Steem engagement challenge-S10/W5| The three significant reasons behind environmental pollution

in Incredible Indialast year (edited)

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all are well and enjoy the summer vacations but till now I go to university and prepare my annual exams.My university distance from my house is almost 5 hours and I travel this distance daily.During traveling I realize that our environment goes to polluted day by day but why?How to reduce this pollution? So many questions arise in my mind but today when I see this post I want to make a post in this community.
Question:01What are three significant reasons behind environment pollution.

The first big reason is that the environment pollution is increasing in industries.Because industries remove so many toxic gases which goes to combine with Air and people inhale this air which causes so many deaths in a year.
The second big reason is the increasing of automobiles because now every person uses private automobiles instead of public transport this is also the cause of environmental pollution.
The three reasons for the environment is that pollution is a waste material of industries.

My own click photo

Question:02 How can we prevent environmental pollution?

Majority of people need to use public transport instead of private automobiles.And industries make away from the cities.


Question:03 Share your opinion on how environmental pollution impacts all living creatures, including humans.

Environment pollution causes a very bad effect on humans,animals and other living organisms because when toxic gases mix in the air then this air inhales all living objects and these toxic gases sometimes combine with blood and cause death.Sometimes this destroys lungs badly.

My own click photo

Question:04 Have you ever taken part to keep your environment clean?

When I talk about the point of industries then filter chimneys attach with the exit point of waste gases in this way toxic gases filter before exit.

The second step is that industries make away from the population and in this way living objects are not in effect from toxic waste material.

The third step is I prefer most use of public transport.

My own click photo

Question:05 Share one message that all humans should keep in their mind to keep the environment healthy.

In the last of my post I tell only one thing it's totally our responsibility to keep a clean environment.Now big questions arise are how I do it.Now I see that mostly womens throw waste products into outside the house in this way it is also pollute the environment.When childrens eat something then they throw wraper on this way this is also pollute the environment so avoid these kind of all things and try to use public transport and for those who work in industries they need to reduce the exit of toxic gases.

My own click photo

I have invited some of my friends for this engagement challenge.

 last year 

Hola😃 algunas industrias y países están dando pasos cortos pero alentadores en torno al uso de elementos ecológicos con el fin de preservar los ecosistemas y disminuir la contaminación si bien estamos en pañales están algunos en la vía correcta.

Por otro lado hay quienes siguen generando contaminación,la gran industria de la guerra es quizás la mayor preocupación por todo lo que desata.

La nueva generación está consciente del grave problema que hereda y los que reciben educación tratan de enfocarse en actividades ecológicas.

Porque el cambio de actitud es importante,es vital🤗👍

Estimado amigo comparto contigo el criterio de que la industrialización es el mayor agente contaminante y desde luego es causado por humano pues la industria se maneja a través de las personas pero es la actividad propia de la industria a la que genera una contaminación masiva. Te felicito por haber usado fotos propias gracias a Dios tuviste el acceso a fotografiar esa industria de tu localidad. Te deseo éxitos y bendiciones.

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