SEC17/W5|Do you believe in reincarnation?

in Incredible India2 months ago
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Hello friends

It's my first engagement post this week, what better way to start the week with such interesting contest

Do you believe there is a reincarnation? Justify your belief

What is Reincarnation?

From my view, Reincarnation is simply a believe that the spirit of a dead person can be born into a new body as a child to live a fresh life.

I do not believe there is reincarnation. Although I have heard stories upon stories that there is such thing as reincarnation. But from my Christian belief, I don't agree to such claims.

One of the reasons why I don't agree that there is such thing as reincarnation is found in our holy book called the bible. The book of Hebrews 9:27 says other wise.

What does Hebrews 11:27 says?

Let me paraphrase..this scripture says, it is only allowed for a person to die once and after that comes judgement.

This only shows that when a person dies, he is dead, his spirit reports to heaven for judgement and his spirit can not enter into another body to be born. So when I hear people say this person behaves like this and that person, I simply feel it's just because they are related by blood and gens can be transferred.

Another prove is found in Ecclesiastes 12: 7. What does it says? says when a person dies, his body returns to earth as dust, while the spirit returns to God who gave the life.

So from this scripture, I don't see any where stated that the spirit can return or sent back into a new body. This is the reason why I don't believe in reincarnation.

Do you believe we get back our relationships through reincarnation? Describe

If I don't believe in reincarnation, it simply means I don't also believe we can get back our relationships through reincarnation.

Even if I say I believe in reincarnation, I will not believe we can get beck our relationships through reincarnation. Let's say Mr A is married to Mrs B and after few years Mr A died and reincarnates into a baby born into the family of Mr A cousin, does that makes mrs B the wife of the baby born?

That doesn't even makes sense to me. Or even if the baby was born as a child of Mr A, will that make mrs B begin to treat the baby as her husband? To the point of having sexual affairs? No. So you see reincarnation does not restore relationships.

Do you like to be born just like what you are in this life;Or would you wish to adopt any other person's life if there is a reincarnation? Explain the reasons behind your choice

If there was anything as reincarnation and am given an opportunity to be born again, I would not want to be born just like what I am in this life. I would prefer to live a whole new life. Not another persons life and not my present life.

I would really want to do things differently. I would want to be so wealthy more than anyone you could ever think of and use it to make so much impact in the world especially to aid the preaching of the gospel which is known as missions.

I will want to live a whole new life because I want to be different, make a visible significant change in the world.

Aside been so wealthy, I would like to possess supernatural powers, that can compel people to do the will of God.

I will like to know what my friends think about this contest so I invite them to write @ninapenda @lhorgic @sahmie


I also don't belong that reincarnation exist because most of the time, it even put the soul of that particular soul in danger when the process of reincarnation is finished

 2 months ago 

I may not know much about reincarnation but I definitely don't believe in it. Even though there are lots of stories I have heard.

Thank you

 2 months ago 

Oh wow, your anticipations for a new different life are huge. Having a life different from what you have now, wealth, mission work, supernatural powers. Ahh, these are signs of greatness all round. Hope to have a place in your new kingdom...haha.
Fantastic writeup and great entry, boss. Success with your entry.

 2 months ago 

Thank you so much for your valuable contribution to this post. You definitely have a place in my kingdom. Hahaha

Thank you for your beautiful compliment


The concept of reincarnation is a very logical and complex one. We often tend to get confused on what side to pick, to accept or to disregard the claims.

But the scriptural backing is enough, the Bible made us understand that we only live once and prayers no longer work for the dead, their deeds will be the only thing left to determine their judgment.

On the street, there is a popular slang YOLO (You only live once), this is another indication of our existence and how often we can exist. We often tend to be confused when we read certain stories about reincarnation but we must not neglect our beliefs.

Only people with personal experience can believe otherwise.

 2 months ago 

You are right sir..

The bible is my standard for my beliefs and since I didn't see any of such things in the scripture, I will disregard that believe of reincarnation. Do you remember the story of Lazarus and the rich man in the bible?

The rich man begged that Lazarus be sent back to earth to warn his brothers but he was told that won't be possible, I think this is another prove.

Thank you for your valuable feedback

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 2 months ago 

¡Holaaa amiga!😊

La reencarnación no es más que una idea que se ha fomentado para rechazar la muerte pero, a pesar de este rechazo, de igual manera morimos y, esto se debe a que, es imposible irrumpir nuestro ciclo de vida.

Pienso que la teoría de la reencarnación en gran medida representa la necesidad que tiene el mundo de la ciencia por creer que es superior a Dios lo cual, jamás será posible.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

 2 months ago 

Oh my dear! You nailed it.

I definitely hold fast to my belief that there is no such thing as reincarnation. It is not scriptural.

I caught your hugs

You said that the soul of a human being takes rebirth as a child. And this is also a fact, I have read about many such places where heel incidents happen.

 2 months ago 

Well it means you definitely believe in reincarnation right?

Well I dont

Greetings to this contest,
I enjoyed reading from you. You said you've heard of stories about reincarnation, I have heard them too my friend, although you don't believe in them, likewise me, I think those may just be mere coincidences, after all it is the same blood that was in the body of the late person assuming to reincarnate that's also in the body of the new born baby, so it is the same bloodline, therefore there's a possibility of resemblance. But I'll still stand my ground about what the bible says about reincarnation. Success

Beautiful entry ma. It is true that reincarnation is based on superstitious believe and we African have that alot. Some persons even leverage on it to live a bad hoping to reincarnate and do right with life all based on wrong believe system. Thanks for sharing your view ma

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