Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 09 Week02- Learn To Appreciate A Drop Of Water

in Steem Entrepreneurslast year



Hello and greetings to this wonderful community,@Steem Entrepreneur for giving us the previllege to participate in this second edition of to the program of the season 09 engagement challengeLearn To Appreciate A Drop Of Water

What Is The Function Of Water In Life

It is basically know to us that water is very important to life in so many aspect, health, construction, industrialization, and even in transportation but am going to be specific here, To our Health , water is very important in the Sense that we all use it cook cook our food, it also help us in digestion, after which we can also used it to carry out lundary activities such as cleaning of the house and also washing of our dressed, but most time we used it for bathing,

Indeed, there is no life if there is no water,human are able to survive basically today because there is enough water for them for wear and carry out their daily activities, we need water to drink and also to do a lot thing do which is thank to the help of water



How Do We Describe The Drop Of Water

The formula H2O came up up due to the help of the scientist right up to now , many has not understand what it's mean by a drop of water imagine you happen to find you self in the desert for a very long period of time without having a test of water then that is went you are going to understand what a value of water drop can do to qunch a million of test,

Even a millionaire can have all the money but still need water to carry out his or her life activities because water it's self is life and we in general need that water as much as possible, it is this same drop of water that form ocean and river and without this drop water, that same river and ocean cannot flow

How Is The Availability Of Clean Water In My Area

It is always very necessary that very public place should have a clean water source, either in school, health center, pharmacy or any where that an individual can be able to used it for drinking and even carry out daily task, but I want to a sure that the environment where I came from , there are a lot of different water source and that is why I am super prior of my area ,most people leave from afar to come to my area and look for water


In happy to be a participant of this contest of this engagement challenge contest and I want to used this opportunity to invite some of my friends,@chaibertrand @tenguhatanga, @rafk

 last year 

Certainly, Water is life, we all depend on Water to live, like the example of the Millionaire, who also needs water to Live.
How fortunate that in your area you have abundant water, continue to appreciate and conserve it.
Good luck in the Contest, Best regards.

 last year 

Saludos amigo.

El agua es el recurso Natural más valioso en el mundo debemos cuidar de él día con día porque cada gota 💧 cuenta es indispensable que seamos garantes de preservarla ya que el agua es lo que nos mantendrá con vida en el futuro.

Has hecho un gran análisis, buena suerte en el concurso


 last year 

Health , water is very important in the Sense that we all use it cook cook our food, it also help us in digestion.

Yeah thats true . Besides digestion, water is also essential for maintaining the integrity of human cells and carry out other processes like excretion and transport of various nutrients. It also forms a core component of various chemical substances like enzymes and hormones within our body etc.

imagine you happen to find you self in the desert for a very long period of time without having a test of water then that is went you are going

You have drawn a perfect analogy to understand the significance of a drop of water.

Good luck .

 last year 

Welcome to the Steemit Engagement Challenge - S9W2 and thank you for taking part in the environmental campaign to raise awareness of steemit users and the world community, especially regarding efforts to prevent a global water crisis through the contest : Learn to appreciate a drop of water.

Before we verify, we remind you to visit other contestants' posts and engage with relevant and meaningful comments. Best of luck, brother @tangwe-rene

Status club#club75
Verified userYES
Tag #steemexclusiveYES
Support #burnsteem25NO
CSI voting5.1 ( 0.00 % self, 46 upvotes, 33 accounts, last 7d )
Verification date
April 27, 2023

Determination of Club Status :

Kind regards,
Steem Entrepreneurs Team

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