Steemit Engagement Challenge S9W3 - Time is money

Hello friends of this fantastic community,

I am very happy to participate in this contest that focuses on the theme of time, something that I consider truly important in life. But what I have learned in these years, where I have made a change in my life towards a more careful time management, is that we must definitely spend it with people who somehow help us grow and improve. We should not waste it with the wrong people.

But without wasting too much time, I will immediately answer the first questions that you have included in the contest, which I find very interesting but probably also difficult to answer.

Is the phrase "time is money" appropriate? Explain your reasons.

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From my perspective, based on what I have learned in these years where I try to make the best use of time to improve day by day, instead of saying "time is money," we can always use the phrase "Time is value." It is certainly something that cannot be brought back, so we must use it appropriately and be careful not to waste it, as I mentioned before. We should use it especially in the right places and with those people who value you.

So it is true that we can establish a connection between time and money. This statement is not entirely wrong because we also try not to waste money. Although I notice that in societies, perhaps more developed or modern ones like in Italy, some people waste their time on trivial matters. Even I, after the personal growth work I have done, have understood the importance of time, which cannot be regained, and therefore, it is more important than money.

How do you evaluate time?

creat with Bing

As I mentioned in my previous response, I evaluate time as a valuable asset that should be optimized as much as possible. For example, investing time in Steemit is very useful in my opinion because I have learned many things about structuring a post and how a blog works, things that I didn't even know a few months ago. Moreover, interacting with people from different parts of the world through their posts allows me to learn about their traditions and the situations in their countries, which can be beautiful or unfortunately, even unpleasant. This means using time in the right way, not like someone who spends a lot of time at the bar drinking and is always in contact with the same people who don't provide useful input for self-improvement and improving the society they live in.

How to manage your time to stay productive on Steemit in the last week?

creat with Bing

This is something I am still working on myself. To be more productive, I try to use certain tools that can speed up my post writing and content creation. However, I dedicate a predetermined amount of time to it and I don't want to take away this time from other aspects of daily life. For example, if I don't feel very creative one day but need inspiration to write content, I don't force myself to stay on Steemit and create content. Instead, I go for a one-hour walk where I use the time in a different way, not only for physical well-being but also to find inspiration for writing something.

I believe it is important to be very careful with how we use our time. What I have learned in this life change is to always have full moments during the day. Sometimes I write a post, sometimes I think of making a video, sometimes I engage in sports activities, and sometimes I cook something for dinner. I feel productive and use my time wisely. However, the one thing I advise against, once again, is giving your time to people who do not appreciate or value you and do not bring anything positive into your life.

Thank you for reading this post. I hope you appreciate my thoughts on the subject. I will definitely read some posts to see how people in this community think. See you in my next post, and I wish you all a good day.

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I invite these people to participate in this contest: @alegnita @kikenexum #ikawal

 last year 

@hotspotitaly, That always gives good results, about which they comment that we should meet with people who help us grow, improve and who have positive thoughts.

Since if it is the opposite you will go in life stumbling and failure in failure.

Surely time is more important than money because with money you cannot buy even one more hour of life when the time comes for you to leave this world.

There are people who forget to live just to get wealth, after they have it, they spend it on doctors and medicines and without having enjoyed life.

You know, before the pandemic, I was one who loved going to bars and restaurants and spent hours there talking with people who gave nothing for my personal growth.

Today, thanks to Steemit, I learned many things just like you. It also related me to a large number of people who helped me see life from a more positive point of view.

And I see that both you and I have learned to value our time so as not to waste it.

It's good that in addition to knowing the value of time, you use it wisely, wisdom is worth more than gold.

I say goodbye wishing you success in the contest.


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Curated by : @stef1

 last year 

@steemcurator08, thanks for the support.

I wish you an excellent day.

 last year (edited)

Spending time with people who don't value you is a waste, I totally agree with you because time is an irreplaceable value in our lives. Thank you for sharing an inspiring post.

Before we verify, we remind you to visit other contestants' posts and engage with relevant and meaningful comments. Best of luck, brother @hotspotitaly

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Come and visit Italy Community

Hi @hotspotitaly,
my name is @ilnegro and I voted your post using

Come and visit Italy Community

if u upvote and follow please you will get upvote and follower in return

 last year 

Time is very valuable for each person like us. We cannot bring back the time that we spend before. You are true that we used our time in the right place and to those people who value us.

 last year 

¡Holaaa amigo!🤗

Usted emprende muy bien una frase que decimos constantemente en Venezuela "El tiempo es oro" y, me alegra que así lo sea porque cuando se le da el valor adecuado, el éxito llega hasta nosotros por ello, una buena gestión va a permitir que la inversión en el tiempo, deje los mejores dividendos.

Un fuerte abrazo💚


Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through steemcurator08. We support quality posts , good comments anywhere and any tags.
Curated by : @stef1


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