Steemit Engagement Challenge S9W2 - Learn to appreciate a drop of watersteemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Entrepreneurs2 years ago

Hi Steemians,

I will start my participation in the second week of this ninth season of the Steemit Engagement Challenge with this competition organized by the community of Steem Entrepreneurs, which raises the topic of the value of water in human life, a topic that I have a lot to talk about due to the scarcity of water in many countries in the world, I wish you good readers.


What is the function of water in life?

Water is one of the greatest blessings that Almighty God has given to his servants, and it is the secret of life for all living things, and the reason that makes life possible on the surface of the earth. earth, and this indicates the importance of the presence of water in any place, because it is an extension of the existence of all beings in life, and no living being can ever do without it.

The presence of water is not limited to its importance since it is the basic drink of living organisms, but rather to its chemical properties which are not appreciated by any other drink, since it is tasteless, colorless and odorless, and it is a feature that is never found in others, just as it is a blessing to nature and a reason for As soon as the water comes in winter, it means spring has come, and the Lack of water is a great fear for people, and it warns of drought and death, so the Arabs described it as the easiest there is and the most expensive to lack.

The presence of water is an obsession for everyone, and it is also a source of inspiration and getting rid of negative energy, and it has been mentioned in several places in the verses of the Holy Quran, such as poets mentioned it in their poems and described its precipitation as rain or snow, and described it as flowing water from springs, so that the sight of flowing water brings the happiness to the heart and gives the soul a very wonderful comfort and feeling, just as the murmur of water is one of the loving sounds of the soul, which a person feels as soon as he hears that goodness is always present, because water is a symbol of fertility and gift in most cultures.

One of the proofs of the importance of water is that the human body is mostly made up of water, just as three quarters of the globe is made up of water, as the bodies of water on Earth dominate the land area. , in addition to the fact that the number of organisms that live in water greatly exceeds the number of organisms. A living organism that lives on land, so it is an important environmental medium for life, and it is also known that the Aquatic plankton is the main source of oxygen in the world and produces about 90% of atmospheric oxygen, and it is the lungs of the world and the source of its respiration.

How do we describe the value of a drop of water?

Some researchers believe that the world's water reserves are in relative decline. What makes matters worse is the population explosion, pollution, and the rise in climate temperature due to the global warming phenomenon, which will lead to a decline in the per capita share of water by about a third over the next twenty years.

A report released ahead of the recent 3rd International Water Forum in Japan denounced politicians for failing to crack down on the water crisis. The report indicated that water supplies are declining while demand is increasing at an astonishing rate. This factor may lead during the next twenty years to reduce the share of each individual in the world by about a third. The report also stated that more than two million people die annually due to water pollution diseases and poor level of hygiene.

It came to my mind while I was reading the report that wonderful story that we read in the primary class “A drop of water is better than a thousand treasures.” And I said to myself that the struggle of the great powers to store oil and gold for the future will not benefit them, but rather they need potable water, which is one of the most important ingredients that keep us on our feet. Alive. Is it correct to say:

There is no life for those who have no water!!

How is the availability of clean water in your area?

In Tunisia , we have a government company called the Tunisian Company for the Exploitation and Distribution of Water , which is under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture . The sources of its production vary according to the regions due to the geographical and climatic specificities of each region and according to the development of its needs.

In my region , for example , it is supplied mainly through dams that are filled with seasonal rain water. Unfortunately , Tunisia has been suffering from a drought for four years , which led to a decrease in the quantities stored in those dams to about a third of their capacity , which prompted the government to take a decision . Providing a quota system for its citizens , as the company will cut off the water for seven hours a day throughout the country ,It will also attend the use of clean water in agriculture or to wash cars or the like , stressing that violators will be punished with financial fines or imprisonment in the event of return .

I see it a decision that is not effective , since the citizen will resort to storing his water during the non-interruption period and may increase the consumption , so the only solution lies in spreading awareness and sensitization of the seriousness of the situation and more work on carrying out alternative projects such as the seawater desalination project , for example.

Thank you very much for reading, it's time to invite my friends @o1eh, @franyeligonzalez, @irawandedy to participate in this contest.

Best Regards,

 2 years ago 

Water is really a special gift from God. Without water, so many things wouldn't have been possible to accomplish. One good thing that I loved about water is that it's a universal gift that is accepted in every part of the world. Your government is really trying to protect the citizens of your country.

 2 years ago (edited)

It is absolutely true what you say. We hope that our God will bless us and provide us with water (rain) in the coming days. Thank you for your comment.

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much my friend for sharing your participation with us and I want to say greetings to you that you participate in this engagement challenge of season 9 and week 2. You have explained each and everything in a very good way because you covered all the questions in a very beautiful manner and I agree with you all the things that you have told us and shared with us.

Agree with you that there is a lot of importance of water and we cannot live without water and many people are saying in their entries that water is another name of life and yes I agree with you because you have also said this thing in other words that there is no life without water and scientific is also prove that more than three days a person cannot live if he don't drink a drop of water.

It's very good that you have explained the importance of water and the functioning of water in our body with the help of Quran which is our holy book and my most favourite book because there is nothing written in it by which we can argue because we have a firm belief on our religion and this book because it is not created by a human its a creation of God who create us

It's good that you have shared about your water supply and availability of water in your area and the people who have clean water available our very lucky then the people who don't have clean water available but it doesn't mean that who don't have clean water should not be thankful everyone should be thankful and if they don't have clean water than they should pray and Allah is very great and he will also give all of them these all blessings.

Overall friend you participate very well and I really like the way in which we explain your article and I wish you a lot of success and I will advise you to engage with other users so that you may have more chances to win this engagement challenge of season 9 and week 2

 2 years ago 

Thank you for this beautiful reading to my post, you spoke well of certain points that I explained them with depth in terms of analysis and ideas. Thanks again for this worthy comment.

 2 years ago 

My pleasure 😊

 2 years ago 

Greetings brother ,

Yes of course water is one of the most great blessings of god and we can't even imagine . Yes there is scarcity in many countries include pakistani most of places & its impact on people's lives. It is crucial that we appreciate the value of water & take steps to conserve it.

Best regards ,

 2 years ago 

Absolutely true what you said is universal this lack of water and I hope our god bless your country pakistan. Thanks for the comment.

 2 years ago 

Greetings friends. What an explanation. But in my opinion, your country cares about water, so the government builds dams to store water. Even in your country lack of clean water. but the government in your country really knows how to value water, so the government built a water reservoir so you don't run out of clean water even though it's been 4 years of drought.

Oh yes buddy, I also took part in this contest, if you have time, you can visit my post.

good luck

 2 years ago 

I will definitely read your post, thank you for the compliments on our government but I think we should build more dams in the coming years to hold more water as the population increases. Thank you for coming!

 2 years ago 

That's a very good idea sir, I hope that your idea will materialize, because your idea can have a positive impact on your children and grandchildren later

Greeting from me: @mulkanalvaro

 2 years ago 

Welcome to the Steem Entrepreneurs Community and thank you for taking part in the environmental campaign to raise awareness of steemit users and the world community, especially regarding efforts to prevent a global water crisis through the contest : Learn to appreciate a drop of water.

Before we verify, we remind you to visit other contestants' posts and engage with relevant and meaningful comments. Best of luck, brother @kouba1

Status club#club100
Verified userYES
Tag #steemexclusiveYES
Support #burnsteem25YES
CSI voting11.8 ( 0.00 % self, 84 upvotes, 54 accounts, last 7d )
Verification date
April 26, 2023

Determination of Club Status :

Kind regards,
Steem Entrepreneurs Team

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your valuable evaluation and feedback.

Postingan yang sangat bagus saudaraku, anda benar tidak ada makhluk hidup yang bisa bertahan hidup tanpa air, air adalah sumber kehidupan

 2 years ago 

Thank you for the comment and for your remark. welcome.

 2 years ago 

In my opinion, water shouldn't be cut out from the citizens. They should improve the cleanliness of the water. Nice post

 2 years ago 

May be that s true. Thank you for the reply.

 2 years ago 

Hola amigo 😀oye el problema del agua es grave a nivel mundial y así como pasa en tu región pasa en otras partes del mundo,en mi comunidad es terrible te cuento,tenemos que comprar agua siempre.

Y si,las guerras seguro serán por el agua,es un líquido que se agota debido a todas esas locuras que han desatado en el mundo ,mientras otros sufrimos por ello.

Valorar cada gota es importante,pero esto mejorará cuando gobiernos y grandes inversores de la guerra dejen de pensar en sus propios intereses y está difícil,pobre planeta..

 2 years ago 

Hello beautiful, I confirm that clean water is becoming a global problem and future wars will focus on water, for this we must prepare now and think about the interests of our future generations.

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