Warm greetings to you all in this platform today. I am @preshy101, it is a pleasure to be among the participants to participate in the steemit engagement contest organized in this community with the title time is money.

Below is my entry to this contest and I hope you all enjoy my article.

Is the term "time is money" appropriate?, explain your reasons.

I will have to agree with the above term "time is money". The reason why I have chosen to support the motion is because we do things everyday according to timing. For example, those working often go to their offices or working places and at the end of the month they get paid.


Image link

The payment given to these workers is a result of their time they have given to the job and by this example, we can now see that time is in no dispute money.

Also, we steemians do come here to make quality content and by so doing, we get rewarded. The time we have spent to create a content is been rewarded via the steemit tokens and that is to say, the time we have used or we are making us of on this platform is indeed money.

How do you value time?

My time is so precious to me and I value it so well. I make sure I do everything at the appropriate time. Whenever I want to see someone, I make sure that person keeps to time because every second of my time count. When I give someone a particular timeframe to see me, it is expected that the person comes at the appointed time and I do not exceed the time in which I am supposed to talk or discuss with an individual. I value my time so well.

How to manage your time to stay productive in Steemit in the past week?

Well last week I was so busy with issues of life and I was unable to participate in the steemit platform. I am a student and we are currently writing exams, I make sure that all my time is been channeled to my academics for now and after the examination I can then return back fully but for now, I just have to be in and out.


Time is truly precious and it is to be valued. The way you spent your time determines how productive you are or will be in the nearest future. Time is money and people do pay for the service that is been rendered by individuals.

Thank you all for reading my article this day. I hereby invite @gidsbrown, @samuelebuk, @great-grace to also join me and participate in this contest.

 last year (edited)

Time plays an important role in human life, it is also very valuable because time cannot be repeated. By appreciating time, many good lessons that humans get in this life. Thank you for reviewing it comprehensively. Hopefully useful.

Before we verify, we remind you to visit other contestants' posts and engage with relevant and meaningful comments. Best of luck @preshy101

Status club#club100
Verified userYES
Tag #steemexclusiveYES
Support #burnsteem25YES
CSI voting[ ? ] ( 0.00 % self, 29 upvotes, 25 accounts, last 7d )
Scores8.8 /10
Verification date
May 01, 2023

Determination of Club Status :

Kind regards,
Steem Entrepreneurs Team

Thank you so much for your review.

 last year 

Yes, every worker is paid based on the time they spent on their work or given task. Time is very important for each employee and also the employer. The employer is always checking if the employee does their work properly so that they will not lose their money to pay the worker. Time is very important for both of them.

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