in Steem Entrepreneurs5 months ago

Hi Steemians!

Greetings to all

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I hope everyone is well. First of all, I want to thank the community owner @steempreneurship who organized this nice contest. With the help of this, we can clear our differences as to what our interests are.

So Let's Start

Employee or Entrepreneur

Everyone has their interest and they manage their things. As I manage my own business, I have an interest in becoming an entrepreneur.

First of all, let's talk about the application. Because they don't have enough resources to start their business. Some people are such that they start their own business after earning a good amount through their job, this is also a very good thing. But those who do not have enough resources to start their own business, so they prefer some job.

Similarly, a businessman thinks that he should start his own business and earn from it on his account. Because the applicant works under someone and has to get a salary at the end of the month which is fixed. But the businessman manages his business on his own account, is responsible for his profit and loss, and earns well.


From Pixabay

Some people inherit business because their fathers are also entrepreneurs, so their children also give more preference to business, so their mindset is accordingly. They do not know how to work under anyone and they handle their work and are responsible for their profit and loss. My preference is that we should have our own business where we don't have to work under anyone and we can earn well. And the employee should also focus on his business because he should save some of what he is earning and after saving then invest it in a business.

Saving or Investing

We earn a lot in life but we should not be saved, we should be invested somewhere. So that through this investment we can earn more and live a prosperous life. My interest is that we should invest somewhere.


From Pixabay

First of all, let us talk about saving many people earn a lot but save whatever they earn. Some of it is used for their benefit and the rest is saved which is of no use to us. Because what is saved is so much that there is no increment in it. They think that they are doing this saving for their future generation so that they can live a prosperous life but this should not be the case. Those who are their future generation should also think about themselves that they have to live their lives, they have to see every ups and downs, so they should work hard on their own. So that they can also do good business, we should not save.

Similarly, if we talk about investment, we get a lot of benefits from it. For example, we earn 50 thousand per month, and out of that we use 25 thousand for our work, our family, or our interest and we save 25 thousand. In this way, if we save that 25,000 for a year, we will accumulate a large amount in a year, so we should invest the amount that we accumulate somewhere. In any business in any business, we should invest so that through this investment we get more profit and we can earn more. So we should invest our savings somewhere so that we get more profit.

Steemit or Hive

Steemit and Hive is a blockchain social media platform where we earn by sharing our various content. I am interested in the Steemit platform because this is where I first worked and started earning in 2021.

First, let's talk about this beautiful platform steemit where I started my work in 2021. Which is going great, I've earned a lot here and I've learned a lot. Because it was my first experience that I was earning online from home. According to this, I earned a lot. If we talk about its features, there are many communities here, each community has a different purpose. For this purpose, people share content there, and we also benefit from it.


Screenshot From Google

Almost every community here has three to four contests active at a time in which people participate and earn. Because the prize is kept for those contests in which we get support from Liquid Steem Steem Power or any curator. With this account we earn good and as soon as a contest is organized, different people participate in it. And different people share their content there on their account. This way we get a chance to get a variety of information about a single thing which is a great thing. On this platform, we work according to rules and regulations which is the same way everyone works. There is no fake work that is based on AI content. Here all the work is original and with original methods people work and earn here.

Different communities of each country are formed here, and they move forward with their country, which gives a lot of support to this country. I have noticed that each country is supported by curators which is great so that everyone can work together and earn money while living in this world.

Similarly, what I have noticed about Hive is that not every country has the same support. From which the person who is from a country that does not have support, then he is very hard-hearted.

Not many contests are organized on Hive, occasionally there is a community where contests are organized. Which has a minimum prize that is not in liquid but in points. So we can't earn more on this platform because here we are doing more work and in return, we get less reward. So I can't compare this platform with the steemit platform steemit is a good platform where we get to learn a lot and earn more. And so our powerful system is very good that we can make our account strong.

steem only.png

That's All About My Knowledge.
I would like to invite my friends @arinaz08, @tayyaba1997, and @rumaisha to participate in the contest challenge.

Thanks all for spending time here.

Regards: #Ahsan


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 5 months ago 

Thank you for participating in the "Which One Is Better?" contest in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 15 Week 5.

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Review Date
February 12, 2024
MODs Comment/Recommendation :

Your entry has been successfully reviewed and meets all the criteria for the challenge. It's verified. Keep up the good work!

Kind regards,
Steem Entrepreneurs Team

 5 months ago 

Thanks for the verification.

 5 months ago 

It sounds good to read about your choice and reasons behind them. Owning a business provides freedom and satisfaction. I will agree with you that investment yield more profits compared to savings. Steemit is indeed a great choice friend!
Excellent entry!

 5 months ago 

Thanks a lot for spending time on my post. Stay blessed Take care

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Curated by :@eliany

 4 months ago 

Hello, hope your day is going well.Wow , rou're really into starting your own business and making smart moves with money.

Yes Saving is good but investing wisely can make a big difference in the future and yes you are right compared to other sites steemit is a very good platform through which we can learn and earn a lot., really enjoyed reading your blog wish you success 💖🤗💞.

 4 months ago 

Thanks a lot for your sweet words. Best of luck too