Incredible India monthly contest July| Share which three things bring a smile to your face and why?@sinthiyadisha

in Incredible India11 months ago
Assalamu Alaikum Steemians

My username is @sinthiyadisha and I'm from Bangladesh.

Greetings dear Steemains,
How are you all today? I hope everyone is well, I am also very well by the grace of God, and I am very thankful to incredible India for presenting such a beautiful contest in front of us, I hope I can highlight the main points of the contest.

Share which three things bring a smile to your face and why.png

✅ 1.Share which three things bring a smile to your face and why?

A broadly defined smile is an act of smiling that causes the upper portion of your smile to incline and presents emotions such as excitement, excitement, pleasure, and affection. The 3 things that are the most likely to make me happy are spending time with my old pals, seeing my loved ones, and eating chocolate. These three things consistently cause me to smile and display my happiness.


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Consuming chocolates makes me smile in addition to tasting wonderful. It is believed that try a component of chocolate, is used by the central nervous system for producing a hormone known as a chemical messenger and hormone that promotes emotions of happiness and contentment. I have an immense desire to consume chocolate and a significant compulsion to do so. When I consume chocolate and it melts in my mouth, it relieves all of my stress and puts a grin on my face, which makes me feel internally happy.


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conveys to others our intention and positive emotion. When we're feeling joyful or happy to see someone, it shows in our facial expressions. When I see the person I love, my heart becomes at peace and a grin emerges on my face that is beyond description. Since individuals in love usually aim to please, it gives me an inherent amount of belief in the knowledge that the person I love is who he claims to be. When won't harm.


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Smiles remain priceless despite possessing totally nothing. A smile is a crease that straightens up everything. A smile can mend the scars left by a frown. Nothing has the power to halt the heart's smiling. As you engage in fun with your companions, being around them makes you feel terrific, which maintains you looking young. When you are happy with your buddies, you'll want to smile more. Actually, science backs it up. The findings of researchers. Having friends in your life is like taking medicine. All of my sorrows vanish when I'm with my friends. There's a certain type of laughing and mischief, as well as there will be numerous duties that can only be done with friends. Friends are always at your side and don't want to be left alone. They are consistently really encouraging. Consequently, I always smile when I'm with pals.

✅2. Share with us if there is any surprising story hidden behind your smile

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The 18th was my big day, but I honestly forgot about the occasion because I was extremely preoccupied with the kids, family, and duties. Now what they were planning to surprise me on my birthday. The fact that everyone went out of their way to make me happy was enough to make me grin, even though I was mesmerized by a cake covered with props such as a balloon brought into a room. and I appreciate the unexpected visit very much. and there is the little story behind my smile.

✅ 3. Have you ever been the reason to bring smiles to other faces? Share the story if you did the same.

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When my friends and I went out to lunch one day, everyone was dressed nicely and in nice clothes. Suddenly, I noticed a girl sitting by herself and realized she hadn't eaten in a while. She was not dressed well, which gave the impression that she was uncomfortable being by himself. However, after our group of friends spoke to her and complimented her, we noticed a smile on her face. We then shared food and drinks and generally had a fantastic time. One's heart is made glad by making someone else happy and having a smile on their face.

With love

Hope everyone like my post


Happy Writing

🍁Thank you🍁

My 1st Achievement

Best Regards

whomI invited


Wish you best of luck

Thanks a lot for your best whishes


Being around loved ones is one of the rarest opportunity we ever have, sometimes we don't know how much they mean to us untill we loose them, I am glad you are utilizing the opportunity. Best of regards.

Your friends are so beautiful and am glad you love smiling as well.

I wish you good luck.

Thank you

Qué bonito blog y esas cosas que te hacen feliz... La imagen de las fotografías muy lindas...

Nice write up, we can't make it in life alone without people. We deal with others in our daily endeavors. It is a nice thing to be happy with them.

Indeed !! Chocolates are source of happiness for all girls. For sure , celebrating Birthday is the most beautiful moment of our lives. I am glad for you.

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