Building a Dream with the FREYA CH Program the Power and Transformative Role of Women Entrepreneurs Online

in Steem Entrepreneurs3 years ago (edited)
Hello Steem friends, I'm here to tell you about the new training program FREYA CH el Poder y Rol Transformador Emprendedoras Online that I started this week. This program of which I got a scholarship, I am very excited, we have already started activities and is a Hispanic American program of support for small businesswomen and entrepreneurs, is only aimed at women because it focuses on the difficulties or challenges that women live to start a business and consolidate it, in attention to the cultural limitations imposed due to gender.

Source: Screenshot of my FREYA CH account to do my homework image by @majo77

While it is true that many women have succeeded in a wonderful way even when doing many other daily activities, it is no less true that there are different behaviors in the market for women and men. I liked this program very much because it has this vision of supporting women's entrepreneurship, but from the positive, not from the difficulties or limitations, but from the potential that can make our dreams become possible despite the obstacles.

Source: @majo77

Here we have the support of a business coach, legal advice and business structure and costs, also projection of the company or brand, and what I think is most important, they help us to define exactly what we want to do with our project, because you have to leave the romance, sometimes it is not enough just to want, it is important to set a plan and a purpose and get organized, at least I say it for me. You have to avoid the dispersion of ideas to find the right path.

Source: @majo77

The facilitators are people who come from countries all over Latin America and also from Spain, which gives a more universal vision of the situations that we can face in this business path from an entrepreneurship, and also knowledge that can be applied anywhere in the world. My first activity was to make a video presentation and explain what I want to achieve with Majopanques, believe me it was not easy, I have many ideas to tackle and put in the real plane to be given.

Source: @majo77

This is a wonderful opportunity that I am very grateful to learn and undertake, there is so much to do, we all have so much to do in our areas of work and trades. Personally, I think these activities to meet different people and learn are excellent and even more so in these times when we are still living isolated lives due to the pandemic. As I say, it is an opportunity that I value enormously.

Thanks also to Steemit and the Steem Entrepreneurs community for the opportunity to make known what I do from my entrepreneurship and especially for helping me grow from learning from each experience of the members of this community.

Original screenshots and photos by @majo77

 3 years ago 

You are a strong woman and very active in deepening your entrepreneurial knowledge by participating in many trainings, we are sure you will achieve your success as a female entrepreneur and on par with male entrepreneurs...Good luck friends.. best wishes for success @majo77

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