Incredible India #5|Share the memorable incident of your student life// Club5050

in Incredible India2 years ago (edited)

Writing about my time as a student makes me remember one of the best stages of my life, belonging to an institution and enjoying it in all aspects was a great experience.

In secondary school I was a very quiet but sociable girl, I liked to talk a lot with my friends, to be with them, to enjoy watching the sports practices that took place in the high school, in spite of being quiet there were times when some students tried to make fun of me but I knew how to defend myself very well against them, to the point that I even defended some classmates who were victims of mockery.


This is how I spent the best moments of my life in secondary school

The institution where I studied was a double shift, sometimes I had to study all day, we entered at 7:00 am and sometimes we left at 4:00 pm, the teachers were strict with the time of entry, they closed the gate at 7:00 am, if you were one minute late they would not let you enter the institution and you would lose the evaluations of the day, so we all tried hard to arrive early so that they would not close the gate.

One day there was a lot of traffic and I arrived two minutes late, they closed the gate in my face practically to my other classmates, that day I remember that I had evaluations because they were the final exams, so I would lose the grade and I needed to present those evaluations because if not I was going to be in trouble, I tried to talk to the doorman and it was impossible,

My classmates who were 4 boys and 3 girls including me who stayed outside, suddenly one of the boys came up with the wonderful idea of jumping over the wall of the school to be able to enter and take our exams and solve the situation, we girls were a bit scared, the wall was very high but the boys told us that they were going to help us to enter first and then they were going to do it, we agreed.


One of the boys was the first to jump over the wall on the other side so that he could help the girls as we went in.
So everything was ready, the group decided to pass to the first of the girls who was very chubby, the three boys who were left on our side were helping her up, when she was doing it the chubby girl's trousers broke and a fart came out, the boys immediately started laughing and let her go without meaning to, The next thing I could hear was the bang bang bang and everyone saw that we were going to be discovered and we started to run and we couldn't present our final evidence, the guys were upset because the fat girl was fat and because of her we couldn't enter undercover.

The next day we found out that the chubby girl had a serious fracture and they put her leg and , she also had a bump on her head, then they called the group to the management including me, the first time in my life that they called me to the management, I was very nervous because my dad was very strict with me and I knew that going to the management for a fault was going to beat me.

At that moment they made us sign the book of life which was a book of minutes that you had to sign when you committed a serious offence, three signatures in the minutes meant you were expelled from the school and for another school to accept you it was almost impossible, that's the way things used to be, So I got upset and started to talk to the principal about how they were going to beat me, that I only wanted to enter the school to take my tests and that it wasn't my fault, nor was it my classmates' fault that the fat girl hadn't held on to the wall properly and had fallen so abruptly to the ground.


There I started to cry a lot because if my father found out about the situation he would even be able to take me out of the school and put me to work, at that moment I decided to appeal to the good understanding of the director and make him understand that we were all trying to enter the school to take our exams, the boys had no bad intentions towards the fat girl and rather they wanted to help us to enter the school as they went up and down the wall without problems and that we had only been delayed for 2 minutes.

The principal told us that he was not going to make us sign the book of life but on the condition that we did not tell our parents what had happened, we all swore to the principal that no one would find out and so it happened and my mum found out about this anecdote not long ago, And since I am an adult and I know something about education law because I am a teacher, I know that the principal was wrong and I knew that we could denounce him for what happened because even though a student was late, they have the duty to listen to the student and to give him the test even if it is for a lower grade.

After that event they decided to close the gate at 7:15am, the bad thing about that experience was that the class decided not to talk to the fat girl any more because she said that the boys had thrown her out on purpose when they hadn't and in passing she blamed us girls and as it was the end of the school year none of the class spoke to her and then she left and we never heard from her again.

Well this was one of my experiences as a student, if you have read this far I thank you.


Invito a @ftz, @starrchris and @arau and I encourage you to participate in this fun contest, I leave you the link in case you want to participate.

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Hi, I laughed a lot with your anecdote, I thought mine was funny, but yours surpasses it. I think it is a typical thing to try by all means not to fail a subject, especially if our parents are strict, however you were very unlucky on that occasion. Truly an unforgettable story.

Greetings, I'm glad to have read your story.

Si fue un momento estudiantil para el recuerdo y creo que todos los involucrados siempre recordaremos este día.
Gracias por tu hermosa visita.
Saludos y bendiciones

 2 years ago 

It was fabulous incident I love and simultaneously laugh a lot whole reading your post. Thank you for sharing your interesting story with us.

Muchas gracias por leerme y que bueno que te gusto mi anecdota escolar,
Saludos y bendiciones

Hahaha, one of the school jibes you have here. Playing pranks to beat the school rules. I really love this your experience. Thanks for sharing.

Gracias por pasar y comentar.
Mi estadia en la etapa escolar fue genial, pase momentos inolvidables
Saludos y bendiciones

You are welcome.

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