Steemit Engagement Challenge-S10/W3| I do believe marriages are made in heaven.

Hello Steemians! Welcome to my post. How is everyone? I hope that you're all doing well. Today, I am here to take part in this Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 10 Week 3 in the inconceivable India community. The theme of this challenge is Do you believe marriages are made in heaven? So let's begin without any farther ado.

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Do you believe marriages are made in heaven? Share your opinion.

As we're apprehensive, the Divine( Allah Almighty) has fashioned the entire cosmos, and all entities, from humans to insects, have been brought into existence by Him. He has also fashioned mortal beings in reciprocal pairs. Indeed, as a Muslim, I hold the belief that every individual's life is predetermined by Allah Almighty. Whatever transpires occurs under His guidance and doesn't occur without His will. Hence, I hold the conviction that nuptial unions are ordained in the elysian realm.

Marriage marks the commencement of a fresh journey in life. In the Quran, Allah states that righteous women are destined for righteous men. This serves as substantiation supporting the notion that marriages are preordained. It can be said that a man will attract a woman who aligns with his own character and qualities. Therefore, I hold the belief that marriages are predestined in a advanced realm.

Which marriage do you prefer, arranged or love?Why?

To be honest, I always prefer love marriage. As I am from Pakistan, I've noticed that numerous arranged marriages end up in disappointment. Occasionally, a transitory attraction arises between two individuals( a boy and a girl), and they label it as love, only to have their marriage ultimately fail. The failure rate of arranged marriages is advanced compared to love marriages. In love marriages, individuals have the freedom to choose their life partner based on collective affection and understanding.


At times, parents don't approve of love marriages, and people may go against their parents' wishes to pursue a love marriage. Consequently, their parents may not provide support in their unborn endeavors. On the contrary, love marriages tend to be more successful than arranged marriages. This is because love marriages occur with the consent and willingness of the individuals involved, and parents ultimately want what's stylish for their children. That's why I believe in the power of love, have faith in my parents, and always prefer love marriage.

According to you what is the definition of happy married life?

As we're all apprehensive, marriages are a significant aspect of our lives that can bring both beauty and challenges. However, the outcome largely depends on the couples involved. In my opinion, when couples understand each other, respect one another, and provide support during delicate times, they're suitable to experience a happy wedded life.


No For me, respect holds lesser importance than love. Without collective respect, it's delicate to truly love each other. This is a particular belief of mine, and while it may not apply universally, I've observed that respecting one another plays a pivotal part in cultivating a happy wedded life. A simple, kind word from a husband, for instance, can improve his wife's mood.

Nevertheless, it's important to remember that a happy wedded life isn't devoid of conflicts and challenges. Ups and downs are an ineluctable part of life. However, in similar situations, it's pivotal for both husband and wife to stand by each other, jointly plan solutions, and navigate through the problems. In my view, being there for each other during both delicate and joyous times defines the true essence of a happy wedded life.

Share some reasons behind the increase in mental distance and separations.

It's true that numerous couples experience an increase in emotional distance and separations after marriage.

Unrealistic Expectations It's often observed that couples have high expectations from each other before marriage. However, when these expectations aren't met in the future, it can lead to distance and separation between them.

undetermined Conflicts Sometimes, quarrels and conflicts arise between spouses over trivial matters. Failing to address and resolve these disputes in a timely manner can gradually deteriorate the relationship.

Lack of Attention It has been noticed that one spouse may become excessively occupied with their work or other commitments, leaving little time for their partner. This lack of attention and understanding can contribute to the growing distance between them, potentially leading to separation.


Please be apprehensive that these are broad observations, and each relationship is distinct. particular circumstances and dynamics can differ, resulting in colorful results. It's pivotal for partners to engage in honest communication, consider professional assistance when necessary, and collaborate to uphold a robust and thriving relationship.

@mateenfatima @uzma4882 @aminasafdar


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