Cultivating Oyster Mushrooms Through the YES Program |

in Steem Entrepreneurs2 years ago

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Oyster mushroom production in Krueng Geukueh, North Aceh (Indonesia, which is a business opportunity._

Oyster mushroom cultivation provides business opportunities for young people in Krueng Geukueh, Dewantara District, North Aceh. PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda participated in creating a superior program that has good prospects for cultivating mushrooms through the Dewantara Mushroom Center program.

Support for the cultivation of oyster mushrooms is carried out through the Youth Entrepreneur Ship (YES) Program for Environmental Social Responsibility (TJSL) of PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda after conducting observations in a number of villages in Dewantara, North Aceh.

“Initially we did a mapping to find out the potential and interest of youth in Uteuen Geulinggang Village. From the results of the mapping, it was found that the local village youths were taught how to cultivate oyster mushrooms. PIM sees very good prospects if mushroom cultivation in this village is developed with the support of adequate human resources," said Jufri, Assistant Vice President of TJSL at PT PIM.

According to him, for the initial stage, TJSL PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda helped two business groups, namely Koelat Dewa Mushgrow and Mushroom Geulinggang. Koelat Dewa Mushgrow has a bloated capacity of 10,000 backlogs and is assisted by 6,500 backlogs by PIM as well as support for bloated completion covering an area of ​​5.5 x 10 square meters.

Meanwhile, for the Mushroom Geulinggang group, 1,400 backlogs were assisted with a partnership scheme. This group has already obtained their harvest, and from the harvest, they are replayed to procure 2,500 backlog seeds which will be supplied in the near future.

Jufri hopes that the youths of the Koelat Dewa Mushgrow and Geulinggang Mushroom groups can develop their business into SMEs in the mushroom processing sector and can get their own market both inside and outside the region.

"The entire implementation of the YES program cannot be separated from the support and cooperation with related agencies in North Aceh Regency and also Aceh Province," added Jufri.

Vice President of Partnership and Community Development Program (PKBL) & Public Relations of PT PIM, Zulhadi, said that the company and management are trying their best for the community around the company. Various efforts to empower communities in various circles will continue to be carried out in a sustainable manner.

"We see that people are enthusiastic about collaborating with companies to build human resources who are ready to compete in the job market and business independence to support financial and creative values ​​that have value for themselves and the environment," said Zulhadi.

He added, PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda through the TJSL unit will continue to innovate to support the independence of the community around the company with various efforts. In 2021, PT PIM's TJSL performance achievement was ranked second in the company's best CSR implementation in Aceh Province and succeeded in helping to improve the performance of the Aceh Government.

In addition, PT PIM received the best 4-star rating in the implementation of TJLS in the social sector at the CSR Award BUMN Track event which was participated by all state-owned companies in Indonesia. "These achievements are proof that PT PIM has truly carried out the mandate of the company and the state in terms of environmental social responsibility," said Zulhadi.[]

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 2 years ago 

Wah keren sekali pak dengan adanya budidaya jamur membuat masyarakat desa tersebut berpenghasilan dan tingkat pengangguran sedikit. Saya ingin berkunjung ke tempat tersebut, saya sangat menyukai yang namanya jamur . Apa ada aturannya pak untuk berkunjung kesana?
Sukses terus untuk anda pak, jika memiliki waktu luang jangan lupa untuk menghampiri postingan saya. Saya menyukai postingan anda, patut dijadikan panutan bagi saya yang masih banyak kekurangan-kekurangan ☺️🙏

 2 years ago 

Saya juga suka jamur @izzatulmaula. Jamur merupakan salah satu makanan kesukaan yang sederhana sekaligus bergizi.

Terima kasih Izza sudah singgah di sini dan meninggalkan jejak yang indah. Saleum sukses selalu.

 2 years ago 

Dengan senang hati pak @ayijufridar saya akan terus berkunjung untuk membaca postingan terbaik nya sambil memperbaiki kualitas postingan saya 😂🙏

 2 years ago 

Alhamdulillah @izzatulmaula. Kualitas postingan kita pasti naik turun oleh berbagai sebab. Namun, harus selalu ada upaya untuk memperbaikinya.

 2 years ago 

Gawat that memang artikel bang Ayi, asoe mandum oeh ta sareng, hana soe sangka kulat jeut ta olah keu kripik. Buat yang suka berkreasi menu makanan rumahan, boleh dicoba neh gaess 👍

Seumur umur, blom pernah nyoba icip keripik jamur. Cem mana ya rasanya

 2 years ago 

Bang Ayi pernah makan keripik jamur @mollymochtar. Kalau tak salah, waktu itu ada kawan yang bawa pulang entah dari mana.

Beruntung sekali. Kalau saya, jangankan makan, lihat aja blom prnah heelhe

 2 years ago 

Di Jakarta banyak sekali.

Kami menetap di daerah cisaruwa, gak ada yg jualan. Nanti kalau ada kesempatan pergi keluar, kami akan cari yang jualan keripik jamur. Penasaran banget ama rasanya 😋

 2 years ago 

Dulu ada syuting serial apa, ya, di Cisarua? Akrab nama daerah itu.

Kebetulan suami jualan disitu, jadi udah hafal banget sama daerah sini 😁

I like to eat mushrooms fried in oil

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