Steemit Engagement Challenge S9W2 - Learn to appreciate a drop of water

For both humans and animals, water is essential to life. Water makes up about 60% of human body weight and is essential for many life processes, such as digestion, body temperature regulation and many others. "Water is essential for the environment around us". It is an essential component of all ecosystems and without it no plants would grow.



What is the value of water?

Biological value
A drop of water is necessary for the life of living organisms. Without it, plants, animals and humans would not survive.
Economic value
Water is essential for the economy, including agriculture, industry and energy. Water is used for food production, turbine propulsion in hydropower plants and as a raw material in many industries.
Social value
Water is important for human health and good physical condition. The use of water can also have a positive effect on the mental state, and bathing in water can bring relaxation and improve well-being.

These are just a few examples but as we all know water is priceless and its lack would have disastrous consequences.

In my area, water is readily available and many people do not appreciate it. In many countries of the World, Water is hard to reach and every drop of it is worth its weight in gold. Everyone thinks that there is so much water because it covers most of our planet, but unfortunately drinking water is only a small percentage of it, so we should especially take care that it does not run out.

Here are some ways we can take care of it and save water.

1. Most of us enjoy long baths, but when we take a shower we use much less water.
2. Today's technology allows us to recycle water and purify it, which is a very good way to save it.
3. For watering plants and garden we can use rainwater which in a very simple way we can store, for example, in a barrel placed under the gutter.
4. Don't use water when you don't need it.

We all need to take care of our environment and the water without which we cannot survive. Imagine what it would be like without her? On hot days without swimming in the pool, without ice in beer.. I don't think anyone likes hot beer haha


I Invite:


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Begitu pentingnya ketersediaan air bagi semua makhluk hidup tanpa kecuali. Proses pertumbuhan akan terhambat bila mengalami krisis air

 last year 

Hola amigo @krisupolska muy buena tu participación para el reto. Es importante darle un buen uso al agua desde ahora, ya que no siempre tendremos este vital loquido. Es bueno que tengas este vital liquido con facilidad y disponibilidad para tu consumo, pero hay países en dónde el es difícil y tenerla cuenta muy caro.

Si no hacemos nada por mantener el agua limpia y sin contaminación, llegara el momento en que será más valioso que el otro y el petróleo y pueda que haya guerrase por el agua.

Me despido desendote éxitos en el reto.


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