Voice your business - Toko Alat Listrik, Bahan Bangunan dan Barang Kelontong "NEW USCO" | Electrical Appliance, Building Materials and Grocery Store "NEW USCO" ###SBD STEEM Exchange Release - First session
Selamat malam sahabat Entrepreneurs.
Semoga harimu menyenangkan.
Sesi pertama. Perjalanan awal bisnisku | First session. My first business trip
Aku sudah berkecimpung dalam usaha ini sambil membantu orang tuaku semenjak tahun 1989, Saya ingat ketika itu pas mulainya Moneter Ekonomi melanda Negara yang kita cintai ini.
Secara muafakat keluarga semenjak tahun 2004 usaha ini diwariskan kepadaku. Mengingat satu-satunya abangku sudah berprofesi sebagai seorang guru pengajian di kota Banda Aceh dan satu-satunya adik laki-laki aku sudah menjadi karyawan di salah satu Bank milik BUMN.
Disinilah awal mula aku memulai bisnis ini dengan istiqamah yang kuat beserta doa dan puji syukurku hadhirat Ilahi diiringi Doa dan Restu dari kedua orang tuaku sehingga aku bisa mempertahankan semua sampai sekarang.
Tentang menerima pembayaran dengan SBD atau STEEM sementara belum, Saya akan berusaha untuk merancang supaya metode ini bisa terapkan. Jangan sampai melanggar dengan Syar'i yang utama dan juga dengan peraturan yang ditetapkan Pemerintah. Mungkin saya punya ide dengan label # Berikan saya SBD atau STEEM akan saya berikan anda Stok Barang Saya #
Perhaps for everyone, this is a unique trading venture. One shop located in the area can provide everything. This is my business now. The business that has been established since I was a child was probably even before I was born into this world. The business that was started by my late parents. My father died one year before the Tsunami hit Aceh. I remember the Seconds when the Tsunami hit when I was with my mother again. At the old market in Lhokseumawe City, I was shopping for equipment for my father's annual event which I will hold the next day. Meanwhile, my beloved mother just left us at the end of 2020 yesterday, which means it hasn't even been a year yet.
I've been in this business while helping my parents since 1989, I remember when the Monetary Economics began to hit our beloved country. By consensus of the family since 2004, this business was passed on to me. Considering that my only brother is already a teacher in the city of Banda Aceh and my only younger brother is already an employee at a state-owned bank. This is where I started this business with strong istiqamah along with prayers and thanksgiving for the divine presence accompanied by prayers and blessings from my parents so that I can maintain everything until now.
About accepting payments with SBD or STEEM while not yet, I will try to design so that this method can be applied. Do not violate the main Shari'a and also the regulations set by the Government. Maybe I have an idea labeled # Give me SBD or STEEM I'll give you My Stock#
This is a brief description of my ongoing business. Maybe in the post of the next session I will explain my experiences, obstacles and tips in running my business. *About Obstacles, This year is the worst year I've ever lived. I hope the pandemic will pass quickly*.Best wishes from me to all entrepreneurs.
Faisal Us
Thank you for participating in the "Voice Your Business" contest ..
Regards - Wish U have wonderful day
Thank you for the welcome. I hope you will be the winner
Semoga mkin sukses untuk bisnis Toko Alat Listrik, Bahan Bangunan dan Barang Kelontong "NEW USCO" milik @f2i5
Terimakasih bang @harferri
Sikses untuk semua
This is a unique business, in one building providing 3 types of merchandise. good luck to you and your family
Terimakasih bang @sofian88
Salam kenal dan salam persahabatan
Mantap bang Faisal, sudah berbagi cerita sedikit pengalaman dan motivasi dalam Wirausaha yang Anda jalankan sekarang. Semoga tambah Sukses.
Terimakasih bang. Dah singgah di postingsn saya, semoga sehat selalu