Banners and Stickers for the Go Around Program - Steem Business Promo with local language (Indonesian) will be distributed soon

in Steem Entrepreneurs3 years ago (edited)


50% of the payout from the post will be used to print the next banner and sticker.

WE THANKS all those who always support the steem entrepreneur community. This motivation means a lot to us to work harder to realize the vision and mission of the community. Steem integration with entrepreneurship for a better future is the goal. The Steem Go Around Business Promo Program has received participation and enthusiasm from steemit users. We aim to increase participation on a regular basis. Evaluation will be carried out according to the needs and conditions of program implementation in the field. We will also verify business owners who have published Steem and SBD receipts for their business products and services. This is important as a form of accountability to public. This agenda will be implemented as soon as possible. We will release the time and place on the official @steempreneurship community account.

Wise advice from @steemcurator01

High appreciation to those who have taken the valuable time to pay attention and provide criticism and suggestions for the good of the community. We really appreciate the attention.

We also want to convey that banners and stickers in the local language (Indonesian) will be available tomorrow. We will immediately distribute to members of the steem entrepreneur community. Banners and stickers in the local language will be used at small business places so that the message is conveyed properly and clearly.

0001-5592539291_20210809_075243_0000.pngDesign by @harferri
Hopefully all the sacrifices and hard work of the team and all members of steem entrepreneurs will have a positive effect for the dissemination of information about steem in society, especially among entrepreneurs.

Cc : @steemcurator01 @pennsif

Thanks a lot for support and have a great day, regards.

Team Steem Entrepreneurs
@irawandedy @sofian88 @tucsond @subkiusman


Saya sangat setujui untuk membuat Banner dan Sticker dgn bahasa Indonesia, kita coba PromoSteem kepada wilayah kita dulu secara Nasional, baru nanti Internasional. Mantap.
Good Job Brother...

 3 years ago 

Terimakasih atas dukungan dan kerja keras nya menyukseskan Steem Business Promo ..


 3 years ago 

Langkah strategis dalam melakukan promo steem tepat dilakukan dengan mengintegrasikan kedalam kalangan menengah kebawah, kewirausahaan merupakan model yang tepat dilakukan, sejatinya akan menjadi program jangka panjang yang sukses

 3 years ago 

Menjadi tugas kita dalam berkontribusi untuk menyebarkan informasi tentang steem ke masyarakat. Integrasi steem kewirausahaan merupakan salah satu perwujudan dari semangat platform steemit yaitu empowernent atau atau pemberdayaan, kita selalu kagum dengan semangat itu... Saat ini kita berada di jalur yang tepat mas bro @irawandedy kita gasss kan 💪

 3 years ago 

Sebuah apresiasi, dengan begini kita akan mendapatkan pasar wirausahawan kelas menengah kebawah, kita akan sama-sama bekerja keras melakukannya.
Kerja bagus kawan.

 3 years ago 

Keep spirit ... Terimakasih untuk kontribusinya selama ini, kita yakin target akan tercapai dengan kerja keras.. semua masyarakat harus bisa merasakan manfaat dan pedulinya komunitas steem pada kemanusiaan...


 3 years ago 

Siap bang, akan kita capai itu sama-sama.

#togetherwecan 💪

This post has been featured in the latest edition of Steem News...

 3 years ago 

Thank you @pennsif, really appreciate it
Regards - Wish U have wonderful day

 3 years ago 

Gagasan super. Membantu semua pengusaha. Semoga menjadi amalan tambahan dan sukses terus

 3 years ago 

Terimakasih @f2i5 semoga bermaanfaat

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