Contest | Behind a Cup of Coffee

in Steem Entrepreneurs2 years ago

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Hello everyone I am @franko3 from Nigeria, I will love to participate in this contests organized by @afrizalbinalka, I you all are doing well.

I am a coffee lover, I started drinking coffee since 2015 but this coffee is Edmark coffee, I have drank and still drinking coffee till now, the one I am drinking now is Edmark cafe73 coffee, it is a coffee mixed with ganoderma but before I will tell you why I love Edmark coffee let me mention some of the coffees I have been drinking so that you can also get it for yourself.

  • Edmark Giseng coffee:it is good for stress, keeps awake and alert etc

  • Edmark red yeast coffee: it is very good for digestive system, eye, menstrual pain etc

  • Edmark Mocha: I love this coffee because it is very good for pain and prevent prostate cancer and enlargement.

  • Edmark cafe73 coffee: this is the one I am drinking currently, I love it as it help to lower my blood sugar, it helps me to sleep well, it is anti Cancer , boost immune system, you can read more about it following the link under the image of the product.

Why I love drink coffee and especially Edmark coffee

From 2015 when I came to know Edmark coffee, I have not drink any other coffee because of health benefits of it, aside from water,. coffee is the most consume product in the world not just for fun but it's health property, when you drink coffee you feel energetic,.it enhanced the brain and the memory.

In conclusion I encourage anyone to drink a cup of coffee daily if it good with you as for me I love it and will continue to drink it.

About me

I invite @ijelady, @chichieze @favourbest @chimeroselam to participate in this contest

 2 years ago 

thank you for participating in the steemcoffee contest in the steem entrepreneur community, we really appreciate your entry and of course it will add to my insight into the world of coffee.

 2 years ago 

Yes we need to explore the world of coffee

 2 years ago 

Welcome to steem entrepreneurs community @franco3

Have a great day

 2 years ago 

Thank you

 2 years ago 

Welcome to the Steem Entrepreneurs community. We are very happy that you published a great contest here. Keep the spirit to improve creativity better.

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Keep up your good work, best regards and good luck !

 2 years ago 

Thank you

 2 years ago 

hi @franko3 ...I'm glad you're also in this creative contest. we can share experiences about the delicious taste of a cup of coffee in our respective countries. Greetings to the great community of Nigeria.

 2 years ago 

I appreciate you

 2 years ago 

Thanks my friend

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