Steem engagement challenge-S10/W2| I love to take the interview of Elon Musk

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Who would you interview: Musk, Gates, or Bezos? Explain your choice.

Oh, this question's a good one! Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos – all three are such fascinating characters, aren't they? But if I had to pick one for a chat, I’d choose Elon Musk. You might be wondering, “What’s so special about him?” Let me tell you.

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Elon Musk is not just a name, it’s a brand. He’s behind some of the most innovative and ambitious projects in the world, like SpaceX, Tesla, and Neuralink. Elon has revolutionized the tech industry, introducing products and services that previously seemed to exist only in science fiction novels.

There's something about the way Elon thinks that's truly captivating. He doesn't just think outside the box; he's redesigned the box. I admire his vision and his passion for the future. He never settles for the status quo; he always imagines what’s possible – and that’s something I can relate to. Whether it's electric cars or life on Mars, Elon's thinking about the big picture.

And his entrepreneurial spirit? It's something else! Just look at how he put his PayPal earnings to work, funding SpaceX and Tesla. Talk about putting your money where your mouth is. 😄


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I’m not saying Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos are not amazing people. But they’re operating in established domains, competing with others. Elon, however, is a trailblazer and a risk-taker. He creates his own markets and challenges the norms.

Plus, Elon's sense of humour and his eccentric personality are very appealing. He’s also very engaged on social media and likes to tweet a lot, which adds to his uniqueness.

So, to sum it up, that’s why I’d love to have a chat with Elon Musk. The chance to pick his brain, to really get inside that forward-thinking mind of his – I'm certain it'd be an experience I'd remember for a lifetime.

What are three must-ask questions for your interviewee? Justify your questions.

If I ever had the chance to interview Elon, there's three questions I'd be burning to ask him. Let's break them down.

"What's your vision for life on Mars?" This one's a no-brainer. Elon's been pretty vocal about his dreams of colonizing Mars. I'd love to dig deeper into that vision, to understand how he sees our future as a species.


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What was the most important lesson you gained from your most successful venture, and how did it influence you? Success and failure have been part of Musk’s journey. Understanding which venture impacted him the most, and why, would give a whole new perspective into his journey.

"If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be and why?" We've all had ups and downs, right? Well, Elon's no different. This question would give a glimpse into how he reflects on his past and what he's taken away from his experiences.

What advice would you seek from your interviewee? How would it help you?

If I could ask him one thing, I’d say, “How do you stay true to your vision when it feels like the world’s not on your side?” We’ve all been there, haven’t we? The moments when it feels like no one understands what you’re aiming for.

Elon Musk has faced such situations many times in his career. He had to deal with a lot of skepticism when he came up with the idea of building electric cars, or when he decided to launch a private space exploration company. But he remained steadfast in his vision and is now a leader in his fields.

Taking this advice from Elon Musk would help me greatly in my life. Everyone has ups and downs in life. And when the down phase comes, the real success lies in staying true to your vision and working hard to achieve it, rather than losing courage.

Learning from Elon Musk how he handles difficult times and maintains his vision will help me both personally and professionally. Whenever I feel like I'm drifting away from my goal, or when it seems like no one understands my ideas, I'll remember Musk's advice. And it will motivate me to stay on my path, no matter how many difficulties come my way.

I trust that you enjoyed reading my article. 😊

I would like to invite @lhorgic, @patjewell, @paholags, @irawandedy, @josevas217,@radjasalman @dove11, and @simonnwigwe to join this contest through this link, if they have not already taken part in it.

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Author: @waqarahmadshah | Date: 12-June-2023 | Achievement 1
 last year 

Saludos amigo

Es cierto entre las tres opciones Elon Musk es él que tiene la personalidad más arrolladora, es un hombre jovial y eso le da un toque especial, además que es ocurrente y siempre tiene una buena actitud ante todo por estas razones tu elección es muy buena.

Por otra parte has hecho preguntas muy interesantes todos conocemos la opinión de Elon Musk con respecto a la vida en Marte Pero sería genial saber con mayor exactitud qué piensa él con respecto a este punto, además que sería genial poder conocer un poco de la persona y no del empresario .

Muy buen trabajo! éxitos.


Congratulations! This comment has been upvoted through steemcurator04. We support quality posts , good comments anywhere and any tags.
Curated by : @kouba01


 last year 

Saludos @kouba01

Muchas gracias por el apoyo

Thanks for the appreciation, my friend. 😊

Colonizing Mars is one of Elon Musk's most controversial proposals. I know that it is not impossible to colonize Mars, since we have the ability to do so, the problem arises in its atmosphere, which is not habitable for us.

I know Elon Musk will take us to Mars again, let's hope the landing and colonization are a success.

Thanks for your valuable comment. I really appreciate it. 🙂

 last year 

Hello friend @waqarahmadshah
Thank you very much for the mention.
This character, Elon, is really a very innovative guy, I think he is totally opposite to what many have done, and that's why he stands out above other millionaires, just as you say, he is a brand.
There are those who do not like him, but it is undeniable his ingenuity, his training, his drive to do things beyond what most dare and for that reason he stands out, and will continue to do so for sure.

Thanks for your visit and engagement. I really appreciate it. 😊

There is one condition.... I go with!
He is an absolute hero of mine. Not for who he is as a person but what he stands for, hard work, determination, innovative, and the list goes on. Oh yah, and that he doesn't give a darn what other people think of him.
Nice post!
Good luck with the contest and thanks for the invite.

Thanks for your visit. I'm glad you liked my post. 😊

With great emotion we notify you that this article has been curated by @malikusman1, member of team #2. Your content is amazing, keep working hard to opt for the weekly top.

Voting date: 12/06/2023


Thanks for the support @malikusman1. 🙂

Yeah, he is on my list too because he is the one who was instrumental in crashing the crypto to this level. I will definitely try this one. Thank!

Thanks for your visit. I'll await your entry.

 last year 

¡Holaaa amigo!😊

Me encantó tu entrevista para el señor Musk, siendo este un personaje bastante interesante porque, su proyección hacia los avances y al mismo tiempo, uso de la tecnología son admirables.

Su perspectiva hacia Marte es algo que siento que aún le faltan muchos criterios por saber y, el famoso por qué a cada uno de ellos no está fuera de esto.

Excelente trabajo amigo💚

Thanks for your visit and engagement. I really appreciate it. 😊

Elon Musk se ha caracterizado por ser un hombre con buen sentido del humor y un carácter jovial, lo que le ha permitido llegar a michas más personas e impactar positivamente sus vidas.

Resultaría interesante conocer su postura respecto a la vida en Marte, un tema que a él le apasiona y aún quedan muchas cosas por descubrir.

Éxitos en el concurso.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post. 😊

 last year 

Elon Musk is a very intelligent man. He is a big innovator, his Tesla company car is the eye-catcher. Elon Musk is a creative person. If we follow him, many problems will be solved. We want to be happy like them. So good luck to you in the competition.

Thanks for the visit and comment, my friend. I really appreciate it. 😊

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