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in Incredible Indialast year
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu, my greetings to my brothers of other faiths. I hope everyone is well and I am also very well thanks to you. Today I am going to share with you one such thing that love does not come easily.

Editing with Canva

There are many in our society that we don't easily get what we hope for or want.
Suppose you get a job that you don't really like. As there is no job of his choice, he is forced to do the job he dislikes.

Once seen Gradually their sense of intelligence diminishes, and a look into their eyes shows no smile on their faces and resentment is evident.
If you don't find a job that you like, you won't find any happiness in that job.
There is only one life to live.
A man who could have become a famous musician is a teacher.
Whether one wants to be a doctor or not
He works in a bank. Someone who could have been a great painter today works as a school clerk.
Sometimes people run towards death by doing extreme injustice to their talents. I am not belittling any work here.


A real case:
When I was studying in class eight, the class master was asking everyone what do you want to be when you grow up, someone was told to be a doctor, an engineer, a politician, a scientist, etc.
Then I said my hobby is I will do defense service be it police or army.
When I applied for police after passing SSC and applied for army but ironically, the job was not in my forehead so I didn't get it.
I got admission in a private polytechnic in SSC Bogra. Here my hope was not fulfilled I wanted one and got another.

If there is any kind of mistake in my writing, then I will forgive you as my younger brother and may he appear before you with better writing in the future, but everyone will be healthy, God bless you.


LocationBangladesh, bogura 🇧🇩
Short by@rxsajib


 last year 

পছন্দের কিছু না পেলে মন খারাপ হবে এটাই স্বাভাবিক বিষয়। তবে বাস্তব জীবনে আমরা পছন্দ মত সবকিছু পাই না। হয়তো বা তার কিছু ব্যতিক্রম ঘটে। তবে যাই হোক ভাগ্যের উপর বিশ্বাস রাখতে হবে। আমাদের ভাগ্যে যা আছে তা হবেই সেটা হোক আমাদের পছন্দের বা অপছন্দের। ধন্যবাদ তোমাকে এত সুন্দর একটি পোস্ট আমাদের মাঝে উপস্থাপন করার জন্য।


 last year 

হুম ভাই ঠিক বলেছেন পছন্দ করলেই যে সেটা আমরা পাবো তেমন টা নয় ৷ হয়তো কিছু পাবো আর হয়তো কতগুলো পাব না ৷ তাই বলা হয়েছে পছন্দসই সহজলভ্য নয় ৷ সবার এক একটি পছন্দ রয়েছে সেই আশায় অনেকজন পরিশ্রম করে পরিশ্রম করার ফলেও তারা লাফল্য হতে পারে না ৷ তবে যেখানে আমাদের হবে সেখানে তো অবশ্যই হবে ৷

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