Steemit Engagement Challenge S9W5 : Are you ready to become an entrepreneur?

in Steem Entrepreneurslast year


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Assalamu Alaikum to all my Steemians Friends. I am very emotional to participate in this contest today because it is a topic that is very important to know for the survival of this society. Today I am very exited to participate in the Steemit Engagement Challenge, (S9W5) that is held by the Steem Enterpreneurs Community and The today theme of the contest is "Are you ready to become an entrepreneur?". I'm going to share my own opinions about War.


Are you interested to be an entrepreneur? Explain your answer with your motivation for becoming an entrepreneur.

Yes, I want to become an entrepreneur. There are many reasons for this decision. I will mention a few of them. The main reason is freedom. Freedom is a blessing. I don't think it's right to work under or under pressure from anyone, whether the business is small or big, it's one's own. Another reason is the current economic situation of country Pakistan, there is a lot of shortage of jobs in Pakistan, there is a lot of competition in the market, there are thousands of candidates for each seat.


So I want to be a job giver and not a job seeker, because if you have Mercedes is also there and it is not on track being said that it is not better than the small car which is on its own track and moving towards its destination. Therefore, I think that first of all, a person must know his strength, after that he can make a good decision.

I have seen thousands of people who are doing a job but are not happy with their job, so always want to do what makes you happy, so my dream is to become a good business person, which also benefits me. May it also be good for the people connected with me, because the person who takes risk will become a story one day or the other.


What things should an entrepreneur have?

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To become a good business person there are some qualities that are very important to have in you. According to me, the most basic quality that a business person should have is to make brave decisions and have the courage to take every risk. It is important to have a risk appetite before starting, because it is very important to take risks when you have not even started walking.

A Good entrepreneur needs to have a clear idea of ​​what he wants to do and in which direction he wants to take his business and then he has to work hard with strong determination to start and run the business. It takes a lot of hard work, dedication and perseverance. And apart from that, the most needed attribute is creative thinking, you have to think and do something new above all else, and after that is character, that is to adapt yourself according to the circumstances and time, a good entrepreneur.

A person should be flexible in his decisions, who can adapt himself according to the needs and circumstances, he should have the ability to walk with others, how to work with people and how to build relationships with people, continuous learning. Finally successful entrepreneurs must be committed to continuous learning and personal growth, seeking new knowledge and skills to help grow their business.


What kind of business would you like to start or develop?



I want to build a coffee shop. My intention is very strange. I want to build a coffee shop that is different from all other restaurants. I want to build a library in this coffee shop where people can sit and read books. My coffee shop will also be unique in the way that I want to make its interior in a way that is exactly like a study room theater and a park, meaning it has these three features.

I want to make an eco-friendly coffee shop. Where people can come and feel and enjoy their favorite environment
Another thing I want to do in this is that the problem of food means food shortages in Pakistan means there are hundreds of thousands of people who are lucky to have one meal at a time. Those who have children or those who do not go to school should be trained to become workers and do the work of their education and training. I mean school plus park plus coffees


Share an inspirational short story about your family or an entrepreneur from your area.


I have received many motivational stories from my personal life social media and college which always motivates me to become an entrepreneur. The first story told to me in my college class by our professor is the story of a man who wanted to do master . Later in 1988 he got a job as a lecturer. He did that job for 7 or 8 months but he was not satisfied with that job.

He became an off-department and got a small car. He decided to leave this job and after that he started his own small business. Now the net worth of this company is 40 billion Pakistani rupees. The man's name is Jamshed Iqbal Cheema and the second motivational story for me in restaurant work is that of a man from our area who started a small restaurant and now his restaurant chain is in about 34 big cities.


Smart work is always better than hard work. We must be patience. This is the motto for successful Enterpreneur. This was very astonished contest. Now , I would like to invite my friends @goodybest , @ripon0630 , @mdkamran99, @wilmer1988, @irawandedy, @simonnwigwe & @waterjoe to participate in this contest. Click here to go to the contest link-SEC - S9W5: Are you ready to become an entrepreneur?


Thank you very much everyone for reading my post.


Best Regards
Musa Khan (mr-joker)



This post has been upvoted through Steemcurator09.

Team Newcomer- Curation Guidelines for APRIL 2023

Curated by - @goodybest

 last year 

That is a good reason, my friend, to be ready and be an entrepreneur because there is nothing like working for ourselves, being our own boss, where we will feel super comfortable and free.

Be brave and have good decisions to take any risk, your idea is great and a cafeteria that has books so that people can be nourished by reading.

Saludos 🇻🇪👍

 last year 

Thanks my dear friend

 last year 

Thank you for your contribution to the Steemit Engagement Challenge S9W5 by participating in the Contest : Are you ready to become an entrepreneur?

Before we verify, we remind you to visit other contestants' posts and engage with relevant and meaningful comments. Best of luck, brother @mr-joker

Status club#club5050
Verified userYES
Tag #steemexclusiveYES
Support #burnsteem25YES
CSI voting10.6 ( 0.00 % self, 70 upvotes, 55 accounts, last 7d )
Scores9.2 /10
Verification date
May 19, 2023

Determination of Club Status :

Kind regards,
Steem Entrepreneurs Team

 last year 

Thanks a lot sir 🤩

 last year 

Greetings @mr-joker
No such problem has ever been born in the world. Which could not be solved. Even from today to the future, all kinds of problems will be created. There will be some way of solving that too. Here's how to become an entrepreneur, which you can take as inspiration.

I like your idea of entrepreneurship. Thank you very much for sharing this informative and important publication with us and best wishes for the competition.

 last year 

Thanks a lot dear
Best wishes for you

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