Steem engagement challenge-S10/W5| The three significant reasons behind environmental pollution.

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
Assalamu Alaikum Rahmatullah.
I am shahid76
I am from Bangladesh


Steemit friends, how are you all? I hope you are well by the grace of Allah. I am also well by the grace of Allah. Today I am going to participate in
Incredible India Community Engagement Challenge. The name of the engagement challenge is SEC-S10/W5: “What are the three significant reasons behind environmental pollution?” I am honored to participate in this contest.

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This is the most valuable content. Looking around us, we see misery and misery. We can't even breathe properly in this misery. We can't even get out of this misery; we can't do anything anymore. It's like we have nothing to do but watch helplessly.
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What are the three significant reasons behind environmental pollution? Describe.

Mahan Rabbul Alamin has given us this beautiful world to live in. But in many ways, we have made this beautiful world uninhabitable. We cannot survive unless we make an unfit world habitable. We pollute the environment in many ways.
The three materials that provide corruption in the environment are: -

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  • Air pollution :-
  • Soil pollution :-
  • Water pollution :-
    Now we will see how our three most important ingredients are corrupted.
Air Pollution
  • Black soot: -
    The black soot emitted from the factories pollutes the air, this soot contains many harmful chemicals, which pose a serious threat to the environment.
  • Vehicles: -
    We cannot imagine ourselves without vehicles. These vehicles emit black smoke, which makes the air heavy, reduces the level of oxygen in the air, and increases the level of carbon dioxide, which is a serious threat to the environment.
  • Plantation: -
    We are cutting plants whenever we want without thinking. But we all know that plants are factories of oxygen. But by cutting those trees, we are pushing the environment to a serious threat.
Water pollution: -

Another name for water is life. The water containing toxic chemicals released from factories can be compared to poison. Drinking this water is the same as eating poison. When this polluted water is mixed with the ponds and rivers, then that water also becomes polluted. When people eat polluted water, animals, and birds, everyone gets sick slowly.

Soil pollution:-
  • We all know and accept one thing, that saying is "soil is flat" and "there is no one better than soil". We get crops from nutritious soil. Due to the contamination of this soil, we do not get crops with proper nutrition.

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How can we prevent environmental pollution?

We are living in dire conditions due to environmental pollution. If this continues, future generations will face more danger. So now we have to prevent this pollution. I mention a few steps to improve the environment.

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  • First, we must make arrangements to prevent the pollution of the atmosphere from the polluted smoke, dust, and polluted gases of the factories. Contaminated polluted air must be purified.
  • The toxic waste of the factory should not come into contact with the water.
  • The arrangement should be made so that the toxic black smoke of the vehicle does not come out. For this, the use of gas-powered cars and solar-powered cars should be increased.
  • Discarding contaminated items including garbage should be stopped. Especially the disposable items of the hospital should be destroyed by using advanced technology.
  • Cigarette smoke affects the environment a lot. When someone smokes a cigarette, he not only affects himself but also affects many others around him.
  • Cutting of trees should be stopped everywhere. More and more new trees should be planted.
    The biggest thing is that we should be aware. It is our responsibility. It is our responsibility to protect the future generations. We will build a beautiful world for them. This attitude must be awakened in the mind, and only if we can implement it, we can prevent environmental pollution.

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Share your opinion on how environmental pollution impacts all living creatures, including humans.

Due to environmental pollution, everyone suffers. No one is spared from this problem.

  • People: -
    Various diseases are caused due to environmental pollution. Fever, cough, cold, tuberculosis, lung related diseases are caused.
  • Soil: -
    As a result of environmental pollution, the fertility of the soil decreases, the nutritional quality of the crops decreases, the crops are not produced well, etc. The soil is affected in many ways.
  • Air: -
    As a result of air pollution, there are various types of poisonous gases in the air. Those who come in contact with those gases are affected by various diseases, which can be humans, animals, birds, insects, and moths.

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  • Water: -
    Water Another name is life. He who has life needs water. This shows the importance of water. When this precious thing is polluted, the life-saving water becomes the life-destroying water.
  • Plantation: -
    Due to environmental pollution, the production of crops is hindered. Plants are called oxygen factories. If those plants are reduced or diseased or cut, the production of oxygen will also decrease. The result is very dire.

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Have you ever taken part to keep your environment clean?

Yes, I participated in keeping the environment clean.
There are three voluntary organizations in our area. I am involved in one of them. The name of the organization I am involved in is Saptamana Foundation.

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Through these three organizations, I take the people of the area together for cleaning work one day a week. And a seminar is organized. In the said seminar, various awareness messages are disseminated to everyone through videos. One person is given a special gift every week to encourage the work.

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Share one message that all humans should keep in their mind; to keep the environment healthy.

Allah has made this beautiful world for us. We are ruining it knowingly and capriciously.
Today we are in so much trouble, if this situation continues, what will be the condition of our future generations? They are our children, thinking about their beautiful future, we are aware, and we also make others aware. Let us all join hands together and build a new world.

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There will be no poisonous in the world, the water will be clear, the sky will be blue, forests will be evergreen, and only peace and peace around. In the middle of this article, I am shahid76 inviting all of you to that new world.
No more today. Hope you will like my article.

I would like to three of my friends:-@ruthjoe @fjjrg @ahlawat


La contaminación ambiental es un problema de todos, cuidar de colocar la basura en su lugar, no contribuir con ningún tipo de contaminación, incluyendo la sónica y sobretodo, con la laguna de platico que está atiborrando nuestros océanos. Saludos, excelente participación. Exitos.

@mariami, thank you very much for your valuable comments. It's true that we are suffering from a lot of problems with pollution. Thanks again for voting for me.


You have given information about all the pollution. I think a pollution just left. nowadays pollution is happening everywhere. Thanks for sharing

@ahlawat, thank you very much for your valuable comments. You are right pollution is everywhere. Thank you very much.

 last year 

I agree that vehicles and cutting trees are major reasons of pollution, the elderly are the most affected by air pollution. People who already have heart or lung problems face additional difficulties. Babies and children are easily affected.

@jyoti-thelight, thank you very much for your valuable comments.
we have to remove this situation for the next generation. Thank you again.

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