McDonald loud woman serious and threatening Criminal harassment

As I type calgary a very angry Psychopath is yelling "whatever" it sounds pretty bad I thought several today that were just unbelievably bad I initially investigated here's the tax coffee from the YouTube description I would I would definitely look at this one but what we're looking for is obviously that allowed women in the background her entire text as well as the other attacked words is the most important thing I think I'm not sure what the radio contains but that's what I was talking about but I didn't even notice that woman speaking until I reacted so have fun here is the YouTube description:

another targeted individual as this woman is trying to explain in the video claiming that I'm targeted by the government I'm not sure if she works there or who she was but it was at McDonald's just a little while ago and as I was listening to it somebody was here doing the same thing at Walmart so I'm not charged by the government they've checked Lots so after they check if you're not targeted by the government to put you in the hospital so that person flying person is lying 41 number to I am targeted by rapist from Pendleton BC I'm one of the few people lucky enough to know why I'm targeted by sick criminals I really do appreciate that as this would have been far harder and it might already be dead or forgotten had I not been there to witness my friend getting assaulted and murdered buy some people I haven't seen in since childhood years Danny case the key pieces without stating what the harassment is because they started repeats what and they claimed it what I post online is why they're saying it in public Andy's Praises somewhat more creatively Zetas repeat than just a all what's the big deal especially idiots at work at McDonald's even out of high school don't understand what's wrong with that are not Psychopaths or just stupid I meant to say they are just stupid but let's just say they're not aware yet of what's wrong with that and if Tennessee check so only Psychopaths will do that to somebody especially a stranger and dimension for the code words to change the mind-reading transcript so once they say the code words the transcript is changed the dictionary is changed so apple is now murder and everybody's got a different set of code to switch transcript so that they can say what they want to say without getting in trouble and terrorize the victim and you're lying if you complain about it so as well as the deepfake in public which was happening at Tim Hortons there with the person acting like I'm a ghost because they cannot even acknowledge your look at me if they look at me would f****** the video so anyways here's how it goes either and the rapist Psychopaths but not the rapist I don't know the order but I've heard it a billion times or this schizophrenic then if I'm not the schizophrenic then they say I'm the gay guy and I'm not gay or bi I'm straight obviously or else why would I care anyways and then if I'm straight while then I'm the rapist psychopath again end further to this dimensions my sister and it's incredibly disgusting I won't even repeat here and the wrong detective speak about my sister-in-law. go to the authorities the real police in person this woman is repeating this stuff it's very very wrong I believe my sister if she's alive is in the psychopath hands I'm not sure cuz I haven't been able to speak with her the murder since around the time of the murder the last time we spoke she was very happy to see me and she was driving around town looking for me because we hadn't been the same city for a long time and we made plans to meet the following day and we never met he claims he killed her and he goes on and on at length about it and so for these people to mention her is very threatening insect Ashley because they don't talk to the police especially cuz they refuse to speak to me and I've already had this problem at length in Saskatoon where somebody's telling me to shut up right now anyways my name is Stephen in Saskatoon the Psychopaths went around calling themselves step in and doing all this stupid s*** and I I just like Calgary I'm a stranger to the city I don't know anyone here and anyways you can guess what happened in Saskatoon please finally did investigate and Anna's mother f****** dudes complaining about shutting up remind China's up or whatever the f*** he said Buffy's f****** losers honestly and then further said there's some more afterwards and it's this Thursday it's this woman same woman I was speaking initially and he's speaking quite loudly I would investigate this thoroughly by forcing them to give the video footage from McDonald's Han and asked for witnesses as well as know that it might not be the South it might be a trip and certainly I'm saying I'm not hallucinating this recording is also not hallucinating cuz it's impossible but the staff will appear to be lying a unless they can fast two lines police the psychopath will threaten them saying they'll go to jail if they tell the police the truth so they should tell them that they want you know they can't promise that's because it is quite serious to be lying to police and for some reason my texts to my speech-to-text is screwed up again the Psycho-Pass uses the number2 and shorthand for to be (2 concatenated with b) and I don't use this shortcut.. but I can assure you the rest of the video also contains serious rassman repeat investigate this and speak with me about it personally in person and not stop until they do we need to catch this person before he hurts anybody else which I'm sure he's hurting people now


Pieces of media to post for today however it's been impossible to sit anywhere for any length of time and some idiot just tried to kick me out of Walmart two of them did actually do their f****** 1 sporting helpers in a row in 5 minutes anyways I'm going to double-check this post make sure it wasn't edited but it might have been so I'm going to check that soon as possible thank you I post a comment that I checked it I won't be hundred percent certain it's correct and f****** helpers

Speech to text and cell phone is definitely hacked

Not hacked but hacked

Until I post that I've checked this article it's not clear that it hasn't been edited by the psychopath before posting

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