Embracing Freedom: the strange profession called 'Digital Nomad'

in Steem Entrepreneurslast year (edited)

please create an illustration of Digital Nomad in Bali.png

image taken from Microsoft Designer

Last year I was living in Bali and I saw lots of foreign people who lived there since years, earn, take courses and even rent villa for long term stay. I was wondering what are the jobs that those people work at and what kind of office allow them to work freely and give them lots of free times.

So, I met a friend who lived there since 6 years ago and he told me about his and their profession called digital Nomads. In a world where possibilities are limitless and technology connects us like never before, a new breed of adventurers has emerged: the digital nomads. I, Fathur, found myself captivated by this lifestyle, embarking on a remarkable journey that melded work, travel, and personal growth. Join me as I delve into the enticing realm of digital nomadism, where I discovered a whole new meaning of freedom, independence, and self-discovery.

Advantages of being a Digital Nomad

There are several advantages to work as digital nomad such as;
A. Breaking the Chains of Convention

Your life won't be like a caged bird yearning to spread its wings, you will realize that the traditional 9-to-5 routine was not your destiny. The allure of exploring new horizons, both geographical and professional, became so much interesting. With a leap of faith, I bid farewell to the conventional office space and embraced the digital nomad lifestyle, where your office could be anywhere in the world.

B. Embracing the World as My Workplace
From the bustling cafes of Bangkok to the serene beaches of Bali, I transformed my surroundings into my workspace. The ability to work remotely, fueled by a laptop and a stable internet connection, granted me the freedom to roam and immerse myself in the vibrant tapestry of diverse cultures, languages, and cuisines. Each day was a new adventure, and every interaction added a layer of richness to my journey.

C. The Art of Balancing Work and Play
While the digital nomad lifestyle may evoke images of perpetual leisure, the reality is a delicate dance between work and play. You will be managing work, spending, and relationship alone. You will also meet new people that can become a partner and have relationshop with her/him.

D. You will have A Global Network of Connections:
One of the most profound aspects of being a digital nomad was the opportunity to connect with fellow adventurers from all walks of life. Co-working spaces and digital nomad hubs served as meeting grounds, igniting conversations that transcended borders and cultures. These connections not only enriched your personal life but also opened doors to new collaborations, partnerships, and lifelong friendships.

**E. You'll meet new Challenges and Lessons to be Learned:
No journey is without its challenges, and the digital nomad lifestyle is no exception. From occasional internet outages to navigating the complexities of different time zones, adaptability became my superpower. When you don't have any internet connection, your work deadlines will be gone and you could have a problem with your boss.

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image taken from Microsoft Designer

F. You'll Cultivate a Sense of Purpose
Beyond the allure of exotic destinations and flexible work arrangements, being a digital nomad lifestyle will turn you to reflect deeply on my purpose and passions. With the freedom to choose my projects and pursuits, you will discover a renewed sense of fulfillment and alignment with my true calling. Each experience became an opportunity to explore different aspects of myself, nurture my skills, and contribute to causes close to my hear.


Overall I learn something good about being a digital nomad and I have a will to take this awesome journey and leave my 8-4 job. I will have several career path I can choose with my partners such as as a vlogger, blogger, youtuber and others (including stemians!). Do you like being a digital nomad? or don't tell me that you already become one of them? Comment below lets share!

If you like my opinion and story, let's become a friend and support one another. Peace!

M. Fathur - a digital nomad newbie

 last year 

Nice bro

 last year 

Thank yoU

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