in Steem Entrepreneurslast year (edited)


It is with so much enthusiasm that I am participating in this contest, I would say the topic is really interesting and I couldn't hold myself from it. Thank you @steementrepreneurs for putting up this interesting topic as a contest and may Allah continue to expand this community.


Firstly, permit me to explain on a clear terms what company culture is, it is the moral practices imbibed by companies for the entire welfare of the organization and her members. So, now we can as well say that company structure does not only favour the company being an entity but also the staffs and the clients, because when moral values are introduced into a company system, there is a great propensity of growth to foster.


Also, that being said, a positive company culture will foster the growth of the entirety of the company, this means, the productivity of the company will skyrocket because just as human being, we only strive when there are moral values, we only experience rapid growth when the culture favours us individually or as a group of people, so is the same to company, a company only strive if they adopt a good working culture to boost the working morales of the staffs, it is also worthy of note that for a company to survive trying times, good and acceptable culture has to be introduced into it system, this is not to be bargained about as it is a necessity.

A company that breathes virtue and good moral culture will have an hedge over others and will maintain healthy competition in the market. Customer or clients per say only goes to where their money or investment is safe. Moral cultures helps keep returning clients and investors. For example, a company where mismanagement and non-redeemable attitude is being put to bay, clients will be scared to invest, they might close down as a result of running shot of funds. This is where only Positive culture comes to leverage any company that is ready to adopt to it.


Just like I said earlier, a good company culture encourages teamwork; when there is teamwork, the company will have a minute possibility of malfunctioning in respect to the workforce. It gives the employees the sense of belonging that they are one family and family do stay together. Goals are achieved when there is a corporate workforce, where envy and divided minds is, failure sets in, when the employees feels cheated and oppressed by the top staffs, the junior staffs works under duress and when this is the case, they will give in the least of their capabilities and that will limit the stud the company's growth. But where there is a positive culture, it brings to bay the inner capabilities of employees, they go extra length to make sure they see the company's progress.


A company that choses positive culture as it backbone will experience high productivity rate, nothing less than that, high productivity is being experienced when the working environment is friendly and workable. Everybody both staffs and employers should be treated as human and have fair treatment in the corporate world. For the entire productivity of a company to experience a good amount of growth and yield good benefits, the employees should be made to work with conscience and nothing less, nobody should be treated to work under duress and every member of the organization should be treated as a very important worker, no matter the office they occupy.

Thirdly, for employees to be motivated, there should be a good working condition backed by a good culture; this is a yardstick to organizational success, everybody has what boost their morale and inner capabilities. When everybody are being treated right, the propensity to work extra will be boosted and the best will be gotten from every member.


These elements are:

Early Payment Of Salary: when employees are being paid early, this seem to boost their working morale and have the company's progress at heart. A company that wishes or aim to grow will not for any reason owe their employees, if there is a need, a prompt should be sent before time alerting them of late payment due to some circumstances beyond the board control, as every labourer is entitled to their wages, even the holy book states this. A company that wants to see the best from their workers should cultivate good payment options and at some level try to add some insentives to their salaries inorder to give them additional boost towards their work.

Treating Every Worker As Important Personnels: A company that adopts a good culture will afford to treat every worker irrespective of their positions and offices held as important as anyother person. It is a virtue that is a must to be adopted, every human deserves fair treatment and equal treatment. The level of treatment is equivalent to the level of workforce out into production and you know the level of productivity is as the result of the effort put into it.
Let us also not forget that people have emotions and when pushed to the wall can display negative attitude that may on the long-run speak bad of the company. One way or the other, everybody deserves equal treatment.

Ensuring Health Insurance For Workers: Every company has one health hazards or the other, this therefore means that company who are intentional of growth should make sure they provide health insurance and health facilities for workers. Taking example from the Pandemic period, some companies suffered major setbacks because some percentage of their workers were affected by the virus and since there was no company own facility to curb the virus, their productivity and activeness in the economy market reduced and other companies who adopted this culture overtook them. The health of every worker should be paramount to every company that is intentional about growth.


Granting Breaks And Vacations To Employees: a good company culture also involves giving employees weeks and days off from work to also have time for themselves and families. Workers are humans and as well they have lives outside the working space. Vacations and breaks will be a good option to carter for this. This alone makes them explore other ideas outside working space and implement them when they are back from breaks. They come back refreshed and sound, the level of depression and stress will be reduced to it's lowest minimum .

Encouraging Team work: Companies should be able to encourage team work among employees, this alone helps keep the employees as one family. Goals will and visions will be achievable when companies do not just as colleagues but also as family who sees beyond the four walls of the company. The level of work will determined on how bonded and unified the workers are irrespective of the offices they occupy.


Lastly, these and many more are some of the elements of of a positive company culture. Any business that is aiming towards the sky should endeavour at all cost to imbibe these culture and see much of the the effect.

I want to invite
To take part in this contest.

 last year 

I completely agree with your thoughts. It is crucial for companies to prioritize the health and well-being of their workers. Providing health insurance and facilities not only demonstrates a commitment to employee welfare but also helps protect the company from potential setbacks.

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of having adequate health measures in place. Companies that were proactive in implementing safety protocols and supporting their employees' health experienced fewer disruptions compared to those that neglected these measures.

Thanks 🙏

 last year 

Thank you so very much for taking out time to read through and lending your contributions mate, I am pleased.

Congratulations! This is an additional prize for being a winner in this contest.


Your post has been successfully curated by @disconnect at 30%.

 last year 

Thank you for the upvote

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