himself and encouraged the participants.


We will move forward Together to be Successful


Thank You very much for the support of Steemcurator01, @stephenkendal and @pennsif to us at the "STEEM ENTREPRENEURS WORKSHOP" event for PromoSteem to Entrepreneurs in Lhokseumawe City and North Aceh.


This is My Report about the “STEEM ENTREPRENEUR WORKSHOP” event that we have done on Sunday, 26 September 2021. We created this activity with the aim of increasing knowledge about Entrepreneurship which can combine the use of Steem in conducting Business and PromoSteem.

Hopefully this "STEEM ENTREPRENEUR WORKSHOP" activity can be useful for all of us. Thanks You Steemians Friends who attended and provided support for the "Steem Entrepreneur Workshop" activity.


Best Regards

Steem Entrepreneurs For Better Life



 3 years ago 

Kegiatan yang bermanfaat sekaligus menyenangkan katena bisa bersilaturahim dengan sesama steemian. Terimalasih untuk.ilmunya 🤗🤗

Terima Kasih atas partisipasi Ibu Sailawana hadir pada Acara Workshop, meskipun Hujan. Semoga bisa bermanfaat bagi Kita semua.

 3 years ago 

Aamiin 😇🤗

 3 years ago (edited)

Congratulations on holding the first “Steem Entrepreneurs Workshop” in the blockchain ecosystem..

Thank you to the entire Steem Entrepreneurs Team who have worked hard to organize the "Steem Entrepreneurs Workshop" and high appreciation for all participants and members of the Steem Entrepreneurs Community who enlivened this event. Even though it was raining heavily but still trying to come to the event and participate.. Hopefully it will be useful and the "second Steem Entrepreneur Workshop" can be carried out more lively.

Let's Promo-Steem with optimism and glory in the future ... Greetings Steempreneurship !!!

Thanks :

Thanks You to all the Entrepreneur Teams who have supported and worked hard, so that the Workshop activities were held successfully. Thanks You also to all participants who attended despite the weather in a heavy rain situation. May we all achieve business success in the Steem Entrepreneur Community.

 3 years ago 

Luar biasa. Kegiatan yang sangat bermanfaat untuk pemula untuk merintis usaha di steem.

Salam entrepreneurs Tgk @tucsond

Terima Kasih Bang atas Dukungan, ini berkat Kawan2 Wirausaha seperti usaha Abang yang mau melakukan Promobisnis di Steemit

 3 years ago 

Ini juga berkah dari adanya komunitas yang super dan digagas oleh orang-orang super.

Salam kepada tim komunitas.

Mantap, semoga usahanya makin sukses dan maju

 3 years ago 

you'r welcome

 3 years ago 

Selamat pak @tocsond atas acaranya yang bertema workshop steem entreupreneur, yang sangat luar biasa dan bisa menambah wawasan para stemians lain dalam menjalankan bisnis nya semoga dengan adanya program workshop ini para stemians Entrepreneurs bisa lebih meningkatkan lagi dalam menjalankan bisnis nya salam entrepreneurs #akupastibisa

Alhamdulillah, semoga dengan berbagi ilmu kita sam-sama mencapai kesuksesan, terutama bagi Steemian2 muda supaya termotivasi memcoba membuat Wirausaha dan bagi yg usahanya sudah jalan akan termotivasi untuk meningkatkan lagi usahanya. Terima Kasih atas dukungannya.

 3 years ago 

Siap pak @tocsond maaf saya tidak bisa hadir acaranya karena cuaca tidak mendukung kemarin

 3 years ago 

Beureutoh Bang @tucsond. Sukses selalu.

Terima Kasih Bang atas Dukungannya. Alhamdulillah Acaranya Sukses, meskipun hari minggu itu Hujan deras .

 3 years ago 

Berarti hujan rahmat, semoga membawa keberkahan.

Alhamdulillah, betoel Bang Ayi, Hujan adalah Rahmat Allah SWT.

 3 years ago 

Senang sekali bisa ikut acara ini...ilmu yang sangat bermanfaat., Terimakasih semuanya...salam tiga jari....

Alhamdulillah, Semoga ilmunya bermanfaat bagi kita semua. Semoga Ibu Aisyah makin sukses dan maju. Terima Kasih atas kesediaan ikut dalam Workshop ini, meskipun suasana kondisi Hujan.

 3 years ago 

🤲 Aamiin..

 3 years ago 

Kalau ada undangan saya hadir pak

OK, Siap, kemarin dulu kami buka pendaftaran, yang ikut berdasarkan berdasarkan pendaftaran yg mereka lakukan.

 3 years ago 

Iya pak, saya tunggu ya hehe

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