Steem Entrepreneurs Marketing Genius Contest Entry.

in Steem Entrepreneurs6 months ago (edited)

Hello great minds!

Greetings from my side, I bring you honest greetings from my part of the world, thank you all for your time and presence on my blog which I am believing that you will find it interesting reading through. Before any other thing, I want to thank this amazing community for their efforts for building the community to this level. I specially thank the user @hamzayousafzai for such a wonderful contest topic so keep reading down as I share friends.

This contest is a very educative contest topic which will help steemians to learn more strategies to apply in their businesses to make it more standard by reading from other user's ideas. This contest is so wonderful and I love contests as such because we both will learn from eachother's strategies.

I grew up with a business personnel.I stayed with my aunt all through my years of living. She is a big woman in businesses and I always keep up watching her do it. I picked some in-depth secret of market strategies from her and I also go through her business books to have knowledge on business and today I am proudly a business lady.

Who you are and your business.


I am David Dorcas Hanatu, with the username @dave-hanny. I am from Nasarawa State, I am a lady with big dreams of becoming the highest business runner in the state, I am working hard to be big tomorrow. I am the 5th born from my mother but not withstanding, the 5th born shall be the 1st or 2nd in business as I keep pushing on my big dreams.

I am running a provision business for now, I enjoy the business, the name I gave to my little business is Hanny's Care Provision. From the name you will know how far I feel for people around me to have and get all they want to get at any time of my service.


I sell a lot, anything that completes a provision shop I sell them, take a look at the pictures above, I sell fast foods such as noodles, macrony, indomie, golden more, cornflakes etc students comes in to buy them and I also sell tie foods for breakfast and also tin tomatoes,that makes me happy for how my business is moving very fast.

What tools do you use for marketing and how do they help?


One of the tools I make use for marketing is my smartphone, do you see how beautifully I snapped this, I will post it on my whatsap status, I post new products in town or may be same proudcts but different companies stating how good and effective they are to the body.

Another tool is my customers. I feel customers who comes around to buy from me are the tools I use too 😊 ask me how? I make sure I sell good product to them, and when they enjoy it, they come back again and also inform their friends too so using theirr mouth to tell their friends is another tool that makes my business moves.

What offline tricks do you use?

My offline tricks is by keeping sample of my product outside the shop such that as customers are passing by, they will see the samples and get attracted to my shop. I make sure the shop has all such that my customers wont be stranded when they come.

Thank you once more and I wish you all the best in your businesses. I invite @shiftitamanna @josepha, @lhorgic, and @ajegena to support and join the contest also.


Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
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The weight is reduced because of the lack of Voting Power. If you vote for me as a witness, you can get my little vote.

 6 months ago 

Many thanks to the Steem Entrepreneurs Community users who shared the original posts. We hope your contributions continue to inspire and strengthen the entrepreneurial spirit in our community.

Status Club#club5050
Verified userYES
Plagiarism & AI-freeYES
Tag #steemexclusiveYES
Support of #burnsteem25No
Beneficiaries of #steempreneurshipYes
Voting CSI5.2 ( 0.00 % self, 35 upvotes, 33 accounts, last 7d )
Verification date
January 03, 2024

Kind regards,
Steem Entrepreneurs Team

 6 months ago 

Thank you dear friend, @mainuna your review is so clear and understandable. I appreciate your presence innmy blog and I wish you the very best as we steem on.

 6 months ago 

Thanks a lot

 6 months ago 

Thank you very much for the review and I will keep doing better.

 6 months ago 

welcome sister❤️


Congratulations! This post has been voted through steemcurator07. We support quality posts and comments!
Curated by : @radjasalman

 6 months ago 

Thank you very much Sir @radjasalman for your warm support using this account and will keep doing better.

Such an educative post, I'm looking forward to learning more from your post. In deed I learned something.

 6 months ago 

Hello @dave-hanny! Your entrepreneurial journey is truly inspiring. It's admirable how you've learned valuable business insights from your aunt and are channeling that knowledge into your own venture, 'Hanny's Care Provision.' Your dedication to becoming a prominent business figure in Nasarawa State is commendable, and I believe your hard work will lead you to great success. Keep pursuing your dreams with passion and may your business thrive and prosper Best wishes on your entrepreneurial endeavors

 6 months ago 

Thank you very much, I appreciate your time and warm comment on my post.

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