Steemit Engagement Challenge S15 W2 : Economic - Diary Game

in Steem Entrepreneurs7 months ago
Greetings to all friends

Assalamu Alaikum, how are you, I hope you will be well, by the grace of Allah and because of the cold, my health was bad, due to which I have not been able to post for many days, so I thought. That I can also participate in the steemit engagement challange and share my economic diary. I hope you all will like my opinion.

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Start my morning


I got up early in the morning and went to the mosque to pray. After praying, I picked up the children so that they could also pray and their mother made breakfast for them. If it is too much, then the fog is too much, that's why they can't see anything on the way, and this is the precaution. Then I go to leave them myself. After leaving them, I had breakfast. After that I got ready to go to my shop. Well, I go by motorcycle but because of the heavy fog, it is very cold on the motorcycle, so I thought that I will go to the shop on foot.

When I was very young, my mother died, so I had to go to the graveyard so that I could read the Fatiha on her grave. After reading the Fatiha, I would go straight to my shop.Due to the very cold wind, the leaves were falling and spread all over the graves, due to which I had to clean them, so it took me some time to do the cleaning etc. Well, I fixed the graves first. But today I had to clean again, so I cleaned and then left for my shop.

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So after some time I reached my shop I opened the lock of my shop etc. and then my daily routine is that I clean my shop and then start my work. What should I do? It takes daily to manage the conditions of the house so that the needs of the children can be met. That's why I had to go to the shop in such a cold and with a fever and then I did my work after cleaning my shop etc. I started to fix the old mobiles that were brought to me so that I could fix them at any time.And so late it was afternoon but still no one came to me I was very worried and I was praying a lot that Allah would bring me a customer because even then I had to pay for the children and anyway I had to do more. There was a lot of tension, one of them was the bill for my shop and I had to pay the rent.So I kept waiting all day but no customer came.


This work with mobiles is like this, when the clients come, then the work goes well, but if they don't come, then tension builds up and the customers have to carry on with not being very satisfied, and then it happened that in the evening a boy came. He wanted to buy a second-hand mobile, so I showed him many mobiles, and I was praying that God would like one of them, so after showing many mobiles, he finally liked one, an Oppo mobile. It was what he liked and then he drove it etc. and checked it and found it to be fine, then he said that he wants this mobile.


So I told him the mobile rate is 30 thousand but the guy said that it is too much and it is not in my budget so if you give me a discount then I will be able to buy it. I had to pay the children's fees, so I had to sell this mobile anyway, although it was not in my budget, so I gave him 25,000 and he took the mobile for 25,000. I thanked Allah very much that after a whole day of exhaustion someone sang and I could earn something for my children.And besides, the time was too much and it was getting colder, so I closed the shop again. My younger son had said that I had to take a bat for that. Then I went to the toy shop there. But I saw the bat and I liked a bat so I took it for him.
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So I bought toys etc for the children and after that I had to walk to Pidalgarh so I left for home and after some distance I reached home and after that I washed my hands etc and rested a bit. After resting, I ate the food which was made of rice which was made very fun at the request of the children and ate in the same way and then went to the mosque to pray and then came and spent some time with the children. I slept and I hope you all liked my day.

I invite some of my friends @zaibb,@moyeon and @nalainzahra to participate and share their economic diary with us to tell us about their economic and I hope this contest will get many entries and we will get many You will also get to learn something.

Kind Regards


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Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 7 months ago 

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge - Season 15 Week 2 by sharing your daily economic activities. Your entries have been reviewed and evaluated, with the following results :

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Review Date
January 26, 2024

Suggestion : - Please use the hashtag #club5050 in your posts according to your current club status. Keep doing power up to increase the strength of your account.

Kind regards,
Steem Entrepreneurs Team

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