Better life with steem|| The diary game || 04.08.2022 || Club100

in Incredible India2 years ago

(Today's morning weather)


How are you all my friends? I Hope you all are well and also had a great day today.

Today I woke up quite late in the morning. The alarm went off at 7.10a.m.but I was so sleepy that I turned off the alarm and went back to sleep. Then at 7.55a.m. I suddenly woke up and got fresh and quickly came downstairs,straight go to the kitchen and started cooking.

My Father-in-law returned from his morning walk, freshened up and caressed Picklu for a while. Then I made tea for him. My mother-in-law woke up and freshened up and went to the market for some special needs. When she came back I made tea for Shubho and her. I went upstairs and gave tea to Shubho, and let Picklu eat his favorite biscuits.

(Breakfast for shubho)

When Shubho went to the bathroom, I came downstairs and made breakfast. Then we all had breakfast together. My mother-in-law had already picked flowers from the tree. After shubho went to his office, my father-in-law and I sat together to give medicine to Picklu. Feeding medicine to him is almost like a war.

After cleaning all the household chores, I took a bath and performed worship. And my mother-in-law finished the rest of the cooking and took a bath. I watched TV for a while and after sometimes I let Picklu have his lunch. Later, after my father-in-law's bath, the three of us had lunch together. Today we cooked Bhola fish curry with brinjal, malabar spinach and mixed vegetables.

(Today's lunch)

We all rested after lunch like every day. Yesterday it rained well all day but today the weather was quite hot as it didn't rain at all. When I got up in the evening, I first went to the roof and watered the trees, then I did evening worship.

I Couldn't caress Picklu a bit this morning. So in the evening, after giving tea to my father-in-law and mother-in-law, I had to caress him for a long time.

(Our happy time in the evening)

Sometimes ago Shubo called me and said that he will be late to return today. On the way back, he will go to fetch picklu's medicated shampoo and medicine.

Now Picklu is sleeping. When I'm done my writing, I'll go make roti for dinner, then I feed Picklu his dinner, and give him medicine. Later, when Shubho returns, if he has tea, I will make him a cup of tea. Then we will also have our dinner. After finished all work, we will go to sleep.

Take care everyone. Always be happy and stay healthy. Good night.


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