Club5050 |•| Economic activity - diary game |•| Bought a Jacket at My Old Friend's Shop.

in Steem Entrepreneurs2 years ago



20% Reward to @steemkindness for Support Steem Enterpreneurs Sub-Project.

Assalamualaikum friends, everyone in "Steem Entrepreneur", good night everyone, I hope you are all healthy always, and also don't forget to take care of your health especially during a pandemic like we feel together in various countries.

On this occasion I will present my first post in a very interesting community for me to participate in, it's been a long time since I wanted to participate in this community, but this is the first time I have content about the Steem Entrepreneurs community this.

The trip back from Takengon was very far, and I also called my friend who was in Pante Raya, Wih Pesam sub-district, Bener Meriah Regency, Aceh province, Indonesia, for several years my friend has worked in a clothing shop located in Pante Raya.

Arriving there we stopped in front of the shop, but because my friend was taking a shower, we went straight to the mosque, after finishing the dhuhur prayer we continued to call my friend, his name is Pojan he is one of my friends who lives in my father's village, since childhood we have been together and played together so I was very close to him.

After I picked up my phone, we were told by him to sit in the clothing store to wait for him to change clothes, while we were waiting I saw a lot of very good clothes and pants in the shop's collection.



Then he also invited us to have lunch together at one of the Acehnese rice restaurants, before my friend worked there, he also worked at the restaurant, but because there was a good offer from the clothing shop owner he quit from the restaurant to start working at the clothing store.


This store is a clothing store located in Pante Raya, one of the stores that has a complete clothing collection, the name of the store is Asia Fashion and Sport
This shop also sells various kinds of sports equipment, ranging from shoes, sandals, jeans, sports pants, hoodies, shirts, t-shirts and so on.

The clock shows 14.00 and we have to leave the restaurant, because Pojan has to go back to the shop to look after the shop, because in the shop only Pojan takes care of the shop, apart from the shop owner.


Then we ordered Takengon specialty coffee by him, to sit for a moment and chat about a few things, he hasn't been home for a long time, and I and @realworld23 asked some things that were in the shop.




At 15.00 we also asked for permission to go home, then I was interested in a jacket that was in the shop and I asked him how much dowry should I give for the jacket, and he told me that the price for the jacket was 120.00 Rupiah or the equivalent of 1,800 SBD or 23,043 Steem, but after I negotiated with him, the jacket was priced at 100,000 Rupiah or the equivalent of 1,400 SBD or equivalent 17,923 Steem.

When I was about to pay it I counted the cash in my wallet, it turned out to be lacking, and Alhamdulillah in this shop, it can be paid with mobile banking and other digital wallets, the price is very friendly and also the collection of clothes in this store very many and varied.

And for all of you who stop in the Pante Raya area, Wih Pesam sub-district, Bener Merry Regency, don't forget to stop at the Asia Fashion & Sport shop, selling your various fashion needs, with quality goods at below standard prices.

After we paid everything, we continued our journey, because it was getting late, and we said goodbye to him.

Maybe it's enough here, that I can share with all of you, I hope you all like me, and one more thing I'm very interested in this community and i hope the senior can guide me, and remember me if I make a mistake.

That's my little Economic activity - diary game time, thank you for reading my post, have a nice day, see you in the next post.

Thank you very much for your support Mr. @harferri @tucsond @subkiusman @f2i5 @afrizalbinalka and @akmal1 as MODs in the Steem Entrepreneurs community.


Best regards @afdhal23.

 2 years ago (edited)
Verified userYES

Keep up your good work, best regards and good luck, brother !

 2 years ago 

thank you in advance sir, have checked my post, but my club5050 progress has met the criteria, please correct it sir, thank you 🙏


 2 years ago 

Maaf tadi ada sedikit ada keselahan dari kami, kami sangat menyarankan agar anda dapat menggunakan aplikasi sebagai aplikasi yang resmi dari steemit, aplikasi yang anda gunakan tidak terlalu akurat terimakasih. Sukses selalu buat usaha anda bro @afdhal23

 2 years ago 

Ok siap pak, terimakasih koreksi ny 🙏

 2 years ago 

Sama-sama saudara ku

 2 years ago 

Selamat datang di komunitas Steem Entrepreneurs @afdhal23. Semoga konsisten menghasilkan postingan yang sehat dan baik bersama kami. Kami sangat menghargai anggota yang membuat konten sehat (No plagiat dan No Re post).

Sukses buat anda teman

 2 years ago 

Terimakasih pak 🙏

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