in Steem Entrepreneurs17 days ago (edited)

Good day my follow steemians today i will love to write on the topic entrepreneurship, but first of all i will love to define entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is the capacity and willingness to start and manage a business venture by taking risks,with a view in making profit. Entrepreneurship is about taking risks; it is about innovation providing new product or services and having a great business sense with a view to transforming idea into economic goods for a profit.

An entrepreneur is a person who is able to think of,see or identify business opportunities that do not yet exist, and who has the confidence and courage to undertake or start up a business at great financial risks for a profit.
Entrepreneurs usually start a new business where there is none before take our an existing business to make it better. People who want to work for themselves are considered to be entrepreneurs. Wealth is created when such an innovation result in new demand for the products or services.

Characteristics of an entrepreneur

  • Determination:A successful entrepreneur is always determine and does not give up easily.
  • Commitment:An entrepreneur puts in a lot of effort in order to ensure the success of the venture or business.
  • Insight:An entrepreneur must have a very clear idea of the business they want to start and what it entails.
  • Brainstorming:As the business start or progress,the entrepreneur must be able to seek new ideas and make change when necessary.
  • Resourcefulness:An entrepreneur should have the ability to make decisions and act on his or her own.
  • Creativity:An entrepreneur must be imaginative to be able to continue to rebrand the business and make it better.
  • Understanding:To be a successful entrepreneur one must understand the issues,and every decision must be taken after it has been carefully throughout.
  • Ingenuity:An entrepreneur must always have original ideas and new method of doing things in order to stay ahead in the business.
  • Foresight: The entrepreneur must be able to see ahead and tell what the future trend is likely to be and position himself or herself rightly.
  • Preserverance: The ability to keep trying despite setback is one of the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs.
  • Courage:An entrepreneur should be courageous when it comes to starting a new business or making decisions.
  • Confidence: Entrepreneurs should be very confident if they want to succeed. Being very confident assures people that you what what you are doing a making it if it difficult for others to discourage you
  • Toughness: Ability to withstand all sorts of pressure in the bid to set up a business is another good attribute of an entrepreneur.
  • Independence: unwillingness to under authority is one of the motivations for being an entrepreneur.
  • Extreme optimism: seeing the good side of everythink concerning the business or believing that the business will succeed is one of the characteristics of an entrepreneur.
  • Ability to prioritise: The entrepreneur should have the ability to prioritise the needs of the business to ensure that it is the most important items that are provided at the time they are needed.
  • Continous learning: entrepreneurs in the course of trying to run an innovative business,continuosly learn help them to improve their products and services.

An entreprise is an organization or business created for commercial purposes. The creation of an entreprise requires boldness,promptness, energy and financial risks.

Self-employment is the operation of a business or service as a sole owner or partner it doesn't involve working for employer.
Self-employment, therefore,is working for oneself.
Self-employed, people work for themselves instead of an employer, drawing income from the trade or business that the operate.
Many self-employed people are involved in the day-to-day running of their business that is, another person, usually a professional,may be employed to run the business.

Effect of high unemployed country
People who have a job have self-esteem and the income the earn help them to contribute no matter how small,to the economy of the country. Unemployment affect a person self-esteem and makes them feel if the are doing nothing to help their families, community or country. This can affect their mental health and make them feel isolated and frustrated.
Unemployment lead to proverty and can make a person turn to a life of crime in order to make end meet. Proverty also make people do desperate things to make money life stealing and kidnapping. Unemployment, therefore has negative effect on the country. This is why people should do whatever is possible to be employed.

In concultion i hope that i have been able to talk about entrepreneurship.

Special mentioning

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