S10/W1| I do believe in God and Evil power exists.

in Incredible Indialast year (edited)
Hello Incredible India Community

Introduction about me & contest post



This is @yourloveguru from India and I am very excited to be part of this contest which has been launched by @meraindia in this community.

In this contest, we need to share about God and Evil powers, So let's write into this contest:

Contest link is here

25% to @null

Do you believe God and evil power exists? Explain?

I am an Indian and I truly believe in God. Since my Childhood, I have seen that My mother used to worship God in early morning & at evening time.




Personally what do I believe is that if there is boss in office who is running office, if there is man of house who is running his home then there must be some power who is running this world. So God is universal truth and He is everywhere.

Yes Definitely, Evil power exists.


You can not deny it. If there is good power exists so bad power also exists.

Have you ever felt any supernatural power? Describe



Yes, Even I have seen it. There was marriage in my Mama's house and according to Hindu marriage rituals, we should give some money to house maid after worship so My Mama- Mammi was very rich, after worship my mammy asked money from her friend to give to house maid instead of going to take from her own wallet. Atonce, Super natural power came in body of her friend and slapt my mammi and said we have given you loyalty life, money everything but still you are begging money in marriage worship which is Hindu rites-rituals. My mammi said sorry and went to take money from her own wallet and gave to maid. So this was very hilarious secne at that time.

Share your perspective about the power of God and Evil

Well it is true that Evil power exists but it is not powerful infront of God power. God is great and almighty. He has power to defeat all evil power. In our Hindu religion there is God by name of Hanuman who is famous for defeating Evil power. It is written in Hanuman Chalisa that whenever you chant Hanuman name, no evil power can come to you. I am relegion person and I strongly believe in God only.


Always have faith in power of God and He is everywhere. He is almighty. If you will do wrong things or you will be favour in evil power so God will punish you surely. Evil power is nothing infront of God so be optimistic and worship God and spread his Holy lessons to society.

I would like to invite my few Steemians for this Contest.

@solaymann @patjewell , @abdullahw2, @aviral123, @moyeon

Thanks 🙏



 last year 
Hola amigo, feliz tarde... Me alegra que creas en Dios desde la infancia y que crecieras viendo a tu madre adorarlo, Dios es nuestro padre creador de todo lo visible e invisible.

Sin embargo, así como existe Dios, también, existe la fuerza del mal al asecho, está en nosotros hacer buenas elecciones.

Saludos y bendiciones.

Ooh 😮. Slapping your mother was such a hilarious scene. That was due to evils because they can control the whole body functions of humans. May God protect us 🙏.
Thank you for mentioning me and I wish you very good luck for the contest ☺️.


This post has been supported through the account Steemcurator06. for containing good quality content.

Curated by : @muzack1

There is always good and evil... the two are married. It's like a truck and trailer or a horse and carriage.
I am a child of God, He is my Heavenly Father, and in Him rests my life.
As for the evil devil, he is there, and hopefully I will not meet him one day.
Good luck with the contest, and thanks for the invitation!

Surely the evil powers exists. We all should do right things and in favor of blessings

Wow, that sounds like quite an intense incident during the marriage ceremony. It seems like there was a misunderstanding or conflict between your mammi and her friend regarding the tradition of giving money to the house maid. Cultural rituals and beliefs can vary, and sometimes disagreements can arise when different perspectives clash. It's important to approach such situations with understanding and open-mindedness to foster better communication and avoid misunderstandings. Hopefully, your mammi and her friend were able to resolve the issue and move forward positively.

Lastly , I am very scared.

Hola mi amigo , espero estes muy bien DIOS esta en todo lo que hacemos. Todo lo bueno que existe. ser de luz y inesplicable presencia exito muy buen concurso

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