Application For The Communities of the Month Support Program - October, 2021| Steem Entrepreneurs Community

in Steem Entrepreneurs3 years ago (edited)


STEEM ENTREPRENEURS is a community that focuses on community economic empowerment. We have main agenda of disseminating information about and through the large or small business sector and increasing the value of Steem in the blockchain ecosystem by encouraging business people to accept payment options with SBD and Steem in transactions on business activities. Our community has its own uniqueness in promo-steem activities through collaboration with business owners and business products. Our observations so far have not found a similar community that has focused on utilizing this potential sector for disseminating information about STEEM.


Short Term Goals

  • Products with Steem Logo can reach people who cannot reach information about Steem from print media, online media or internet.
  • Can add new users on Steemit Platform and attract potential Steem Investors.

Long Term Goals

  • Steem Entrepreneurs are able to play an active role among the community in effort to improve family economy and provide easy facilities for business actors for business development through the establishment of the Steem Entrepreneur Cooperative.
  • The range of information about Steem is getting wider
  • Adding new potential users in steemit and investors.

Most of the users of and are entrepreneurs and have an interest in developing their business ventures. The steem entrepreneur community takes the initiative to provide a fun page for entrepreneurs to develop by sharing experiences, ideas, creativity and innovation so that they become inspiration for others. Activities on the Steem Entrepreneurs page aim to improve the quality and character of entrepreneurs in realizing the big dreams of entrepreneurs with beautiful visions.




Steem Entrepreneur was formed about 2 months ago with limited resources. Currently the entire team is unpaid and works voluntarily. The basic idea of forming a community is realized in concrete actions as a contribution to,, users and society. We have confidence with the commitment and hard work of the Steem Entrepreneur Community will grow and develop with wider benefits.


Community and curation official account : @steempreneurship

Steem PowerAmount of Steem PowerSource of Steem
Community owned2,611.19 SP@steempreneurship
Delegator12,460,24 SP32 delegates
Thanks for support Community

15,071,43 SP ( 2,611.19 +12,460,24 )

-- Community plan to increase curation account SP --
Mutually beneficial cooperation with delegates
Share rewards from publications on the Steem Entrepreneurs page

Payout posted by community accounts will be used 50% for power ups, 20% for community operational costs (printing steem banners, steem stickers and others) and 30% distributed to delegates.
The community team currently works on a voluntary basis, while access to vote with a community curator account can only be done by admins and community moderators.

Current CSI Voting Score for community curated accounts (from : 14.0 ( 0.00 % self, 258 upvotes, 91 accounts, last 7d )
Proportion of posts each week that received votes from community accounts : 1,529 upvotes | 1,129 upvotes received



Admin and moderators are tasked with reading and checking every post such as writing, photos and others in the steem entrepreneur community. We will give light warnings to strong warnings when users commit plagiarism and other forms of abuse (content farming, duplicate accounts, fake accounts). We will also take the necessary action if the user still violates the rules of We will work with @endplagiarism04 as a form of support in terms of eradicating plagiarism or other things that are against the rules of

Admin and moderators are tasked with reading and checking every post such as writing, photos and others in the steem entrepreneur community. We will provide light warnings to strong warnings when users commit plagiarism and other forms of abuse (content processing, duplicate accounts, fake accounts). We will also take the necessary action if the user still violates the rules of We will work with @endplagiarism04 as a form of support in terms of eradicating plagiarism or other things that are against the rules of

Admins and moderators are in charge of reading and commenting on each published post, then providing comments that are relevant to the content as encouragement for the author. The team from the community has an obligation to comply with the community rules. Steem entrepreneur community team also has an unwritten agreement to prioritize the interests of the community above personal interests. Therefore, any important information and concerns the interests of the community and society will be published on the official account of the community.


Every post on the Steem Entrepreneur page always gets comments from the official community accounts, moderators and admins. The involvement of the Steem Entrepreneurs Team is maximized to provide direction, especially for new members regarding improving the quality of posts or words of encouragement. This is very important to keep the steem entrepreneur page unique and special for entrepreneurs or steemit users. Optimizing engagement and comments has a positive effect by consistently improving the quality of posts on the Steem Entrepreneur page.

At this time, the Steem Entrepreneur Community already has 995 subscribers and 121 active posters. The involvement and comments from the team, the realization of community programs and the monthly support program from the steemit team were able to significantly increase the number of subscribers and active posters.


This September we will continue to focus on running the Go Around - Steem Business Promo Program which is planned to last until December 2021. Since its release this program has had a positive impact and satisfying results. Entrepreneurs are starting to take the initiative to accept Steem/SBD as a payment option for their business products and services. As of September 24, 2021, the Steem Entrepreneurs Community has verified and validated 55 business ventures spread from various countries.

GO AROUND - Steem Business Promo Program" which aims :

  • Promo-Steem in the business field
  • Identify issues or barriers for businesses to accept SBD and Steem as payment options.
  • Formulate the problem and find the best solution.
  • Steem entrepreneurs are trying to facilitate SBD and Steem payments between sellers and buyers.

October Work Schedule

Steem Entrepreneurs has released 2 programs in September as the implementation of the vision and mission of the community. October, the two programs will continue to be developed and focus on achieving the aims and objectives of the program for Promo Steem to the society.

Steempreneur Shop has printed Steem Entrepreneurs T-shirts and is selling them on the @steempreneurshop community business account. The sale of community t-shirts received a positive response from community members and from outside the community. 20% of the proceeds from the sale of community t-shirts are donated to charity. Meanwhile, the payout from the @steempreneurshop account post was also distributed for charity programs from @steemkindness and @adollaraday. October the Steempreneur Shop will also print t-shirts and other merchandise with the Steem logo, such as:

  • T-shirts for steem entrepreneurs, steem news, steemkindness, and other branding that have a strong image with STEEM.
  • Wall clock with steem logo
  • Steem Calendar
  • Steem key chains and
  • Other merchandise.

Since the beginning of September, the steem entrepreneur community has released the Steem Kindness for Better Life program. Fundraising is done by sharing a 25% payout to the @steemkindness account. Funds that have been collected will begin to be distributed to program targets. Before the end of September, Steem Kindness will distribute equipment and work equipment for the home industry and hold a Steem Entrepreneurs workshop. In October, the activities of the Steem Kindness for Better Life program will be more massively carried out according to the funds collected through share payouts or other donations.

These programs have been designed since the founding of the community and are included in the vision and mission of the community as part of efforts to disseminate information about the kindness steem to the wider community.



Promotion is a priority action for the steem entrepreneur community in developing the community and advancing steem. The Go Around - Steem Business Promo program that we released is designed as a steem promotion event among entrepreneurs and business places. So far, the message to be conveyed about steem to the community in the program is running well and effectively. This Steem Go Around Business Promo Program is an attraction for steemian outside the community to join as a Steem Entrepreneur.

The Steem Entrepreneur Community will also maximize 3 businesses belonging to the Admin and Moderator to promote Steem to the community.

  • Steem Entrepreneur Coffee
    This coffee shop business is the result of a collaboration between Mr. @tucsond and his brother and currently the construction progress has reached 45%. Located in Tumpok Teungoh, Lhokseumawe City. The presence of a coffee shop attached to the STEEM symbol or attribute will be maximized to carry out a Steem Promo in the Lhokseumawe City area. Tumpok Teungoh is the most densely populated area and active internet users in Lhokseumawe City.

  • Steem Coffee Vans
    Mr. @subkiusman business has been operating for 1 month in Paya Bakong District, North Aceh Regency. Currently he is preparing various STEEM attributes for use in Steem Coffee Vans and integrating with Steem. The plan is that in October this business will officially change its name to "Steem Cofee Vans" and the place of business will be filled with steem symbols and attributes. This business will be maximized for Steem Promo activities in rural areas. The targets are young people and consumers, the majority of whom are active internet users. The presence of "Steem Coffee Vans" is expected to attract the attention of rural communities and get good and correct information about on "Steem Coffee Vans"

  • Steem Culinary "Bun... Dadar"
    This food and drink business has been operating for 6 years. But so far this business is only open for 1 month a year, namely in the month of Ramadan. Since the emergence of the Steem Entrepreneurs Community @harferri has taken the initiative to develop this business and integrate with steem. Construction of this humble shop will begin in early October and is expected to be completed in 1 month. The location is on the edge of the Sumatra road in Syamtalira Bayu District, North Aceh Regency. The location is very strategic and easy to access. The presence of Steem Culinary "Bun...dadar" with the Steem Logo and Attributes is not only effective for doing steem promos for consumers and the surrounding community. But it will also be able to attract the attention of every road user who passes through the location.

The three business ventures will fully integrate with steem, not only accepting Steem, SBD and TRX as transaction tools but will also carry out activities or agendas in steem promos to consumers and the surrounding community. These three businesses will also become a center for potential new users or new users to register or share about steem. The three business owners have also committed to providing time for special activities related to Steem.



Through the Steem Kindness For Better Life program, the Steem Entrepreneurs Community has a Work Agenda at the end of September:

1. 26 September 2021
The Steem Entrepreneurs Community will hold a Steem Entrepreneurs Workshop, as for the place of activity in Lhokseumawe City and will be followed by entrepreneurs from Lhokseumawe City and North Aceh Regency.

2. 27 - 30 September 2021
Steem Kindness will distribute equipment/work supplies for a cake trader located in Syamtalira Bayu District, North Aceh Regency. The business category is still classified as Home Industry and has been running for almost 10 years.


The Steem Entrepreneurs community is unique in promoting steem to the public and potential investors. The business sector is the choice and effective media for the Steem Entrepreneurs in conducting steem promo activities. The symbols and attributes attached to the place of business and products will provide a stimulus and public awareness about the benefits of joining and investing in steem. Most investors come from entrepreneurs, this reality makes the steem entrepreneur community even more excited to work for Steem. Steem Entrepreneurs have a dream that there will be more and more business venture and business products/Services with the Steem logo or attributes.

The Steem Entrepreneurs community has a clear work agenda and goals to achieve for STEEM. We are also aware and very realistic that all the work agendas that have been prepared will be successful with the hard work and support of all interested parties for the progress of steemit in the future.

We thank the Steemit Team and all stemians for their support and valuable time to read the "Community Support Program of the Month" proposal submitted by the steem entrepreneur community. We are also very aware of the fact that the success of the community work agenda is very dependent on the hard work of the community team and support from all parties, especially from and

Posted : Steem Entrepreneurs Team


Cc : @steemitblog @steemcurator01
Wish U have wonderful day

 3 years ago 

Steementerpreneur is one of the best community on the platform that is kin to promote STEEM to all the business in the outer most part of the world. The vision and mission is to ensure that enterpreneur and business owners make STEEM and SBD a payment options.

A lot of business has been integrated to STEEM through this community.

We have alot of goals and aim, we are taking things slowly. And with numerous project on hand, we intend to promote STEEM to the grassroot.

With the support from @steemitblog and the Steemit team, we are one step closer to our goals and the sky is our limit.

We appreciate the Steemit team for selecting us last month, and we hope we can get selected again this month.

Thank you!

Voted ✔️, Resteemed🏅 and Shared on my Twitter 📸


 3 years ago 

Thank you very much for your support @mato445.. your spirit is a motivation for all of us to work smarter to achieve community goals.. we have many projects to make STEEM known as a coin that is easy to use for transactions and can expand the market of a business as well as a promo-steem event in the business sector to the grassroots. Thanks to @steemitblog for the support and trust given.. Together we can blue the sky with STEEM ..

Very good Application For Community Support Program on October. Many things we have done together in conducting Promo Business combined with PromoSteem. With many Entrepreneurs who are willing to make payments with Steem or SBD. Hopefully the Steemit Team will support the Steem Entrepreneur Community this October. Thanks You to the Steemit Team for supporting us this September, hopefully we can get support again this October.

 3 years ago 

Thanks a lot for support mr @tucsond - Wish U have eonderful day

You're welcome Brother 👍😊

 3 years ago 

One thing is to have a mandate and the next thing is to run and maintain the mandate, steem Entrepreneurs has the mandate of promoting steemit through business and they are running with that mandate, from the first day I subscribed to this community till date I must confess that this is one of the most outstanding communities in steemit blockchain that have maintained their mandate and I hope they get the support they deserve in order to complete their mandate.

Good luck

 3 years ago 

Thank you for your support and contribution to the Steem Entrepreneurs Community.. We all believe STEEM will continue to grow without limits.. Cross-sectoral and community collaboration is important for a common goal... STEEM !!!

Have a great day @ladyofpolicy

 3 years ago 

Thanks for your kind words

 3 years ago 

My pleasure

 3 years ago 

A very, very great Application For Community Support Program in October. Many things have been done by the community in doing Steem Promos with business entrepreneurs. Because this community is also @newuscoshop born in doing business on steemit also with the aim of increasing steemians in transacting with Steem and SteemDollars. Hope, Hopefully the Steemit Team supports the Steem Entrepreneur Community this October.

Post by owner @f2i5

 3 years ago 

Thank you for the support from @newuscoshop, hopefully newusco will become a role model on how to increase public participation in transactions using Steem/SBD.
Greetings Steempreneurship

 3 years ago 

You're welcome.
This is our effort to increase enthusiasts in making transactions using Stem and SBD and also to do promo-steem

 3 years ago 

Good effort and it will work.. good luck

 3 years ago 

Keep going on steementrepreuners. Smoga makin berjaya 🤗

 3 years ago 

Terimakasih atas dukungannya ibu @sailawana aminn

 3 years ago 

What more can I say, you've written everything about This great community! Than saying I support your application and I hope Steemitblog will favorably consider it.

 3 years ago 

Thank you for your support @goodybest, our best wishes for you and your family... Greetings and success to you

Nice community, I love it. 😍🥰

 3 years ago 

Thank you very much @hhusaini
Have a great day

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