Steemit Engagement Challenge S9W5 : Are you ready to become an entrepreneur ?

in Steem Entrepreneurslast year
Good morning 🌄

How are you? Hope so everyone will be fine by the grace of Allah Almighty. I am also fine and enjoying good health and hope so you all will also be fine. Now we are enjoying week five of season 9 and the topic is very interesting chosen by the community.


Entrepreneurship is a good thing and to be an entrepreneur requires many things from you because to start a business you have to ready for losses as business is a name of profit and loss both.

Am I interested to become an entrepreneur?
My motivation for entrepreneurship

I am interested in become an entrepreneur and I agree with it completely because I am a person who knows that how much there are profit and losses in a business and you become independence when you start a business and doesn't depends upon other and you are not limited you can do anything according to you when you start your on business that's why I am ready for it.

You are motivated about your thing about which you are passionate so there are several kind of business is that you can start and you can choose your business according to your choice about which you want to work and in which thing you want to invest your money or time to start a business.


I have very interesting options to start a business in my life that's why I am very motivated about it as I want to start a business of a beauty salon or a mini restaurant and both are the things in which I can never get bored that's why I am passionate and motivating about my business.

What are the things that entrepreneurs must have?
Entrepreneurs characteristics

Below are the some characteristics of a entrepreneur.

  • Honesty
  • Creativity
  • Confidence
  • Risk taker
  • Passionate

An entrepreneur should be very honest because a businessman can never get a success in his business if he is not doing his work with honesty and hard work as you all know that hard work and honesty can never gets waste as well as an entrepreneur can be very creative means he should try to do something creative in his business to attract customers.

An entrepreneur should know that how and in which way we have to talk to which person so he have a good confidence level as it is very important to become a good entrepreneur and if I talk about risk taking so he should also be a good risk taker.


If some situation occurs in front of him and he have to choose one option in which there is a risk of loss and profit so he should take a risk because there could be profit to him and could be lost to him and it all the friends upon luck at that time. An entrepreneur should be passionate means he should remain motivated every time even if he have a loss in his business then at that time you should never give up and try very hard to achieve success.

What type of business I want to start?
My business choice

I have many options in my mind to become an entrepreneur and my most favourite one is about to start a big be salon because I am very conscious about beauty and I think beauty is a need of everyone today and everyone wants to look beautiful and wants to groom their self so it's very trending thing that's why I would like to choose to start a beauty salon first at a mini level and then at large scale.

Before starting any business you should keep in mind the demand of a particular business as I also keep in mind before choosing my business and beauty is a need for everyone and especially women are those who spend a lot of money on their beauty and who always wants to look beautiful.


Not just because of money I also choose beauty salon as my entrepreneurship because I know that I can never get boredom when I would be in a business of running a beauty salon and I will also develop more skills in me as I like to be creative always that's why for being more creative and for gaining more skills as well as for earning good income I really love to choose this business.

A motivational Story of entrepreneur from my family
Entrepreneur in my family

There are many entrepreneurs in my family and some of them do online business and some of them have a business of restaurant but one of my uncle have a unique business and it is about to running a poultry form and its really very beneficial and Interesting also.

He have many hens in his poultry form and there are many workers in his poultry form who take care of hens because it's not easy for one person to take care of all the hens in the poultry form as hens also reproduce much so there are different Chambers in his poultry form in which there are hens present according to their age and according to their age their food is also present in the poultry form of my uncle.

Yearly he have a profit of more than 50 lac but 2 years ago he have a loss of 1 crore which is the very big amount and that's why he was very sad due to this but he didn't give up and keep hisself
Motivated and just after 1 year he and the same money and it was very motivational for me to listen his story of lose and profit.


From the story of my uncle which was really very motivational I learn that profit and losses are a part of business and if you really want to become a good entrepreneur then you should accept this reality.

I want to invite here


That was all about my entrepreneurship and my motivation about it
Thanks 👍

I have sense the zeal, courage, and passion you have for entrepreneurship is genuine keep it up brother you can do better than this if continue with spirit in you. 💙✌️

 last year 

Thank you ☺️

 last year 

Caramba está muy centrada en lo que quiere emprender,tal vez tiene el conocimiento en belleza,eso es un buen trabajo,muchas buscamos ayuda para realzar nuestra belleza y como dices que un emprendimiento involucra perdidas y ganancias,por eso es que debemos estar muy conciente de este tema,ojalá logré montar su salón de belleza y pueda obtener el fruto deseado,mucha fe,dedicación,tiempo,y ganas de progresar,saludos

 last year 

A lot of hardwork with motivation is required to start or to run my Beauty salon business
Thank you for visiting

 last year 

La mejor de la suerte amiga

 last year 

Pilihan yang tepat di era modenisasi seperti sekarang ini, dimana setiap orang membutuhkan penampilan yang elegant, tampil cantik dan rapi. Menjaga penampilan menjadi hal utama di setiap aktifitas, jadi jangan pernah ragu dengan apapun yang anda sukai saat inii. Terimakasih telah berbagi, semoga menjadi inspirasi dan pilihan yang tepat dalam menyongsong masa depan. Salam hangat kawan @sahar78

 last year 

An entrepreneur should be very honest because a businessman can never get a success in his business if he is not doing his work with honesty and hard work.. yeah I agree with this point, in any business honesty and hardwork should be mostly part of the agenda because it keeps the business growing

 last year 

Thanks for elaborating the honesty characteristics in an entrepreneur and adding more in my content

 last year 

Cuando se inicia un emprendimiento es importante sentirse identificado con el y tener vocación para ello, así como lo es el área del cuidado personal y la belleza. Espero que pronto puedas abrir tu propio salón de belleza, un negocio que tiene gran demanda en el mercado en la actualidad.

 last year 

Thank you for best wishes

 last year 

Usaha yang sangat luar biasa sobat, semoga saja tercapai apa yang sobat inginkan.

 last year 

Thank you ❣️

 last year 

You are welcome

 last year 

interesting reviews from your posts about Entrepreneurs.

We hope that your dream of opening a beauty salon will come true, especially considering that the demand for the beauty market segment is currently increasing continuously. I wish you success and luck be with you.

 last year 

Greetings @sahar78
New ideas come to the head of many people. But most of the people forget it without considering it important. However, if you want to be a successful entrepreneur, don't throw away ideas. These ideas need to be recorded and verified with due importance. Practical ideas should be put into action without delay.

Thank you so much for sharing this informative publication with us. I wish you all the best for your success in the competition.

 last year 

You are absolutely right, in today's era, whether it is a man or a woman, everyone is very worried about their beauty. Salon business is one of the fastest growing of luck brother

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