Steem engagement challenge-S10/W5| The three significant reasons behind environmental pollution.

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Hi guys, I welcome you all to a new week once again.

I bring you greetings from Lagos Nigeria, my base.

it's a beautiful thing to make my Engagement post participation for this week, in Incredible India Community.

And in this contest, we have an amazing topic here (3 Significant Reasons Behind Environmental Pollution).

Environmental Pollution

Environmental Pollution can be seen as the introduction of harmful materials and anti bodies into the environment, which will result to a harmful effects on humans, animals, plants and even the soil.

Types Of Environmental Pollution
  • Air Pollution
  • Water Pollution
  • Soil Pollution
  • Noise Pollution
  • Radioactive Pollution

All these different types of pollution talks about one thing, introducing harmful bodies to the environment which in turn causes a lot of harm to humans, plants, the soil, and the environment generally.

To humans thereby causing sicknesses and diseases and even death.

To plants causing stunted growth and low productivity in their seed.

To animals causing extinction of animals through death.

What are the three significant reasons behind environmental pollution? Describe.
1. Development/Industrialization

One of the major reasons Behind environmental Pollution is industrialization.

Once a city starts developing and there are rising expansion of industries, those industries tend to emit environmental Pollution either through the smokes that the factories produces or through the noise from heavy machines in the industry.

2. Oil Mining/Spillage

Another major reasons Behind environmental Pollution is oil Mining which leads to oil spillage.

In areas that has natural resources especially oil, there tends to be a lot of damages on the soil and plants in that area due to oil spillage that results from oil Mining.

Some of these oil also spill into the sea, lakes, rivers and ponds thereby making the water harmful for consumption and as well killing the animals in the water.

3. Human Activities/Wastes

Another significant reason behind environmental Pollution is the wastes produced by humans as a result of daily activities.

Most people tend to litter their environment with wastes. These wastes produces smells which are harmful to the body when taken in. Which may result in cancer and other diseases.

How can we prevent environmental pollution?
1. Proper Disposal Of Wastes

Individuals should endeavor to dispose their wastes properly.

They should get a good waste bin and endeavor to dispose their wastes properly when filled.

2. Miners To Mine Carefully

Miners should use good equipments for there mining and endeavor to prevent oil spillage during their mining

3. Industries Should Be Build Far From Residential Area

Industries should be allocated their own business locations. Factories should not be built around residential areas.

4. The government intervention

The government should device a means of sterilizing the air most times to avoid breathing in the harmful carbonic acid that factories releases into the air.

Share your opinion on how environmental pollution impacts all living creatures, including humans
Impact Of Environmental Pollution On Plants

When there is an oil spillage which affects the plants, first it destroys the ground which automatically has destroyed the plant's source of nutrients.

Secondly it makes the plants stunted in growth and render them unproductive.

Thirdly, once they can't have access to nutrients they starts dying and their fruits will be scarce.

Impact Of Environmental Pollution On Animals

Environmental Pollution tends to extinct the animals.

When there is an oil spillage, and the grasses die off, they may not see grasses to graze on.

Most times this bushes/forests catches fire as a result of this oil spillage and the animals in them are likely to be affected and killed by the fire.

The animals in the water are easily affected and die as a result of oil spillage.

All these are results of environmental pollution.

Have you ever taken part to keep your environment clean?

Yes I have taken part in keeping my environment clean a couple of times.

A couple of times in my environment, we had organized cleanups and I participated in those cleanups.

The cleanup was all about clearing every dirt in the neighborhood and the immediate environment.

Everyone in the neighborhood were expected to be available atleast in front of their house to clear it against dirts, mosquitoes and unwanted pests and smells.

Share one message that all humans should keep in their mind; to keep the environment healthy.

My message to everyone out there is this...
Health is wealth.
If you want to be healthy, try and practice good hygiene and always keep your environment very clean.

If the environments are clean, there wouldn't be micro organisms that always causes sicknesses and as such humans will enjoy their wealth in peace.

No matter how wealthy you are, if your health is not in order, the money wealth can't be enjoyed.

I invite @mesola, @steemdoctor1 and @thomisin to come participate in this contest.



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Curated by : @jyoti-thelight

Thank you for the visit

Definitivamente, la contaminación tiene gran impacto en nuestras vidas y diversos ámbitos. En el ambiente, agua, entorno, los animales; en fin, lo cierto es que impacta negativamente en gran medida y afecta nuestra salud en general. Conciencia es lo que necesitamos. Saludos y éxitos en tu entrada.

Thank you for your contribution.
Pollution contributes to 90% of the sicknesses people suffer from.
I wish everyone can buy the idea of cleanliness.

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