Steemit Engagement Challenge S9W2 - Learn to appreciate a drop of water

in Steem Entrepreneurslast year (edited)

Hello steemit mates wherever you are, how are you all? This time I am here to partake in the Steemit Engagement Challenge- S9W2 contest with the theme" Learn to appreciate a drop of water" on the Steem Entrepreneurs community

Water is essential for life on Earth as it serves several critical functions. It provides a medium for metabolic takes allowing essential nutrients and chemicals to be transported and recovered within cells. Water also regulates body temperature helps maintain fluid balance in cells and acts as a lubricant for joints and handkerchiefs. In addition it supports the function of major organs like the varieties liver and heart. Without water organisms would not be qualified to survive reproduce or carry out introductory functions necessary for sustaining life. Overall water is an needed ingredient of life serving as a basic edifice block for all forms of life on Earth.



the value of a drop of water is immeasurablee and frequently taken for Granted. water is esential for all forms of liffe on earth and is a precioous resource that sustains the worlds ecoSystems. without water There would be no farming no industriousness no towns and no life as we Know it. Water isn't only vital for natural consumption but also plays a vital job in the setting by regulating the climate suplying niche for wildlife & suporting colorful ecosystem. The value of a drop of water stories in its capacty to sustain life and its failure reminds us of the need to conserve and manage this precious resource for coming Gnerations.

I live in Sargodha which is located in the Punjab Province of Pakistaan. The availabilty of clean water in Sargodha is a major concern for the occupants. The town relies Heavilly on Groundwater sources & the Quality of the water varies greatlly depending on the position. Some areas have access to clean & safe drinkiing waterr while other suffer from alloyed water sources.

The Major sources of water in City of Eagles include tube wells wells & flumes. The quality of Water from these sources is constantly poor with high places of bacteeria Contagions & other pollutants. also, the infrastruccture for water treatmnt and distribution is oudated and inadequateLeading to further wet down quality issues.

despite the efforrts of the government & nongovernmental societies to upgrade water access and quality in Sargodha the issue of clean water clearness remains a significcant challenge. The residers of sargodha continue tob face the trouble of waterborne conditions & Diseasses due to the poor quality of the water.




I would like to invite my friends @areebatariq @hamzayousafzai @idaali & @asiahaiss

 last year 

Be grateful for areas that have abundant clean water and for some areas that lack clean water, hopefully the best solution can be found. Interesting post friends

 last year 

Great post @nayabshafqat! I loved your message about the importance of appreciating the small things in life like a drop of water. It's so easy to take for granted the things that we have every day & your post reminded me to slow down & really appreciate the beauty in the world around me . Your writing is also very engaging and well-crafted making it a pleasure to read . Thank you for sharing this thoughtful and inspiring message!

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