Charity Activities | Distribution of aid packages for school supplies as well as packages of basic necessities and cash for children from underprivileged families and orphans | #club75 | steemkindness20pc

in Steem Entrepreneurs3 years ago
Note: 20% of the payment is donated for @steemkindness empowerment activities


Sunday, December 5, 2021, the Steem Entrepreneurs Community through the charity program (Supporting the Education of Children from Underprivileged Families). After being agreed by other steemians in the Steem Entrepreneurs community, assistance will be provided for school equipment and supplies which are prepared in goodie bag packaging with steem kind and the RK logo. The making of this goodie bag was financed by @stephenkendal as much as 100 Steem which was sent to the goodness steem account.

The equipment and supplies are prepared.

1drink bottle
1picture book
1color pencil case
2pencil sharpener

To 25 children from underprivileged families who received them, they were orphans from Langa Village, Beunot Village and Dayah Ihsaniyah Al-Aziziyah students. With the help of school equipment and supplies received, we hope that the orphans will study harder and achieve more in continuing their education in schools and Islamic boarding schools.



Implementation of charity activities to support children's education - distribution of school supplies for students from underprivileged families with @harferri as the community admin, @tucsond as moderator, members of @afrizalbinalka , @mala.aniez and myself. The Steem Entrepreneurs community is committed to continuing to carry out steem promos and hashtag campaigns #club5050 , #club75 and club100 in December.


This event takes place with a predetermined schedule and this activity is also in collaboration with alumni of SMA 1 Syamtalira Bayu. Collaboration is a series of Steem Entrepreneurs community strategies in conducting steem promos to communities outside of steemit and the community. The schedule and description of the event :


HoursEvent description
11.00 WIBWelcoming from the Head of Langa Village, Syamtalira Bayu District
11.20 WIBDistribution of food to orphans
11.40 WIBMotivation and tausiyah
12.30 WIBPray together
12.40 WIBDistribution of aid packages for school supplies and supplies for 25 orphans
13.00 WIBDistribution of food aid packages and cash for 25 orphans
13.15 WIBPhoto with orphans and village officials
13.30 WIBlunch together


Photo with orphans and local village officials and community leaders

I feel very proud to be able to attend this charity event in order to help and support Children's Education - Distribution of school equipment and supplies for students from underprivileged families and orphans.

I thank the steemit team and the Langa village community who have supported and helped us for the smooth running of this charity activity. I also don't forget to thank all the users of the steem entrepreneur community page who have distributed gifts to the empowerment and charity account @steemkindness. Hopefully we continue to be committed to steem promos and spread the goodness of steem with charity activities for a better life.

Support #club5050 , #club75 and club100 with Power Up


Send regards to:
Steem Entrepreneurs team for initiation to build a forum for small entrepreneurs like us.

Hope you like it..

Don't forget to also thank the team:

Cc : @pennsif | @steemchiller | @stephenkendal




 3 years ago 

Barakallah semoga berkah 🤲 semoga komunitas pengusaha Steem semakin berjaya dan tidak putus-putus dalam melakukan sebuah aktivitas kebaikan salam


 3 years ago 

Amin. Terima kasih banyak telah selalu mendukung Steem Entrepreneurs dan selalu menyumbangkan ke #steemkindness untuk bantuan amal . Semoga berkah dan juga semua yang kalian lakukan dalam menyumbangkan hasil yang di dapatkan untuk amal akan dibalas oleh yang maha kuasa dan selalu dimudahkan reseki buat kita semua. Amin.


 3 years ago 

Allahumma aamiin 🤲

Program Steem Kindness adalah program yang sangat bagus salah satu programnya adalah membantu anak-anak yatim dan anak2 sekolah yang kurang mampu. Terima kasih telah membantu dan mendukung program ini.

 3 years ago 

Sama-sama , insyaallah saya akan selalu mendukung program dan kegiatan Steem Kindness .
Terima kasih pak @tucsond
Sukses terus buat anda dan kita semua.

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @Scilwa, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Curated by @r2cornell


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