Club5050 weekly power up summary | ronindboss

in Steem Entrepreneurs3 years ago (edited)


Hello guys welcome to my blog and to another weekly power up exercise and summary of my total power ups for the week. I am grateful for the #club5050 initiative and I am also sending out invitations to all who have not yet joined the #club5050 to do so too. The amount of steem power we have determines our influence on the steemit blockchain, low steem power means low influence. Which is why I am showing my support for this project by powering up my total earnings. Let's go 🚀

So on this morning I did a power up of 8.8 steem just as shown below



So now my total steem power is now 92


And that's my power up summary for the week. I look forward to seeing yours too 🤗.

My Achievement 1

 3 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Steem Entrepreneurs. Very nice Power up to join #club75 and #club5050
Continued success by always doing Power Up with #club75 and #club5050

 3 years ago 

Thanks, I'll try my best.

You're welcome

 3 years ago 

Welcome to #club75 @ronindboss Thanks for your contributing ..

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