Steem engagement challenge-S10/W1| I do believe in God and Evil power exists.

in Incredible Indialast year (edited)

Hello Everyone. I am @shiftitamanna
From #Bangladesh

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Assalamu Alaikum everyone. Today I am going to participate in Steemit Engagement Challenge S10/W1 on a very interesting topic in Incredible India community. It presented to us as its main subject, Do you believe God and evil power exists? I will present my opinion on the existence of God and evil forces to you through this competition. So let's get started.


Do you believe in God and the existence of evil forces? explain?

Yes, I do believe that God exists in this world. I am a follower of Muslim religion and the first thing in Islam is to believe in Allah. First, if I am going to talk about the existence of God, then I will say that God exists in my belief. Because even if I don't see God, I can find signs of his existence in the world. If God wills, He can easily present His presence to us, that He exists. But if God does it then there is no need to believe.

I think the greatest argument for the existence of God is creation. Everything that we have found in the world is a gift from God. Because of which I believe in the existence of God. There is no way to refuse in this case.


Talking about the existence of evil forces, I will say that the Holy Quran has written in clear language about the existence of evil forces in the world. Evil forces are man's open enemy. In Islam we know the devil as Iblish. Who, being an angel, rebelled against God.

And because of this, Satan is not only the enemy of God, but he is the enemy of all mankind. But compared to the power of God, I think the power of Satan is very insignificant. Then the devil has to induce us to commit various sins. Of which we should always be on guard.


Have you ever felt any supernatural power? describe

Yes, I used to experience these supernatural powers at one point in time from my real experience. I am studying awake at night. I can focus more on my studies if I stay awake at night. Many times, while studying, the obligatory call to prayer would begin. And Muslims definitely believe that no evil force can ever tolerate hearing the sound of the Azan. And it is also true that even dumb animals can see these evil energies.


On one such night, as the Fajr call began, I could hear the sound of many children crying from the road next to my house, and along with that, many dogs on the road were barking. I was scared of choice at that moment. Because the child's tears were very terrible. Although I have never seen anything with my own eyes, I have felt its presence.

It is also true that I do not fear any evil force except Allah. Read Ayatul Kursi Dua with courage. And the proper explanation of this phenomenon in the Islamic view is that when the adhan is called, the devils run away, which the dogs or any dumb animals can clearly see and call.


Please share your views on God and the forces of evil.

My View of God's Power, I firmly believe that God is all powerful. He has infinite power. It is not possible for anyone to measure his power. Allah is creator of heaven and earth. This creation of his made me realize how big, how great and powerful God is. An example I can give of God's great power is like a tree. Allah has created the tree as a way to satisfy human hunger and also we get oxygen from this tree for our survival.


And on the other hand, My view on Evil Power is that I believe in the afterlife and after death my sins will be judged. My life in this world is transitory and this transitory life is equivalent to a test for us. The point to see here is how I can resist the power or temptation of Satan and surrender myself to the path of God and gain the pleasure of God. So I want Allah to protect me from all evil forces of Satan.



Finally, if you want to survive in the world, if you obey the instructions of Allah and my Prophet, the last goal in life is possible to reach heaven. And in this case, the evil power will prevent. And in order to defeat this evil power, we must have complete faith in the existence of Allah.


I would like to invite my friends @mdkamran99, @simonnwigwe, @goodybest to participate in this contest. Click here to go to the contest link- Steemit Engagement Challenge S10/W1|Do you believe God and evil power exists

Thank you very much everyone for reading my post.


 last year 

This is one of them makes me happy and interesting when I read the answer from my sister, Very motivated for me😊, Good luck and success here✨

 last year 

Thank you so much brother.

 last year 

Hola amiga hacer el bien y buscar de Dios es lo mejor para mantenernos al lado de lo malo y ganarnos nuestro pedacito de cielo.

 last year 

Thank you.

Sí existe Dios pero también existe el mal que está dañando todas las personas.
Sin embargo el poder de Dios es mucho más grande y más poderoso que el maligno.

Hello my dear sister @shiftitamanna
How are you

God is, was, will be. Belief in the existence of Allah is the name of holding this belief firmly in the heart. This belief is not born of an illusion but has numerous evidences in favor of it. For example, the creation of the world by Allah Ta'ala, and the perfect management system active in it is a great proof of the existence of Allah Ta'ala. Nothing can bring itself into existence without the Creator. Because everything is non-existent before existence. And creation for non-existent things is unimaginable. It is also impossible for anything to come into existence by chance.i wish you my best.
Best regard @jannatmou

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